Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry


Our Community Council 

The Community Council for Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry re-formed in February 2022 after 27 months in abeyance. It is the only officially recognised statutory body representing our area.

The Community Council meet at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month at Kilmonivaig Church Hall, behind the kirk and just off the A82 half a mile outside Spean Bridge. All residents and any members of the public can attend, and may speak if invited to do so by the Chair of the meeting. The AGM is held annually in June.

The Community Council has its own mail address of info@sbrbac.org 

The minutes of all meetings since February 2022 are below. These are also posted on noticeboards at Achnacarry, Gairlochy, Roy Bridge and Spean Bridge.


Community Council Minutes - March 2025

Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm
on Tuesday 4th March 2025 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman), Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer) Christine Clephan, Val Steele, Ian Matheson, Joanna Kotula, Linda Taylor and Highland Councillor John Grafton and 17 members of the public.

Apologies:  Melvyn Giles, Jenny Hastings, Sharon Donald & Highland Councillor Liz Saggers

Conflict of Interest Declarations: – None

Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 4th February 2025:
The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments the minutes were approved.

Proposer:  Christine Clephan                                        Seconder: Ian Langley


Matters Arising:

  1. Community Police Officer – Inspector Ross McCartney gave a breakdown of Police Activity in the area from 1st February – 4th March. He then spoke about the 3 initiatives currently being pursued by Police locally. They are tackling anti-social behaviour, misuse of drugs, and a warrants initiative to apprehend people who have not appeared in court. Although crime in our area was relatively low he wanted to reassure the community that if they were either a victim or a witness to inappropriate conduct they should contact the local police. The Chairman thanked Inspector McCartney for his presence and contribution.
  2. BEAR Scotland – The A86 will be closed between 10pm and 6am for 2 nights on 24th and 25th March East of Ardverikie, 2 nights 26th and 27th March East of Strathmashie and 4 nights East of Cluny Mains on 7th to 10th April for trunk road maintenance and pavement investigations. Amnesty Periods will be permitted at 11pm, 12pm, 1am, 3am, 4am and 5am. In the case of Cluny Mains you can bypass the works by using the A889 and A9.
  3.  Transport Scotland – We have had a review response from Transport Scotland to our Freedom of Information Request categorically denying any discussions with SSE Renewables relating to Condition 17 of the Coire Glas Consent. So it appears that the Developer has inadvertently misled us. On our ongoing issues relating to the Trunk Roads further dialogue with Kate Forbes MSP has led to the suggestion that an online meeting with Transport Scotland’s Chief Executive might be arranged and it was agreed to request just such a meeting.
  4. Highland Council – The Chairman has written to Highland Council regarding the state of the Altour Road Steps on Spean Bridge, and seeking an urgent repair or replacement in the interests of health and safety. The Chairman has received an offer of a place on the Planning Peer Group and it was agreed he should participate.
  5.  Bunroy Road, Roy Bridge – Lafferty and Co have produced an estimate to resurface the road of £10,125 + VAT. SSE Renewables have advised that they would not permit a Micro Grant Award from the Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund, although the Trustees of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO may consider assisting the residents at their next meeting. The Chairman has written to Highland Council to ascertain what would be required to bring the road up to adoptable standards, but it would appear that the responsibility meantime will fall on the residents. The two Chalet Holiday Parks felt that they already paid significant sums in business rates, and got nothing in return so the residents felt Highland Council had a moral obligation to bear some of the cost of upgrading the road to adoptable standards. Both Councillor Grafton and the Chairman would contact Highland Council again to see if we could find a compromise.
  6. Coire Glas – Transport Scotland are adamant that they were not consulted by SSE Renewables about the discharge or removal of Condition 17 of the Coire Glas consent prior to the request being submitted to Highland Council Planning so it would appear we may have been unintentionally misled by the developer. It was agreed that although Highland council are unlikely to consult with us on this matter we will write to them expressing our dissatisfaction about both the process and any attempt by the Developer to further amend the conditions. The next Coire Glas Liaison Meeting is scheduled for 25th March 2025.
  7. Loch na Earba – The Meeting heard a report which had been circulated about a meeting held at Laggan Village Hall on 27th February involving Laggan, Dalwhinnie, Newtonmore CCs and ourselves. The topics discussed relating to the Earba Pumped Storage Scheme included the A86, the workers camp, the transmission connection and community benefit. A further meeting has been arranged for 31st March. The Chairman has kept Angus MacDonald MP informed and he has confirmed it his belief that Gilkes intend selling it on if they secure consent and that Loch Earrach’s offer of £24 million annually has set a precedent for others to follow. Angus remains extremely optimistic that the UK Energy Dept will shortly announce a package of community benefits for communities like ours. He also believes that SSE Renewables are coming under significant pressure to make an announcement about Community Benefits for Coire Glas. The Chairman will write to the Energy Secretary outlining the present issues with community benefit.
  8. Scottish Water – Scottish Water have responded to a further complaint by the  Community Council that they were seeking to approach the situation consistently with the way they would deal with neighbouring landowners generally. Their aim was to engage and seek reasonable agreement where they can without compromising the safe operation of our site and the essential service it provides. This does not reflect any view in relation to planning or other regulatory issues that fall outside Scottish Water’s remit. It is Scottish Water’s view that work has taken place via the track without a valid right of access being in place. They are seeking to address this appropriately with the owners, while recognising that they may not have known that they did not have a valid right of access in advance of Scottish Water notifying them about this last month. The Community Council have invited the Waste Water Operations Manager for the North of Scotland, Jennifer Aitchison to attend a future meeting.
  9. Nature Scot/SSSI – We have written to Nature Scot drawing their attention to the proposed sale by auction of croft land on a SSSI at Upper Inverroy, but they have confirmed it is not on the SSSI.
  10. SEPA – We have noted the work of Joanna Kotula in attempting to get SEPA to address various issues at Achnabobane and also the recent firing of two caravans at Upper Inverroy. SEPA themselves are seeking our views through a public consultation on proposed changes to the Environmental Regulation (Scotland) Guidance on Public Participation and fit and Proper Test by 30th March.
  11.  Environment Standards Agency – The Chairman has written to Susan Kenworthy seeking a further update and we await a response.
  12. New Belford Hospital – No progress to report
  13. Place Plan – Highland Council’s detailed comments on our Place Plan have been received and circulated. Many were superficial but require amendment prior to resubmission and it was agreed that we would so do.
  14. Current Scottish Government Consultations –The Chairman has submitted a response to the National Speed Limit Review which closes 5th March. Next is the Rural Delivery Plan closing on the 17th March? The Scottish Government is committed to publishing a plan setting out how all parts of the Scottish Government are delivering for Scotland’s rural communities, by the end of the current Parliament. This is a key opportunity to take a fresh look at how we can work together to bring about change and address the issues that we face in rural Scotland. The Rural Delivery Plan will act as a framework to consider the full breadth of policy. Community Benefits from Net Zero Developments closing on 11th April. This consultation is part of a review of the Good Practice Principles for onshore and offshore renewable energy, which seeks to ensure that our guidance helps communities and developers get the best from community benefits. Community benefits are additional benefits, that are currently voluntary, which developers provide to the “community”, and which sit independently of the planning and consenting system. They provide an opportunity to share in the benefits of the energy.


Correspondence:  The Chairman and Secretary have been in correspondence with –

  1. Meeting with Alison McCrossan of NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland – regarding community engagement in healthcare provision and Alison would like to meet with the Community Council at a suitable date.
  2. Visitor Levy – Caol Community Council have offered to host a public debate on the subject, and there remains considerable disquiet in the community that motorhomes that park in roadside laybys, and generally cause considerable damage through inappropriate littering appear to be going to escape any charge. It was agreed that we would contribute our concerns to the consultation.
  3. Councillor Grafton – Two referrals relating to the forthcoming Highland Council Budget proposing a 7% increase in the Council Tax. We recognize the need for investment in education and roads but Highland Council too need to realize that rural areas like ours need investment not ignored.
  4. Highland Council Briefing  – These are circulated fortnightly.
  5. Community Council Scheme Review 2024/25 – the Chairman urged Councillors to read the salient points, and if they wish us to contribute contact him.
  6. Corrour Estate and University of St Andrews Research Centre Community Engagement Event held a drop in event in Spean Bridge Community Centre on Thursday 13th February between 15:00 and 18:00 on Carbon and Habitat Restoration. A most interesting development which the Community Council will support.
  7. Highland Local Development Plan – Highland Council invite representatives of community councils and other community organisations (such as community development trusts) from within the area to be covered by the new Highland Local Development Plan (HLDP), to attend this briefing and Q&A session on the current Evidence Consultation. This webinar is on Thursday 13 March 2025, 6pm – 7:30pm.The new HLDP will cover the whole of the Highland Council’s area, except for the part of the Council’s area within the Cairngorms National Park
  8. Janis Strachan – looking for support to resurrect the Lochaber Transport Forum.
  9. Mackay Hannah – have offered complimentary places at ½ day online conferences on the Public Services Crisis, Scottish Transport Conference and Climate Change and New Weather Extremes in Scotland. Contacts have been circulated.


Treasurer’s Report: Cash at Bank Balance of £11589.73. The Treasurer reminded those present that our Financial Year ended on 31st March and any outstanding claims should be submitted by then.


Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grants  – No applications this month. Applicants were reminded that there must be a year between previous and new applications.



Planning Application 25/00527/PNO – Formation of forestry road and upgrading of existing track to HGV forest road (timber haulage, 3.4m – 4m wide, 220m long (new) and of 620m long (upgrading)) Land 893M SE Of Rose Cottage, Tulloch, Roy Bridge

Planning Application 25/00181/FUL – Change the use of residential annexe to a short term letting unit – Land 20M SW Of, Calgreg, Roy Bridge.

Planning Application 25/00443/FUL – Extension above Garage to form short term letting unit – at Balcary, West Tirindrish, Spean Bridge. Concern was expressed about the lack of parking and increased traffic another short term letting unit in the same curtilage would cause. It was agreed that we would submit an objection to the proposal.

Planning Enforcement Order 25/00038/ENF – Unauthorised Change of Use within SSSI Land 120m North of Fern Cottage, Spean Bridge citing 85 respondents but there may be others.

DPEA Appeal ENA – 270-2055 – An intriguing appeal from a purchaser of three plots in Achnasol Woodland. He does not seem to have grasped that his only access is under threat, the plots are on a woodland that is subject to a restocking order which has not been met and is also on a SSSI. We will monitor its progress.


Any Other Business:  A Roy Bridge Resident expressed his concern about Traffic issues on the Single Track Braeroy Road. He identified the removal of passing places, the speed of vehicles, drainage problems and a rhododendron bush obscuring views on a bend. The Chairman believed that the speed limit on Braeroy Road was due to be reduced to 20mph as part of the 20s plenty initiative, but he would write to Highland Council on the matters and local residents would try and trim the offending bush with the owner’s consent.


Next Meeting: Tuesday 1st April 2025

Meeting closed at 20:45


John Fotheringham, Chairman

Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

Community Council Minutes - February 2025


Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm
on Tuesday 4th February 2025 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall

Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman), Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Melvyn Giles (Secretary), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Sharon Donald, Jenny Hastings, Christine Clephan, Val Steele, Joanna Kotula, Linda Taylor and Highland Councillor John Grafton and 2 members of the public.

Apologies:  Ian Matheson & Highland Councillor Liz Saggers

Conflict of Interest Declarations: – None

Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 7th January 2025:
The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments the minutes were approved.

Proposer:     Ian Langley                                                Seconder:  Melvyn Giles


Matters Arising:

  1. Community Police Officer – We have received an apology on behalf of our Community Police Officer Sgt Katy Duncan who is indisposed and any review would be held over until next month. Assurances were given by Inspector McCartney regarding progress on an ongoing community police investigation.
  2. BEAR Scotland – The Chairman has received a reply from BEAR Scotland that the Telford Bridge in Spean Bridge parapet is programmed for repair in March 2025 and that the pothole has been repaired and they will continue to monitor the surface on the bridge deck for any further defects. BEAR Scotland, are carrying out essential controlled boulder removals on the northbound verge of the A82 Trunk Road, at Grotaig, Loch Ness. To ensure the safety of the workforce the A82 between Drumnadrochit and Invermoriston will be subject to a full road closure for three consecutive Saturday nights starting on the 1st of February 2025. The full 6-hour period each night will be required to undertake the works and carry out assessments ahead of re-opening the road each morning. Therefore, it is not possible to offer amnesties during the closures. Access will be provided for residents to the north and south of the works area. No traffic shall be permitted to pass through the works area under any circumstances. BEAR’s NW Connexions Winter Newsletter is available on request.
  3. Transport Scotland – Following our two FOI Request’s to view Transport Scotland’s input to SSE Renewables request to remove Condition 17 of the Coire Glas Consent being rejected we have escalated the complaint to Transport Scotland’s Chief Executive and asked for a copy of their complaint’s procedure. The Coire Glas Liaison Group Minutes clearly state that SSER had discussions with Transport Scotland prior to submitting the request to Highland Council and we want to know precisely with whom, what was discussed, what conclusions were reached and why we have been deliberately misled. The Chairman has asked Kate Forbes MSP if she will intervene on our behalf and request a meeting with the Chief Executive of Transport Scotland regarding the repeated failure of their organisation to move forward on any of the items discussed at the meeting of 8th December 2023. We await a response.
  4. Highland Council – We have noted the continued failure of Highland council’s Planning team to initiate Enforcement action against those that breach planning legislation. Indeed a recent complaint was dismissed as being over the 6 months allowed for such procedures. We did however receive a prompt FOI Enquiry which unlike others gave us an accurate picture of the present circumstances. The Community Council has instructed the Chairman to follow up on his letter of 20th November 2023 and secure a timeline for enforcement action.
  5. Bunroy Road, Roy Bridge – As requested the Chairman wrote to Highland Council and Network Rail and interrogated the Registers of Scotland Land deeds. Highland Council confirm the road is only adopted from the A86 to the railway bridge and have no intention of adopting the remainder. Network Rail only own the bridge and have repaired the potholes, but have no plan to resurface the bridge deck before 2029. Registers of Scotland appear to confirm that Householders have right of access over the road but are responsible for repairs and maintenance. A local resident intends to get a quote from Lafferty and Co, an Oban based road construction company to see what resurfacing the road would cost, and when we have an indication of the cost we can decide if we or any other potential funder could help the residents.
  6. Coire Glas – The situation relating to the removal or discharge of Condition 17 of the Coire Glas Consent continues to evolve. Transport Scotland continue to maintain they have not been approached nor given their opinion to SSE Renewables about this matter. They would expect to be consulted by Highland Council should an application be received.  The CLG Minutes appear to confirm that SSE Renewables did consult with Transport Scotland so we have asked Transport Scotland to review our FOI request and sent us a copy of their complaint’s procedure. In the most recent correspondence with SSE Renewables they seem to be back tracking on their previous statements so we will wait and see what happens next.
  7. Scottish Water – The Chairman has written to Alex Plant CEO of Scottish Water who is investigating the circumstances of Scottish Water’s decision to permit limited access to plot buyers in Camper’s Paradise and associated plots.
  8. Sewage Farm Road Spean Bridge – Our FOI Request to Scottish Water relating to the Illegal Felling in 2023 and access to Sewage Farm Lane was received and circulated. Scottish Water deny knowledge of illegal felling and claim exemption on the other points raised. It would appear that they have reneged on a previous undertaking and will allow limited access to the land occupiers but Highland Council will eventually serve the owners with an Enforcement Order to reinstate the land cleared without planning approval.
  9.  Nature Scot/SSSI – Emma Roddick MSP has replied to us a concerning the Nature Conservation Order, but with no timescale she has promised to maintain a watching brief.
  10. Environment Standards Agency – The Chairman has circulated the response from ESS. Susan Kenworthy is writing to each of the authorities named in our complaint asking precisely how they had fulfilled their duties under their statutory obligation. They have 15 days to reply, and then ESS will analyse the results and decide on their next course of action. At that point they will consult with us
  11. New Belford Hospital – No progress to report
  12. Place Plan – No update to report.
  13. Current Scottish Government Consultations – National Speed Limit Review Closes 5th March, Community Benefits from Net Zero Energy Developments Closes 11th April and Local Authority General Power of Competence Closes28th March. We will be contributing to all three.


Correspondence:  The Chairman and Secretary have been in correspondence with –

  1. Jamie Mann of the Ferret- We have continued to liaise with this investigative reporter on his research on our communities ongoing problems with unconsented works and its impact on our residents, and the environment. We look forward with interest to the story’s publications.
  2. Sarah MacArthur of RES regarding proposed Beinn Bheag Windfarm – Project update circulated and referral to their website beinnbheag-windfarm.co.uk
  3. Visitor Levy – A request from a Roy Bridge resident to debate the Visitor Levy Consultation and invite our 3 Ward Councillors. It would appear that her concern related to the fact that not only tourists, but locals and their family who required accommodation for whatever reason would be required to pay the charge. For some small businesses there would be the added complication of exceeding the £90,000 VAT threshold. It was felt it would have a negative impact on tourism and tourism related business if Highland Council decided to implement it. The Chairman drew the attention of Councillors to the detailed 85page booklet on the Highland Council website on the subject and although he had already circulated a note of the consultation if they wished we could discuss it again on the 4th March. The Levy would provide much needed income to provide services for tourists which were sadly lacking particularly in our 955 sq km area. There is a webinar for Community Councillors 6th February between 16:00 and 17:00.
  4. Highland Council Briefing  – These are circulated fortnightly.
  5. Community Council Scheme Review 2024/25 – the Chairman urged Councillors to read the salient points, and if they wish us to contribute bring them to the March Meeting. Nairn River CC have written to us seeking support against the forced merger with a neighbouring CC which appears to breach protocol.
  6. Corrour Estate and University of St Andrews Research Centre Community Engagement Event are holding a drop in event in Spean Bridge Community Centre on Thursday 13th February between 15:00 and 18:00 on Carbon and Habitat Restoration.
  7. R100 Broadband Evaluation – has been circulated if anyone wishes to complete.
  8. Scottish Council of Community Councils holding two Webinars – on climate change 5th February 18:00 to 19:30, and on Place Plans ever Wednesday for 6 weeks at 17:00 from 12th Details from Chairman.
  9. Invitation to the AGM of the West Highland Rail Partnership – Saturday 15th February at 2.00pm
  10. Ron Bailey – an update on the Safety of Lithum-ion Batteries campaign is available on request
  11. Forestry Grant Scheme – Forestry Scotland have notified us about Ossian Ltd’s Plan for Coire Sgriodain on the banks of Loch Treig. – it can be viewed on Scotland Forestry’s Public Register Any submissions before 28th
  12. Highland Local Development Plan – A consultation has been issued to shape the future Highland Local Development Plan.
  13. Rik Eppens – The owner of Killiechonate Woodlands had complained about the failure of Openreach to connect the R100 Broadband despite considerable work laying the cable. There was also significant equipment and detritus left in the car park beside his gate. The Chairman has asked Kate Forbes MSP is to investigate.


Treasurer’s Report: We have received a quote for Insurance from Zurich Insurance that previous insured the Community Council of £86. It was agreed to accept it.  Expenditure for the Month Registers of Scotland £7.20, Travelling £84.60, Printing £59.95, and Software £29.94 totalling £181.69 leaving a Cash at Bank Balance of £11889.71


Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Awards: – Two applications this month although the Roy Bridge Senior Citizen’s Lunch for 2025 may be time barred at present. The £300 to repair the Roy Bridge Noticeboard was approved.



Planning Application 24/04358/FUL – Erection of Garage and Annex – at land Tigh-na-Coile 11 Unachan, Spean Bridge. – Approved

Planning Application 24/05270/S42 – Section 42 application to vary condition 1 of planning permission 18/03887/FUL to change of use of annex to short term licence unit. – Approved

Planning Application 24/05331/FUL – Erection of House and Self Contained Annex for Family Use – at land 90m south of Sonas, Kilmonivaig, Spean bridge. – Approved

Planning Application 25/00006/FUL – Siting of Pod for Holiday Letting Purpose – Land 310m NE of Ivy Cottage, Kilmonivaig, Spean Bridge – the Secretary will prepare a comment for circulation relating to possible flood and subsidence risk.

Planning Application 25/00047/PNO – Formation of a private trackway and reinstatement of existing footbridge – Land 2.6km SW of Invermallie, Achnacarry, Spean Bridge – Approved

Planning Application 25/00135/S75D – Application seeks to full discharge of the planning obligation attached to planning permission 11/00371/FUL at Land 90M SW Of, Brackletter Lodge, Spean Bridge – Approved.


Any Other Business:  None

Next Meeting: Tuesday 4th March 2025

Meeting closed at 20:15

    Melvyn Giles, Secretary

    Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council


    Community Council Minutes - January 2025


    Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm
    on Tuesday 7th January 2025 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


    Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman), Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Melvyn Giles (Secretary), Ian Matheson, Sharon Donald, Joanna Kotula, and 3 members of the public.

    Apologies:  Alison Munro, Chistine Clephan, Linda Taylor, Jenny Hastings, Val Steele, & Highland Councillors Liz Saggers & John Grafton.

    New Associate Member – Joanna Kotula has unanimously been appointed as an Associate Member for 2025.

    Conflict of Interest Declarations: – None

    Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 3rd December 2024:
    The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments the minutes were approved.

     Proposer:    Melvyn Giles                                           Seconder:  Ian Matheson


    Matters Arising:

    1. Community Police Officer – In the absence of our Community Police Officer Sgt Katy Duncan any review would be held over until next month. Assurances were given regarding progress on an ongoing community police investigation.
    2. BEAR Scotland – The Chairman has written to BEAR Scotland seeking a timeline for the masonry repair to the Telford Bridge and a pothole on the Bridge, and we await their response. They did however send us a detailed account relating to tar shavings and confirmed neither them not their contractor Breedon has supplied Achnabobane since 2019.
    3. Transport Scotland – Following our FOI Request to view Transport Scotland’s input to SSE Renewables request to remove Condition 17 of the Coire Glas Consent being rejected we have sought a review of that decision and await a response. . Alastair Ferguson has copied us into correspondence relating to the pavement alongside the A82 Trunk Road. The Community Council will continue the dialogue with Kate Forbes MSP and consider if necessary the need to take more direct action possibly in consort with our colleagues in the Connecting Roy and Spean SCIO to highlight the disparity between us and other trunk road communities on active travel.
    4. Highland Council – We continue to be dissatisfied with Highland Council’s response on a whole raft of issues and we need a resolution not promises. We are no longer willing to excuse the inexcusable and will increasingly be forced to use Freedom of Information to determine the facts and then their formal complaints procedure when necessary. It is increasingly likely that we will have to resort to using the media if no other means brings suitable results.
    5. Coire Glas – Following two separate interventions by senior members of SSE Renewables Project Team who explained to us that they had written to Highland Council Planners seeking REMOVAL of Condition 17 under the Section 36 procedure David Mudie has responded that the matters is expected to be addressed by Condition 17 of 18/01564/S36 are now effectively being brought forward by Condition 9 of 23/05393/FUL. We are willing to concede that the junction to the A82 Trunk Road may be addressed by Condition 9 of 23/05393/FUL but the narrow bridges 3km to the south on the trunk road are NOT. This is no exercise in semantics, but a legitimate concern by the community about something which impacts on us every day. Consulting Transport Scotland who has failed to address repeatedly over the years this issue but not those directly affected by it is effectively disenfranchising our Community and is wholly unacceptable. If it remains Highland Council’s intention to decide this matter using delegated powers and without seeking our or members views we will with extreme regret intend appropriate action to ensure that the public at large are informed as we may do in future with all outstanding enforcement issues. It was agreed that the letter to David Mudie and which had been circulated and approved would be forwarded and copied to our MP and MSP together with the relevant List MSPs
    6. Sewage Farm Road Spean Bridge – Our FOI Request to Scottish Water relating to the Illegal Fellin g in 2023 and access to Sewage Farm Lane has been extended at Scottish Water’s request for an Additional 20 days due to the complex nature of the enquiry. Two years have elapsed since we first reported unconsented works and Highland Council have still not taken decisive enforcement action. The Tree Preservation Order HC142 listed on 29th October 2021 to protect trees alongside the River Spean was not served leading to further felling. The Community Council will initiate Freedom of Information request to Highland Council to determine the result of Enforcement Order 23/00103/ENF. We will also make formal complaints to Highland Council relating to the Forestry Officer’s failure to serve HC142 and the lack of enforcement action. Any failure to comply will mean that we contact investigative journalists . Our local authority has to understand that inaction will have consequences.
    7.  Nature Scot/SSSI – The Community Council duly received our Freedom Of Information Request and detailed scrutiny revealed that Nature Scot had not included any guidance they use covering Achnabobane on the SSSI and apart from one reference to when they were first notified so it is time to seek a review. Emma Roddick MSP has replied to us a concerning the Nature Conservation Order, but with no timescale she has promised to maintain a watching brief.
    8. Environment Standards Agency – The Chairman has been in correspondence with ESS and awaits a definitive response which on receipt he will circulate to Community Councillors.
    9. Freedom of Information – On 17th December we received an intimation from Stephen Stewart our Scottish Information Commissioner’s Investigator informing us that he shortly was leaving the service and his email page would be closed down. So more delay in resolving our case now over 18 months old. Wendy Snedden has been appointed as his replacement so hopefully a resolution is not too far off.
    10. New Belford Hospital – The Consultants had been re-engaged to work on Stage 3, so progress continues to be made.
    11. Place Plan – Nothing to report
    12. Current Scottish Government Consultations – National Speed Limit Review Closes 5th March, Community Benefits from Net Zero Energy Developments Closes 11th April and Local Authority General Power of Competence closes 28th March. We will be contributing to all three.


     Correspondence:  The Chairman and Secretary have been in correspondence with –

    1. Bunroy Road, Roy Bridge – Residents concerned about the state of the road surface had contacted the Community Council. The U2789 adopted on the 3rd April 2006 runs from the A86T to the Railway Bridge but no further. Thanks to Ian Matheson we have received an extensive history of the issue but no ownership of the road. Eilidh Maitland said that Network Rail tried to get Highland Council to adopt it during their planning approval 23/02357/FUL. It was agreed that the Chairman who had already written to Highland Council would look at the handling report to the planning application in question and both he and Ian Langley would contact Network Rail. We will also initiate any necessary checks through Registers of Scotland land information to try and determine ownership.
    2. Jamie Mann of the Ferret- is interested in doing a story for his publication on our communities ongoing problems with unconsented works and its impact on our residents, and the environment. We will liaise with him and give him any help he requires.
    3. Highland Council Briefing  –  Community Benefit Charter, Gambling Policy, Local Transport Strategy all available for circulation on request.
    4. Highland Council – Community Council Representatives and members of the public are invited to a webinar on Tuesday 14 Januaryfrom 7-8:30pm which will outline Highland Council’s proposed Visitor Levy Scheme, currently undergoing public consultation until 31st March 2025
    5. Scottish Council of Community Councils The last newsletter of 2024 which had been circulated featured the latest updates on funding opportunities and consultations as well as opportunities to sign up for more free Community Council webinars next year. 
    6. Highland Council Motion relating to whether to break up into smaller districts was lost, but an amendment carried. It is important that Council recognises the importance of devolved governance to Area Committees in order to fully represent our diverse local communities and to deliver the support and services that people of the Highlands, quite rightly, demand. The Council agreed to review the governance and funding arrangements of Area Committees so that they may better serve the needs of their local communities. We have been assured we will have an input and will use it to ensure accountability and holding officials and elected Members to account.


    Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported a Cash at Bank Balance of £12,071.42


    Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Awards: – No applications this month. With the increase in funding for the Micro Grants for 2025 we will publicise the Micro Grant criteria to local organisations.



    Planning Review Application 24/00034/RBREF – Siting of four Cabins for Holiday Accommodation, and associated infrastructure at land 280m NW of Rigsden, Achnabobane, Spean Bridge – Case Dismissed.

    Planning Application 24/04392/FUL – Formation of Road at Ivy Cottage (Retrospective) at Ivy Cottage, 4 Kilmonivaig, Spean bridge – Approved.

    Planning Application 23/04542/FUL – Erection of Extension – Clianig, Roy Bridge -Approved.

    Planning Application 24/04876/FUL – Continued Siting of a Smack Van in the A82 Loch Lochy Layby – Having visited the site, we can see no pressing reason for its retention. It does not conform in any way with Highland Wide Local Development Plan Policies 28,29 and 61. National Planning Framework 4 (a) states that development proposals which by virtue of type, location or scale have an unacceptable impact on the natural environment will NOT be supported. At this layby we have a viewpoint of natural beauty and sitting there an elderly and dilapidated static which offers nothing but an occasional take away experience. It cannot be said to benefit from policy 9 regarding beneficial use on vacant or derelict land as it is an occasional derelict itself. Objection

    Planning Application 24/5034/FUL – Erection of Extensions to Existing Cottage – at Taigh Fiodh, West Tirindrish, Spean Bridge – Approved.

    Planning Application 24/05100/PNO – Formation of Tracks Timber Harvesting 1100m long 3.4m wide extension to 21/04882/PNO Land 420m NW of Rose Cottage, Tulloch, Roy Bridge – Approved.


    Any Other Business:  None


    Next Meeting: Tuesday 4th February 2025

    Meeting closed at 19:45


    Melvyn Giles, Secretary

    Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

    Community Council Minutes - December 2024

    Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm
    on Tuesday 3rd December 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall

    Present: John Fotheringham (Chairman), Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Melvyn Giles (Secretary), Alison Munro (Treasurer) Jenny Hastings, Christine Clephan, Ian Matheson, Sharon Donald, John Grafton Highland Councillor, and 8 members of the public.

    The Chairman welcomed those present to the December Meeting of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council. He explained this would be a slightly different format than usual as we review the work of the Community Council over the last calendar year. We would welcome everyone’s brief comments through the Chair.

    Apologies: Val Steele & Highland Councillor John Grafton.

    Conflict of Interest Declarations: – None

    Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 5th November 2024:
    The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments the minutes were approved.
    Proposer: Jenny Hastings Seconder: Sharon Donald

    Matters Arising:

    a. Community Police Officer – In the absence of our Community Police Officer Sgt Katy Duncan any review would be held over until next month.

    b. BEAR Scotland and Transport Scotland – an ever present on our Agenda for the past 15 years we continue to struggle to persuade Transport Scotland and their roads contractor to invest in the trunk roads in our community. We will participate in the Consultation on speed limits, and make Freedom of Information enquiries to determine what discussion and plans have actually taken place between BEAR Scotland and Transport Scotland on our Active Travel Plans over the past two years. Similarly on the subject of pedestrian crossings in Spean Bridge but over the last 15 years. The Community will continue the dialogue with Kate Forbes MSP and consider if necessary the need to take more direct action possibly in consort with our colleagues in the Connecting Roy and Spean SCIO to highlight the disparity between us and other trunk road communities on active travel.

    c. Highland Council – are an enigma difficult to understand. Many of the problems we have experienced could have been resolved by speedy and appropriate action from the outset, but delay only exacerbates an already difficult situation. They possess the powers, but seem unwilling to use them. Their enforcement procedures are haphazard and to the layman difficult to interpret. As the lead organization in a joint investigation they have failed to demonstrate either leadership or persistence to achieve their goal. Highland Council is not exempt from adherence to regulation and legislation but there are incidences of failure on both which inevitably diminishes the respect and confidence of the taxpaying public. We are no longer willing to excuse the inexcusable and will increasingly be forced to use Freedom of Information to determine the facts and then their formal complaints procedure when necessary.

    d. Coire Glas – We found out last week that although the Scottish Ministers consented the Coire Glas Development on the 15th October 2020 with 23 Conditions the sole body for enforcement of said conditions is Highland Council. Neither the Minister for Climate Change nor any of their civil servants oversee any aspect of the consent after it is approved. SSE Renewables have already sought material changes in the conditions which should have been subject to the Town and Country Planning Scotland Act 1997 Section 42 but they persuaded Planning to ignore the legislation and will undoubtedly do so again.
    Condition 23 affords this Community Council a permanent place on the Coire Glas Liaison Group which is tasked with purposeful community engagement. We have asked questions at almost every meeting but rarely received any substantive reply as the information is clouded in commercial sensitivity.
    Malcolm Grant, Coire Glas’s Liaison Manager replied on behalf of SSE Renewables who were very anxious for us to continue to participate in the CLG, and although they recognize the frustrations felt by community they would be able to share more information when they had appointed the civil engineering contractor. SSER following consultation with Transport Scotland had written to Highland Council seeking the removal of Condition 17 1(a) I of the consent relating to improvements on the A82 trunk road.
    After a debate it was agreed that we would continue to attend the CLG but liaise with other participants to see if we could reach a consensus on pursuing common goals. We would also write to Highland Council requesting that any amendment or removal of conditions to the consent are treated correctly under the planning legislation and not under delegated powers. We will continue to use Freedom of Information requests to monitor the actions between the Developer and Planning Authority.

    e. Sewage Farm Road Spean Bridge – Two years have elapsed since we first reported unconsented works and Highland Council have still not taken decisive enforcement action. The Tree Preservation Order HC142 listed on 29th October 2021 to protect trees alongside the River Spean was not served leading to further felling. The Community Council will initiate Freedom of Information request to Highland Council to determine the result of Enforcement Order 23/00103/ENF and to Scottish Water to determine action taken regarding their access track. We will also make formal complaints to Highland Council relating to the Forestry Officer’s failure to serve HC142 and the lack of enforcement action. Any failure to comply will mean that we contact investigative journalists . Our local authority has to understand that inaction will have consequences.

    f. Nature Scot/SSSI – The Community Council would like to record its appreciation to Ariane Burgess MSP for her efforts in securing an update on Nature Scot’s position in relation to the Parallel Roads of Lochaber at Achnabobane. It has been circulated to the Community Council. We have redrafted our Freedom of Information request to Nature Scot and await its result.

    g. Environment Standards Agency – The Chairman has been in correspondence with ESS and awaits a definitive response which on receipt he will circulate to Community Councillors.

    h. Freedom of Information – It is likely in the coming months we will be using this vehicle to examine the actions of public authorities on an ever increasing basis. We will be particularly vigilant about those claiming exemption or those that fail to adhere to the statutory time limits. I suspect we will have a number of referrals to the Information Commissioner. We have asked Kate Forbes MSP to seek an explanation from the Information Commissioner why after 18 months and a promise in January 2024 of escalation we still await resolution of our appeal against Highland Council over refusal of access to Simon Hindson’s work correspondence with SSE Renewables.

    i. New Belford Hospital – For over 10 years we have sent Community Representatives to the various forums to replace the Belford Hospital. Their commitment and diligence is to be applauded and we earnestly hope that the Scottish Government’s Budget tomorrow allocates funding to finally build the replacement. Irrespective of that result we will continue to participate.

    j. Place Plan – Nothing to report.

    k. Linnhe Community Alliance – Meets periodically online by Teams with the Chairman and Secretary as our representatives. Consists of the Community Councils around Loch Linnhe plus Glenfinnan and ourselves. With many of our problems not shared with these Community Councils it was felt that Laggan and Glengarry would make better partners and that we should withdraw our representatives from the Alliance and seek new relationships.

    l. Knoydart Deer Management Committee – Val attended the Knoydart Deer Management Meeting on 25th November. She found it interesting and informative. Simon Laird, Chairman ( Achnacarry) and Dr Linzi Seivwright have offered to give the Community Council a presentation on Deer Management and we will accept the offer. Local difficulties reported related to anti social behaviour by walkers scattering herds and abusing staff.

    The Chairman thanked Kate Forbes and her staff for their support throughout the year but although they too had worked tirelessly the lack of achievement mirrored ours and the Chairman has written to her seeking her comments on how we might tackle the problems differently


    The Chairman and Secretary have been in correspondence with –

    1. Highland Council’s Community Briefing, Community Benefit Charter, Gambling Policy, Local Transport Strategy all available for circulation on request.
    2. David Phillips of Sheil Buses confirmed that the Clunes service is as suggested a service that can be used by any members of the public, but the Spean primary to Roybridge service is closed so we cannot accept a fare for additional passengers. He will reiterate about the pickup and drop offs in a staff newsletter as well as final checks at bus stops before pulling away. Driving standards will also be highlighted based upon feedback from yourselves
    3. Felling Permission Application (Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act 2018)
    Property Name: Alltruadh Estate – Approved.
    4. Highland Council – A link to the Draft Lochaber Area Place Plan had been circulated with any feedback by the 28th of November.
    5. SSEN Transmission – an opportunity to review and comment by 15th December on their stakeholder engagement strategy,
    6. Ccsupportwestandmid -The Highland Council is undertaking a public consultation into a proposed Visitor Levy for Highland. If introduced, this will impact our residents, businesses, accommodation providers and visitors to Highland. They would welcome our help with encouraging as many stakeholders as possible to engage with our consultation. They would welcome any direct feedback as community representatives using the consultation process
    7. Linzi Seivwright – forwarded the papers relating to the AGM and meeting of the Knoydart Deer Management Group on 25th November attended by Val Steele
    8. Forestry Scotland – An amendment to the Roughburn Forest Plan.
    9. Scottish Government Consultations – It has been agreed that in future we will include this item on the Agenda so we are aware of current consultations and have the opportunity to contribute.
    10. Local Energy Scotland – December Magazine has been circulated.


    Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported expenditure of £36 for a year’s membership of the Ferret an investigative Journalism project and Income of £9109.51 the balance remaining from the SBRBA element of the Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund leaving a Cash at Bank Balance of £12,071.42.

    Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Awards: – No applications this month. With the increase in funding for the Micro Grants for 2025 we will publicise the Micro Grant criteria to local organisations.



    Planning Application 23/04181/PIP – Erection of House on land 50m NE of Corrie View, Achnabobane Spean Bridge – Refused

    Planning Application 24/04863/FUL – Erection of Annex to provide owners accommodation (revised proposal 24/04019/ FUL & 24/03175/FUL) at Birchbank, Roy Bridge – Community Council consider this is not an annex but a standalone building in garden ground. Although many of our concerns have been resolved we are still concerned that the proposal is out of keeping with surrounding properties. We will ask the Planning Officer if we could have a site meeting and the Secretary will endeavour to get images of the site.

    Planning Application 24/04634/FUL – Erection of Garage with First Floor Gym at 17 West Tirindrish, Spean Bridge – Approved.


    Any Other Business: A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our participants, councillors, and readers. Hopefully 2025 will be a more constructive and rewarding year.


    Next Meeting: Tuesday 7th January 2025
    Meeting closed at 20:45

    Melvyn Giles
    Secretary, Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

    Community Council Minutes - November 2024

    Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm
    on Tuesday 5th November 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


    Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman), Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Melvyn Giles (Secretary), Alison Munro (Treasurer) Jenny Hastings, Val Steele, Ian Matheson, Sharon Donald, John Grafton Highland Councillor, and 12 members of the public.

    Apologies:  Christine Clephan & Highland Councillor Liz Saggers.

    Conflict of Interest Declarations: – None

    Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 1st October 2024:
    The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments the minutes were approved.

    Proposer: Alison Munro                                          Seconder: Ian Langley


    Address by Martin Phillips of Shiel Buses: Mr Phillips explained about the issues relating to both local and the Citylink services covered by his company. They were actively looking at possible route and timetable changes to the 41 local service, but as it is primarily a Highland Council subsidised service that might prove difficult.


    Matters Arising:

    1. Community Police Officer – Sgt Katy Duncan updated the Community Council on recent police activity in our community.
    2. BEAR Scotland, on behalf of Transport Scotland, are carrying out rock slope netting works on the northbound verge of the A82 Trunk Road, at Grotaig, Loch Ness. To ensure the safety of the workforce and motorists when carrying out these works, the A82 at Grotaig will operate under traffic signal control from Wednesday the 23rd of October for 12 weeks.

    The response to our questions posed previously had been circulated. Little progress to date on Active Travel, some helpful information on waste management, and roadworks, and acknowledgement that the warning signs in Roy Bridge E/B 30mph has been replaced recently and is working. W/B sign is faulty and a Category 1 defect has been raised to investigate and repair.

    As there has been no perceptible progress on the 8 trunk road issues raised at our Meeting with Transport Scotland convened by Kate Forbes MSP on 8th December 2023 the Chairman has written to our MSP requesting another meeting.

    3. BEAR Scotland/Transport Scotland –EAR Scotland, on behalf of Transport Scotland, are carrying out rock slope netting works on the northbound verge of the A82 Trunk Road, at Grotaig, Loch Ness. To ensure the safety of the workforce and motorists when carrying out these works, the A82 at Grotaig will operate under traffic signal control from Wednesday the 23thrd of October for 12 weeks

    4. Highland Council – The upgrade the Bohenie Road and the repair to the Culverts on the on the C1153 the Loch Arkaig Road appear to have been successfully completed.

    5. Coire Glas/Loch na Earba – The answers to the questions posed at the Coire Glas Liaison Group Meeting on 18th September are available on the Coire Glas Website. Our complaint to Energy Consents Scotland about Highland Council’s interpretations of the Consent Conditions imposed by the Scottish Ministers was less that satisfactory. Kate Forbes has written to Alasdair Allan MSP, Acting Minister for Climate Action as he has the responsibility for energy consents in his portfolio to raise your concerns regarding the action taken to date by Highland Council in respect of the planning conditions for Coire Glas and to ask for clarification on this issue.

    Gilkes Energy has published on their Loch na Earba Website the Community Benefit Document that they would adopt if their Planning approval was granted.

    6. Sewage Farm Road Spean Bridge – The Community Council continues to press both Scottish Water and Highland Council to take necessary Enforcement Action at this site, although continued unconsented activity has been reported.

     7. Nature Scot/SSSI – The Chairman has written to all the List MSPs in the Highlands together with our constituency MSP Kate Forbes. He has received a number of positive responses and questions have been tabled to the Ministers responsible. We have been copied into correspondence from Nature Scot relating to an approach by plot owners seeking approval for the erection of huts on the SSSI which was denied. In the circumstances the Community Council has urged Highland Council to take Enforcement Action on all sites that have been subject to unconsented groundworks.

    Nature Scot has reported that they themselves are in dialogue with a resident at Leanachan to ensure there is no further damage to the SSSI.

    8. Environment Standards Agency – A representation and complaint citing Nature Scot, Forestry Scotland, SEPA and Highland Council having been circulated and approved has been forwarded to Environmental Standards relating to environmental damage in our community. Receipt has been acknowledged.

     9. Freedom of Information – The Community Council have requested SEPA conduct a review into our previous request. We have also made a FOI request to Nature Scot for access to correspondence relating to the SSSI the Parallel Roads of Lochaber.

     10. New Belford Hospital – Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary, and Kate Forbes Deputy first Minister met staff and the Stakeholder Group on 23rd October and although sympathetic could not give any positive news ahead of the budget. Hopefully now that they will receive further funds to be spent on NHS the Belford Hospital will become a priority.

    11. Place Plan – Nothing to report.


    Correspondence:  The Chairman and Secretary have been in correspondence with –

    1. Highland Council’s Community Briefing, Community Benefit Charter, Gambling Policy, Local Transport Strategy all available for circulation on request.
    2. Phil Webb – Tulloch and Moy Woodlands are currently in the process of being independently evaluated for entry into the UKFCG (UK Forest Certification Ltd) forest management group scheme.  An important part of the evaluation requires that woodland users / stakeholders are informed and given an opportunity to comment on any aspect of management of the woodland by 10th November 2024.
    1. ALIEnergy Fuel Poverty Information Session – Chairman attended an online session. Copies of the Presentation and Contact Details available on request.
    2. Wildland, are carrying out a limited stakeholder engagement to seek comments on a proposed variation to the approved Forest Plan at Roughburn, Tulloch. A plan illustrates the location of the area to be felled which extends to 6.33ha or thereabouts. The felling is required due to windthrow in sections of the crop which needs to be recovered before the timber degrades.
    3. CC Support West and Mid – Please find attached a PDF copy of the Community Council Review 2024-25 Initial Engagement Survey, which you can share with your Community Council Members, to assist you in completing the submission of the online survey (https://forms.office.com/e/Dw86g6ywDy)
    4. Speymouth Environmental Partnership has lodged a Petition with the Scottish Parliament Petitions Committee asking for an independent review of all flood management/alleviation legislation, procedures, guidelines and proposals. We ask that you may discuss this within your community and circulate details asking for as many people as possible to sign the Petition.


    Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported expenditure to Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO of £1000 for Defibrillator and £500 to Lochaber Camanachd. Both were from funds we hold on behalf of the Stronelairg Community Fund leaving a Cash at Bank Balance of £2997.91


    Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Awards: – The request for the balance of £9109.51 remaining from the SBRBA element of the Stronelairg fund has been forwarded to SSE Renewables together with the returns.




    Planning Application 22/02285/FUL– Erection of 4 Houses Plots at land 130m W of Glendale, Spean Bridge – Transport Scotland’s continued objection contradicted their position regarding a publicly funded active travel route so the Community Council exercised their right to say so.  Unfortunately it was not uploaded to the Highland Council Planning Portal so the Chairman has requested it is.


    Planning Application 24/04019/FUL – Erection of Annex to provide owners accommodation (revised proposal 24/03175/FUL) at Birchbank, Roy Bridge – Community Council withdrew previous objection subject to condition requiring reinstatement of car parking space and assurance annex would not be used for holiday accommodation.


    Planning Application 24/04051/FUL – Erection of 3 Holiday pods (Retrospective) Land 90m SW of Brackletter Lodge, Spean Bridge – Community Council submitted objection relating to failure to advise Nature Scot of work on SSSI.


    The following four applications were approved after discussion:

    Planning Application 24/04062/FUL – Demolition of existing Lodge and erection of lodge for holiday letting at land 30m NE of Bunroy Holiday Park, Bunroy Roy Bridge.

    Planning Application 24/04889/PNO – Erection of Agricultural Building at land 430m NE of 3 Bohuntin, Roy Bridge.

    Planning Application 24/04430/PNO – Formation of Agricultural Track (management of livestock and deer control; 2.5m to 3.5m wide; 300m long in total; turning and off loading area (300sqm) at land 230m SW of Riverwood House, Bohenie, Roy Bridge

    Planning Application 24/04262/LBC – East End Platform Extension with erection of barrier, gate handrails and steps at Spean Bridge Railway station


    Planning Appeal 24/00034/RBREF – Siting of 4 Cabins for Holiday Accommodation and associated infrastructure land 280m NW of Rigsden, Achnabobane – Maintained our objection, but noted inappropriate lobbying of Councillors Andrew Baldrey and John Grafton.

    Any Other Business: None


    Next Meeting: Tuesday 3rd December

    Meeting closed at 20:45


    Melvyn Giles, Secretary

    Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council



    Community Council Minutes - October 2024

    Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm
    on Tuesday 1st October 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


    Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman), Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Sharon Donald (Minute Secretary), Melvyn Giles (Correspondence Secretary), Alison Munro (Treasurer) Jenny Hastings, Christine Clephan, Val Steele, Ian Matheson, and John Grafton Highland Councillor and 7 members of the public.


    Apologies:  Highland Councillor Liz Saggers and Sgt Katy Duncan


    Conflict of Interest Declarations: The Community Council’s Scheme of Establishment states in the absence of any direct or financial involvement in a topic Councillors are expected to decide themselves whether discussing a particular topic is a conflict of interest and whether they might withdraw or not contribute in the decision process.

    Nothing listed in tonight’s meeting was deemed to qualify.


    Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 3rd September 2024:
    The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments the minutes were approved.

     Proposer:  Ian Matheson                                                         Seconder:   Alison Munro

    Address by Sarah McArthur and James Robson of RES about proposed Beinn Bheag WindFarm.

    RES is in the early stages of exploring the potential for a wind farm at Beinn Bheag located approximately 26km west of Invergarry. The wind farm would comprise of up to 28 turbines up to tip height of 230m, resulting in an overall site generating capacity of 159.6MW.  This is enough to power approximately 165,000 homes with clean, low, cost electricity every year.

    Comments from the meeting covered routing of heavy equipment, community benefit, clash with other renewable projects nearby & impact on SSSI.


    Election of Secretary – as Sharon Donald had intimated she wished to resign the post the Chairman thanked her for her diligence and commitment. He then called for nominations. Melvyn Giles was nominated by John Fotheringham seconded by Christine Clephan and there being no other nominations he was duly elected.


    Matters Arising:

    1. BEAR Scotland/Transport Scotland – The Chairman has written to BEAR Scotland seeking clarification on
    • Active travel from Leanachan Crossroads to Spean Bridge and Roy Bridge.
    • Precise procedure for disposal of road tailings or planings.
    • An update on the Roy Bridge Warning Lights
    • Identification of the companies working on our roads at night?.

     2. Highland Council – The upgrade the Bohenie Road and the repair to the Culverts on the on the C1153 the Loch Arkaig Road appear to have progressed well with the co-operation of local people. We trust that the same spirit of co-operation will prevail when the timber transport begins to roll and the amnesties to allow children to walk to and from the school bus safely will be honoured.

    ACTION: Community Councilors were requested to use the help lines to report minor faults to minimize the office bearer’s work and report via helpline asking for record number for future reference.

    3. Coire Glas – Prior to the Coire Glas Liaison Group Meeting on 18th September we posed q number of questions on impact and location of worker’s camp, future adherence to consent conditions, and mitigation measures during the construction phase. We await SSE Renewables response with interest.

    Strabag Worker’s Camp in Spean Bridge may be decommissioned and we expect a timetable in the coming months. They have agreed to ensure security of the empty site.

    4. Sewage Farm Road Spean Bridge – Scottish Water are writing to Cammac Developments Ltd and their Principal to remove the right of use of their access to those owners who have purchased plots in INV 36570. Ignoring this demand or failing to act will lead to an interdict being initiated. Highland Council too are examining what enforcement action is need to reinstate the site subject to unconsented breaches of the planning legislation.

    5. Nature Scot/SSSI – The Nature Conservation Order Request was submitted to Gillian Martin by Nature Scot on 27th June 2024. Three months have elapsed and Kate Forbes MSP is unable to act due to her cabinet responsibilities so we will ask our list MSPs if one of them would be willing to ask the Minister about when a decision is likely to be reached given the urgency of the matter and the danger of further damage to a world renowned SSSI by unconsented activity.

    Action: All – Identify List MSP’s who are interested in constraining online advertising.

    6. Community Police Officer – We received an apology from Sgt Katy Duncan. Any issues will be held over until next month.

    7. New Belford Hospital Ian Langley reported that the NHS Directors and Management had made it very clear that they intended to prevent closure of the Moss Park Care Home at all costs both for current and future needs possibly following the Invernevis House model. There are presently 39 residents, including 3 that require Nursing Care, and also patients in the Belford Hospital seeking Care Home places but unable to free up bed space due to the lack of available Residential Care.

    The postponed meeting with Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary, has been re-arranged for 23rd October with 90 minutes being allocated for the visit and discussion with representatives from the Stakeholder Group.

    8. Lochaber Place Plans Stakeholder Group – Ian Langley attended a meeting on Monday 23rd September. Most of the discussion was a review of what has been done so far to collate existing plans in preparation for a survey which will be available online and in a hard copy. The survey is to go live on 30th September.

    9. Freedom of Information –. We have corresponded with he Investigator appointed by the Information Commissioner and must now await developments. SEPA in response to our request evoked the exemption that as they do not hold the information requested, they do not have to provide it. We are not convinced so before requesting a review we are going to tackle this problem from another angle to see if that brings the desired results.

    Action: The Chairman will persevere with Bear Scotland and SEPA.

    10.  Environmental Standards Agency – ESS’ role is to consider and investigate compliance with environmental legislation; and the effectiveness of environmental legislation. If there is a systemic issue underlying persistent non-compliance or ineffectiveness; or that the law is insufficient to prevent environmental harm from occurring, this is where ESS’s remit fits. SSSI has systematic issues as new owners don’t know and the seller has not told them and there is no punishment for doing so. Other agencies have similar issues particularly SEPA.

    Action: Melvyn and John to draft a letter to the ESS


    Correspondence:  The Chairman and Correspondence Secretary have been in correspondence with –


    1. Highland Council’s fortnightly briefing containing information about support, resources, and events for local communities – These have been circulated.
    2. Commando Memorial Remembrance Day Service 10th November 2024 – The Community Wreath has been purchased and will be laid by Ian Langley. Action: Ian Langley to lay wreath.
    1. Scottish Community Council Newsletter – has been circulated. Two interesting webinars available on the work of the DPEA and free access to a mapping tool. It was agreed that we would take up the latter offer. Action: Chairman to check on the offer of free mapping software.
    1. Local resident – has been in touch regarding possible unconsented activity at 11 Unachan. Correspondence Secretary has followed it up with all the agencies concerned and Highland Council’s Planners are happy with the result.
    2. Linnhe Community Alliance – The Chairman attended the Quarterly Meeting. Topics discussed were the need for fundraising and training regime for 50 Defibrillators in the Greater Fort William Area as a result of insurance and charity initiatives. Gridlocked Trunk Roads continue to cause concern and FW2040 has a plan but it needs Transport Scotland to invest. Highland Council are trying to persuade Renewable and Pumped Storage Developers to make Community Benefit available to a wider audience.
    3. Cllr Helen Crawford Aird and Ness Ward – Motion on Major Electricity Infrastructure & Community Engagement – We note the success of this motion although Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council did not support it. It will be interesting to see what progress is made regarding implementation.
    4. Corrour Native Woodland Management Plan – Consultation – Coire Sgriodain Native Woodland Restoration Proposal –The mainly open hill land on Corrour with potential for native woodland restoration is covered by a Scottish Forestry Native Woodland Management Plan (MPL300053) approved in 2017. The plan is being updated to include proposals to naturally regenerate (natural self-seeding) of native trees without any tree planting or fencing.
    5. Minister for Climate Change – letter on fuel poverty and looking for evidence from us for fuel poverty. Action: Chairman will circulate and accept comments.
    6. Japanese knot weed in grounds of Spean Bridge Hotel reported to Nature Scot. Could it be in community garden, reported elsewhere?


    Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported Expenditure for the month of Poppy Wreath Purchase £41.40, & SCIO Defibrillator Micro Award £1000, leaving a Cash at Bank Balance of £3497.91.


    Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Awards: – Currently there is £8736.33 remaining in the SBRBA element of the Stronelairg fund.  SSE Renewables wanted to know how we would like to dispose of this balance. It was agreed to use the whole as a top up to the popular Micro grants.

    Decision: Convenor to liaise with SSE Renewables, submit return, and arrange transfer.

    Lochaber Shinty club micro grant. Micro grant for £500 for helmets, sticks and balls. Have not applied elsewhere.

    Decision: Agreed, will need bank details.




    Planning Application 22/02285/FUL– Erection of 4 Houses Plots at land 130m W of Glendale, Spean Bridge – Transport Scotland’s continued objection contradicted their position regarding a publicly funded active travel route so the Community Council exercised their right to say so.

    Planning Application 23/02189/FUL- Erection of 12 Houses (including 4 affordable), improvement of existing access and erection of farm shop on land 50m NW of Mehalah, Tirindrish, Spean Bridge – The Community Council had received a further request to comment following significant amendment but in the light of no change in the mixed use designation we maintained our objection.

    Planning Application 23/5579/S36 Culachy Wind Farm – Erection and operation of a wind farm for a period of 35 years, comprising 8 wind turbines with a maximum blade tip height of 200m, access tracks, underground cabling, substation, maintenance building, batching plant, borrow pits and ancillary infrastructure. at land 4 Km SE of Newtown Invergarry – Highland Council will recommend refusal.

    Planning Application 24/01056/S36 – Major Development Earba Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Scheme – Construction and operation of a pumped storage hydroelectric scheme with a generating capacity of 1,800MW and a 40GWh storage capacity|Land 4200M SE Of Moy Lodge Tulloch Roy Bridge – Highland Council have successfully applied for an extension and will report to Councillors at the SPAC Meeting on 10th December.

    Planning application 24/01791/S42 Section 42 application to develop land without compliance with condition 1 of Planning reference 19/02043/MSC saplings 40cm – 60cm in size shall be planted in shelters and staked in the area to the NW of the plot, as shown on the revised layout site plan drawing, together with groups of feathered 1.2m – 1.8m bare root trees in the positions shown along the boundaries of the plot at land 120m NW of Taigh Breagh, Achnabobane, Spean Bridge. – The Planning Officer had recommended to the South Planning Committee to approve the application but with a similar condition on the consent to be planted in the next growing season in 2025. So our objection although not maintained appears to have borne fruit.

    Planning Application 24/01686/FUL Siting of Holiday Letting Unit at land 105m NE of Tigh-na-Coille, 11 Unachan, Spean Bridge had been withdrawn. 

    Planning Application 24/03581/SCOP – Erection of Beinn Bheag Windfarm consisting of 28 Turbines each to a height of 230m and associated infrastructure at land 26m west of Invergarry in Glen Kingie –  We will await the full application before commenting..

    Planning Application 24/04017/FUL –  erection of annexe to provide Owner’s accommodation (revised proposal 24/03175/FUL) at Birchbank, Roy Bridge. – it was noted that on the approved drawing to Planning Application 20/05161/FUL there were 8 parking spaces but on the current one only six. We trust if approved a condition will be included that the annex is not used for holiday accommodation and the caravan will be removed.

    Planning Application 24/03777/PNO formation of 740m track extension on land 1.6 KM S of Shawbost, 11 Unachan, Spean Bridge – Approved


    Any Other Business:

    1. It appears there have been a number of issues with the local bus service No 41. Action : Any residents with issues should contact Ian Langley and Managing Director ( David Phillips) will come on 5th Nov. meeting.
    2. Shared drive is the CC’s preferred method for sharing information. Investigations are necessary to find the most cost-effective solution. Action: Melvyn Giles
    3. Place plan next to be reviewed by Highland Council.

    Next Meeting: Tuesday 5th November

    Meeting closed at 2100


    Melvyn Giles

    Secretary, Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

    Community Council Minutes - September 2024


    Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm
    on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall

    Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman), Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Sharon Donald (Minute Secretary), Melvyn Giles (Correspondence Secretary), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Jenny Hastings, Val Steele, Ian Matheson, John Grafton Highland Councillor, and 7 members of the public.


    Apologies:  Christine Clephan & Highland Councillor Liz Saggers


    Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Sharon Donald, Melvyn Giles, Val Steele, & Ian Langley are Trustees and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Treasurer of Kilmonivaig Parish Church, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Although no member has a financial interest in any of these organisations, we consider it important for transparency that we mention them.


    Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 6th August 2024:
    The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments the minutes were approved.

    Proposer:  Ian Matheson                                               Seconder:  Ian Langley


    Matters Arising Part 1:

    Community Police Officer: Sgt Katy Duncan highlighted the detection on the cannabis farm in the Spean Bridge Hotel which had received widespread press coverage. Enquiries were ongoing as were other investigations into alleged criminal actions relating to Achnabobane, but she could not comment further. She was asked if the Clay pigeon and rifle shooting at Achaderry currently being considered by the Highland Council’s Planning authority was being monitored by the Police as they could only operate for 28 days without planning approval. She will investigate and report back. The Chairman thanked Sgt Duncan for attending when she was off duty and for her continued diligence and support.


    Address by David Tomb of Gilkes Energy regarding Loch Na Earba Pumped Storage Scheme

    David was anxious to try and address the Community Council’s concerns in our objection to planning application 24/01056/S36.

    • The A86 suffers from chronic underinvestment and is extremely narrow for 17.5 miles from Newtonmore to the proposed site at Moy. Transport Scotland have refused to discuss any upgrade until the developer has consent. So Gilkes has appointed a consultant to survey the road and identify where developer funded improvements could be made to widen the road.
    • To reduce the traffic Gilkes will propose a park and ride facility at Dalwhinnie just off the A9 where incoming workers can park their cars and be ferried to the camp and construction site by bus.
    • They will set up a camera facility remotely with a number plate recognition system to recognize contractor’s vehicles that drive inappropriately on the trunk road.
    • Corpach Harbour will be the preferred location for the heavy equipment shipments as it is 23 miles from their location as opposed to the 70 miles from Inverness. Also, this route would avoid the narrow sections of the A86.
    • The workers camp will be a self-contained unit and workers will be actively discouraged from leaving the site during their stints there. No permanent housing will be established on the site, and the units will not be suitable for conversion to affordable housing units.
    • They are aware of the impact on the wild land and are committed to minimizing the impact and will as far as possible reduced the tracks after construction and reinstate as much of the land as practicable.
    • The connection to the National Grid and the Beauly Denny Line at Melgarve will all be underground so there will be no visual impact.  
    • Discussions have taken place with UHI about providing training in construction and tunnelling to encourage suitably trained local residents to apply for jobs at the site during the construction phase but concede most of the jobs will be incomers.
    • If two Pumped Storage Schemes are consented and the constructions overlap SSER and Gilkes have agreed to try and minimize the impact on the local community by ensuring that shift change patterns and heavy equipment shipments don’t coincide.
    • Gilkes Energy is unaware if British Energy will invest directly, but they expect something called Cap and Floor will be used to ensure that the investment and their debt does not suffer when electricity prices fall.
    • Community Benefit – Gilkes has been discussing it with Highland Council and they are suggesting that a fund is set up administered by someone like Foundation Scotland which will pay in total £12.5 million. Half during the construction phase and the remainder over the next 20 years. That in essence would mean £300,000 would be available annually. It is envisaged that the major beneficiaries would be Dalwhinnie, Laggan and Spean Bridge Community Councils. 

    Given that Fred Olsen on the Cullachy Windfarm with a mere 8 Turbines are offering £160,000 annually for 35 years which equates to £5.6 million if they get the go ahead and their impact on our lives will be minimal there was some scepticism about the offer.

    • Gilkes had earmarked an affordable housing scheme at Laggan, and the Active Travel Roy to Spean route as two projects they would like to support. However, they believed that a significant amount of funding had been secured for the connecting Roy and Spean route when in reality none had been allocated and given the Scottish government’s recent cuts to this budget it is unlikely it would be secured.
    • They were fully aware that we have been struggling with SSE Renewables constant attempts to vary the terms of their consent conditions relating to Coire Glas by the back door avoiding further public scrutiny. In our submission we had requested legally enforceable conditions with significant financial penalties covered by a pre-paid bond for non-compliance. Gilkes informed us they were happy to comply with such a direction.
    • Overall, they seemed less confident than previously about securing the consent of Scottish Ministers for the project to go ahead. Three, massive, pumped storage schemes all within a radius of 30 km of Spean Bridge and two in Designated Wild Land may prove too difficult to sell to the Scottish public with all the attendant disruption.
    • The Community Council are happy to maintain a dialogue with the developer and if consented would participate in any liaison group but we remain sceptical that they would deliver on the promises made. It was obvious that although some thought and planning had gone into addressing our and other’s concerns much still needed to be addressed.


    Matters Arising Part 2:


    1. BEAR Scotland/Transport Scotland – it appears that Transport Scotland are maintaining their objection to Planning Application 22/00285/FUL for 4 houses 130m s of Glendale in Spean Bridge because the Developer Ferguson Transport is unwilling to build a pavement from this site to the village of Spean Bridge. This appears to conflict with the assurances they gave the Community Council on 8th December 2023 and subsequently that they would build an active travel route from Leanachan Crossroads to Spean Bridge.

    The Community Council is generally unhappy with the lack of progress on the issues raised at the meeting and have requested that Kate Forbes MSP convenes another meeting between the parties to find a solution to our issues.

     A request to repair the 30mph warning light coming from the east into Roy Bridge has been passed to BEAR for action.


     2. Highland Council – The upgrade to the Bohenie Road to allow for it to become a Timber Transportation Route has commenced. So far the weekly update from the Consultants has been posted on the Roy Bridge Facebook Page.

    There have been complaints about the bin collection service in some parts of both Roy Bridge and Spean Bridge although after the intervention of the Chairman these appear to have been resolved but we will continue to monitor.

     3. Coire Glas – Coire Glas has reached a significant milestone with the successful completion of the exploratory tunnel. There will now be a period of investigative drilling followed by completion of the works, which is on programme to be complete by December 2024

    Tunnelling equipment will now be demobilised from site. Whilst HGV movements will decrease compared to levels currently experienced, due to a reduction in materials needed on site, there will be large pieces of plant and equipment removed via Kilfinnan Road over the coming months. It is anticipated there will be an average of 6 removals per week until October.

    The next Coire Glas Liaison Group Meeting is on 18th September at 7.00pm in Glengarry Village Hall. The Community Council notes SSE Renewables support with an award of up to £5000 towards the feasibility study for the Roy Bridge School Project.

    4. Sewage Farm Road Spean Bridge – It appears Scottish Water are less than pleased about the blocking of access to their Sewage Farm, and their lawyers are investigating whether to remove the right of access to 24 plot owners of INV 36570. Highland Council too are examining what enforcement action is needed to reinstate the site subject to unconsented breaches of the planning legislation. Tree Preservation Order HC142 does not seemed to have been served but the Community Council has requested it is served without delay and has forwarded the names and addresses of all owners. Highland Council have intimated to Kate Forbes MSP of their intention to take enforcement action at this site.

    5. Nature Scot/SSSI – The Nature Conservation Order Request was submitted to Gillian Martin by Nature Scot on 27th June 2024. We await her decision with interest. We have also received confirmation that the Landowners at Achnabobane were informed of their responsibilities in a SSSI following the requirements of Nature Conservation Scotland Act 2004 Section 3.

    6. New Belford Hospital – Nothing to report. Neil Gray the Health Secretary has still not rescheduled his planned visit to address the staff and other interested parties.

    7. Freedom of Information – Finally we have received notification from the Scottish Information Commissioner after 18 months that our complaint about Highland Council had been allocated to an investigator. The Community Council has until the 10th September 2024 to respond. We have been contacted again by SEPA seeking further clarification about our waste requests and we have provided the information requested.

    8. Local Place Plans – Ian Langley has as promised completed a draft place plan within a very tight deadline and it has been subject to some amendment by the Community Council. It was approved unanimously and will now be submitted and circulated to neighbouring Community Councils. The Chairman expressed our sincere thanks to Ian for his diligence in achieving such an excellent report.


    Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –


    1. Highland Council’s fortnightly briefing containing information about support, resources, and events for local communities – These have been circulated.
    2. Sam MacMillan of RES about the Beinn Bheag Wind Farm – It was agreed that they would welcome the opportunity to attend and address the Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council on 1st October.
    3. Paul Griffiths regarding private water supply at Bohenie –  Local residents at Bohenie have raised the issue with transferring from private water supply to a mains connection. Scottish Water have told them that they will not provide this without additional external funding. Highland Council can nominate communities for a water scarcity assessment and if appropriate nominate the community for connection, and it was agreed that the Community Council would our residents to secure the assessment.
    4. Heather Anderson a researcher at the University of Stirling investigating private water supply quality in Scotland. – She is particularly interested in how users of private water supplies perceive the quality of their water and how effective the current support is for improving private supplies. She has created a short survey and this is the link: https://forms.office.com/e/4LvZqeU64J
    1. Mark Taylor Kinlochleven Community Council – Giving notification of their Local Place Plan for the Community Council area, in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Place Plans) (Scotland) Regulations 2021. The proposed Kinlochleven Local Place Plan has now been published for public comment.  It can be viewed and commented on online for public consultation at www.kinlochlevenfutures.net/draft-plan.
    1. Clear Councils Insurance previously BHIB Councils, is part of the Clear Group and have a wealth of insurance experience in your sector. We are a partner of NALCand are ideally placed to provide your council with insurance cover under our Local Councils policy, supported by one of the UK’s most recognisable insurance names, Aviva – the Chairman has requested a quote.
    2. Angus MacDonald MP regarding Renewable Energy Projects. We have agreed to keep him updated on the various projects.
    3. Highland Council held a consultation event with Community Council groups on 20th August o discuss our first Ecology Strategy. The aim of this workshop is to ensure that the Strategy reflects the hopes and concerns of every community in Highland


    Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported income Annual Highland Council Grant of £605.09, Expenditure for the month of Registers of Scotland £14.40, leaving a Cash at Bank Balance of £4539.31.


    Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Awards: – No Applications this month.



    Planning Application 21/04474/PIP – Formation of 2 House Plots at land 30m SE of Am Fasgadh, Upper Inverroy, Roy Bridge – Application Refused using delegated powers.

    Planning Application 24/03175/FULErection of Annex to provide Owner’s Accommodation at Birch Bank Roy Bridge PH31 4AN – The objection was duly circulated for approval and unanimously agreed. Submitted to Highland Council but later withdrawn by the applicant.

    Planning Application 24/03581/SCOP – Erection of Beinn Bheag Windfarm consisting of 28 Turbines each to a height of 230m and associated infrastructure at land 26m west of Invergarry in Glen Kingie – the Community Council after consideration decided to reserve a decision until we have heard from the Developer on 1st October and had an opportunity to see their presentation at their open day.


    Planning Application 24/03439/PIP – Erection of House at land 45m NW of Birch Grove, Spean Bridge

    Planning Application 24/03440/PIP – Erection of House (Plot2) Renewal of Permission 15/01744/PIP at land 80m NW of Birch Grove, Spean Bridge

    Planning Application 24/03298/TPNO – Installation of 25m Lattice Mast, 2Dishes, 1 Ground Level Cabinet, and ancillary equipment at Land 900m East of Upper Stronaba, Spean Bridge.

    Planning Application 24/03259/FUL – Installation of 20.25m Monopole, 2 No. Transmission Dish, 1 No. Ground based Equipment Cabinet and associated ancillary equipment all with a 1.1 mm high fence with formation of access at land 685m W of Burnside, Tulloch, Roy Bridge – The site is just of the A86 trunk road surrounded by 13.5 m trees and although in the Parallel Roads of Lochaber SSSI Nature Scot has no objection.

    All four were approved although we do have reservations about the number of masts in wild land areas.


    Any Other Business: The Community Council does have concerns about the number of Pods, and other Holiday Accommodation Planning Applications that we are being asked to consider. We do believe that in some residential areas we are reaching saturation point and our Planning Sub-Committee may look more critically at such applications ion future


    Next Meeting: Tuesday 1st October

    Meeting closed at 21:00


    Sharon Donald, Minute Secretary

    Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

    Community Council Minutes - August 2024

    Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm
    on Tuesday 6 August 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


    Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman), Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Jenny Hastings, Christine Clephan, Ian Matheson, and 9 members of the public.

    Apologies: Sharon Donald, Melvyn Giles, Alison Munro, Val Steele & Highland Councillor Liz Saggers

    Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Christine Clephan & Ian Langley are Trustees and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Treasurer of Kilmonivaig Parish Church, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Although no member has a financial interest in any of these organisations, we consider it important for transparency that we mention them.

    Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 2nd July 2024:
    The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments the minutes were approved.

    Proposer:  Jenny Hastings                               Seconder:  Ian Langley

    Matters Arising:

    1. New Belford Hospital – It has been reported that there may be a further delay in publishing a revised plan for the new Belford Hospital. The Scottish Government are blaming the change in the UK government, uncertainty in their block grant, and spiralling construction costs. Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government, said: “The continuing difficult fiscal conditions coupled with the recent change of UK government, further increases the challenge in planning our future spending”. She now intends to publish a revised Scottish Government infrastructure investment pipeline alongside the 2025-26 budget in December. The Health Secretary Neil Gray will be meeting with the Belford staff later this month.

    2. Highland Council – It has been reported that Highland Council are to upgrade the Bohenie Road to allow for it to become a Timber Transportation Route. The Community Council has requested that the road in Roy Bridge come under the 20’s Plenty initiative, and that has been agreed and will be implemented in early 2025. Unfortunately, the upgrade has to be completed by February 2025 and we have no guarantee that the 20’s Plenty initiative will be implemented by then but the consultant has agreed to limit in the Traffic Management Plans the access times and liaise with Highland Council regarding signage to protect pedestrians and children.

    We have also received notification regarding a culvert upgrade of the C1153 the Loch Arkaig Road which requires full closure of the road on 4 occasions each for up to 3 days in September/October 2024. I have spoken to the Consultant employed to carry out the work by Highland Council and he is acutely aware of the impact on the residents. Unfortunately as a result of the heavy timber transport use the culverts need replacing and they have to apply for the necessary funds which has to be spent within a tight deadline. There is no alternative to full closure, but they hope to re-open the road as quickly as possible. They will make contingency plans in case of an emergency and factor in having a vehicle which can transport residents to any necessary appointments on the side of the culverts which will have a direct link to the B8005 and beyond.

    3. Coire Glas/ Loch na Earba – Gilkes Energy will attend the September Meeting to update us on their attempts to resolve the difficulties identified in our submission to Energy Consents.

    The Kilfinnan Road residents have kept us informed about their continued misgivings about their water supply.

    4. Network Rail – The Chairman has spoken with Alexander Ross, Senior Public Affairs Manager with Network Rail in Scotland. It was agreed that Mr Eppens should speak directly with Mr Ross in an effort to find a resolution and the Chairman has relayed that information and Contact details to Mr Eppens. Matter closed.

    5. Community Police Officer – Sgt Katy Duncan our Community Police Officer is on leave.

    6. BEAR Scotland/Transport Scotland – BEAR Scotland, on behalf of Transport Scotland, are planning to carry out works on the A86, near Murlaggan. The works are currently programmed to commence Monday 22nd July 2024 for a period of six weeks to complete, subject to weather. Works will be carried out between the hours of 7am and 7pm.

    They are also proposing to undertake carriageway resurfacing works on the A86 Trunk Road between Newtonmore and Laggan. The works are provisionally programmed for construction from Monday 19th August to Saturday 7th September, a period of 19 days. Due to the width of the road and the nature and scale of the works, it will be necessary to close the A86 and divert traffic onto the A9 and A889. The road will be re-opened, and all works completed by 06:00am on Saturday 7th September subject to weather and operational delays. The A86 will therefore be closed at Biallidbeg Farm to the east of the scheme, and at Craig Dhu House to the west of the scheme, to allow access for residents to their properties. Signs will be placed in advance to guide traffic along the signed diversion routes. Regrettably, no traffic, including emergency services, nearby residents or public transport will be permitted through the site due to deep excavations making it unsuitable. Eastbound traffic will be diverted to the A889, then onto the A9 where they can rejoin the A86 at Kingussie to reach their destination. Westbound traffic will be diverted to the A9, then onto the A889 from where they can join the A86 near Laggan. We will also place additional supporting signage at Glentruim Junction on the A9 to deter the use of this road as a diversion, particularly for larger vehicles.

    A request to repair the 30mph warning light coming from the east into Roy Bridge will be passed on to BEAR.

    7. Forestry Scotland – Examination of the material released by Forestry Scotland under Freedom of Information has revealed some disturbing facts relating to the investigation of a case of illegal felling in Spean Bridge. We have forwarded our conclusions both to Forestry Scotland and Police Scotland to take any necessary action. We are continuing to monitor the restocking obligations of the two felling licences at Achnabobane.

    8. Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – It appears from recent correspondence that it has been agreed to settle Jim Muir’s damages claim after 10 months. Nature Scot were consulted by Openreach prior to construction of the trench but decided that as it was in the curtilage of the adopted road it would not damage the SSSI. Matter Closed.

    9. Freedom of Information – Nothing to report.

    10. Spean Bridge Post Office –There is continued disparity between the level of service expected by the Post Office for Rural Post Offices and that enjoyed at Spean Bridge. CJ Lang appears to have made some improvements since our last complaint and we will monitor to see if it is permanent or just an illusion. There appears to be a new issue with the Spean Bridge Village Noticeboard, and we will investigate.

    11. BT Rural Telephone Boxes – BT have apologised and removed the Notices from our Telephone Boxes. They had inadvertently posted them without first consulting Highland Council as they are required to do so by OFCOM. They will clean, repair, and ensure all are in working order. Irrespective a resident of Gairlochy claims that the local residents want their box to be adopted by the community and used as the site for a defibrillator, and MOWI have intimated that they would welcome a grant application. The Community Council would prefer to wait until we are consulted by Highland Council to determine the telephone usage at Gairlochy before agreeing to its deallocation, and adoption by either Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO or another Charity.

    12. Nature Scot and SSSI – Our dialogue with Robbie Kernahan, Director of Economy and Change has continued. Having considered the Nature Conservation Scotland Act 2004 we have asked why a Nature Conservation Order was not considered to protect the SSSI only to be informed that the process to implement just such a procedure was being consider by Gillian Martin the Scottish Government Minister responsible.

    13. Local Place Plans – Following the successful Local Place Plan Learning Event on 28 May, Highland Council is teaming up with the Highlands and Islands Climate Hub for a second session on Climate Change. 

    We would be delighted for you to join us on Thursday 22 August from 6:30pm-8pm to learn more about how your Local Place Plans could support action on climate change. We’ll be hearing from three communities – Morvern, Golspie and Wester Ross Biosphere – about how they are integrating tackling climate change into their community planning. The session will also cover what the climate requirements and considerations are for your local plan and aim to build everyone’s confidence through jargon busting and sharing of available resources. There will be plenty of opportunity too for discussion and Q&A with community representatives and staff from Highlands and Islands Climate Hub and Highland Council.

    14. Noisy Generator from Mobile Home parked adjacent to Sewage Farm Road. Spean Bridge. A Highland Council Planning Official has visited the site and informed the Mobile Home resident that he requires planning approval if he is intending to remain. Although initially he was not responsive, he has now been served with a formal letter requiring either he obtains planning approval or vacates the plot. We will request that he is served with an Enforcement Order given that the site is already under Enforcement 23/00103/ENF.


    Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

    1. HIghland Council’s fortnightly briefing containing information about support, resources, and events for local communities – these have been circulated.
    1. Forestry Scotland – A consultation is underway on the Scoping Brief for the Glen Loy, Mucomir and Gairlochy Land Management Plan (LMP). This is the initial stage of the LMP process, which will help inform the development of the draft Plan. A further consultation will be held on the draft LMP when it is prepared. The scoping documents are available on the FLS website to view and download: Glen Loy Land Management Plan Consultation | Forestry and Land Scotland
    1. Highland Council – Whole Family Wellbeing Workshops – We’ve been asked to share information by Highland Whole Family Wellbeing Programme, specifically the upcoming workshops and drop-in sessions they will be hosting.
    1. Tim Stott Highland Council Development Planning Team – Please find attached and linked below the Highland Council’s Masterplan Consent Areas Statement, which today was published via the Highland Council’s website. Scottish Government has required each and every council to send a copy of its Statement to all community councils within its area. The associated committee reportand minute provide more context and detail if required                            https://www.highland.gov.uk/downloads/file/28858/masterplan_consent_areas_statement
    1. Laggan Community Council – On 9th July Tony Perriam and I had a meeting with Laggan CC’s Chair and Secretary at their request ostensibly to discuss them setting up a SCIO similar to ours, but it soon became apparent that many of the issues they are dealing with mirror ours, so they are keen for an informal agreement with us maybe a couple of joint meetings a year and a joint approach to developers regarding planning and community benefit. This certainly seems worth exploring, particularly given they have experienced like us micro hydro developers who have paid the community nothing and they already feel Gilkes and Ardverikie for all their promises are trying to wriggle out of any substantial payment.
    1. Highland Council – Ecology Survey – An invitation to participate in a consultation event for Highland Community Councils. This event on 20th August between 18:00 and 20:00 will be on Microsoft Teams and will focus on The Highland Council’s inaugural Ecology Strategy, which is currently open for public consultation.
    1. Lochaber Housing Association- an invitation to attend their 36th Annual General Meeting, which is being held at the Fort William Cinema, on Thursday 22nd August 2024 at 4.00pm. The cinema can be located at Cameron Square, Fort William PH33 6AJ.
    1. Forestry Scotland – Felling Licence Application for Achnacarry – Noted.
    1. Two Private Requests – were answered expeditiously to the satisfaction of those involved.


    Treasurer’s Report: In the absence of the Treasurer the Chairman listed the Expenditure for the month of Honorarium £300, and Donation for Rent of Hall as £300 leaving a Cash at Bank Balance of £3948.62.


    Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Awards: – A request from Spean Bridge Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO for £1,000 to go towards a Defibrillator to be sited at the Mhor Health Pharmacy, Spean Bridge was approved by Jenny Hastings as all other Councillors present declared a conflict of interest.



    Planning Application 23/05616/FUL – Siting of 4 cabins for holiday accommo0dation and associated infrastructure at land 280m NW of Rigsden, Achnabobane, Spean Bridge was refused on multiple grounds. Given that the site has now been refused twice and Forestry Scotland holds a restocking obligation we intend to ask Highland Council to order reinstatement after appeal date has been passed.

    Planning Application 24/03175/FUL – Erection of Annex to provide Owner’s Accommodation at Birch Bank Roy Bridge PH31 4AN – Concern was expressed about the materials being used in the construction that were not in keeping with neighbouring properties. Also sewage backup, overlooking neighbours properties, and traffic issues. The applicant is already living in a caravan on site without planning approval and the whole residential property is providing tourist accommodation. It was agreed to object to this application and the Planning sub-committee will circulate for approval.

    Planning application 24/02837/PNO – Formation of Forest Track 3.4 metres wide; 700 metres new and 600 metres upgraded at Tulloch Wood on the A86 near Roy Bridge on a site across the road from Tulloch Farm. – Approved.


    Any Other Business: It was reported that a number of local Spean Bridge residents and businesses have been without telephone and broadband following the downing of a cable. Openreach have repeatedly failed to resolve the matter and Kate Forbes MSP is now involved and it is hoped it will be fixed shortly.

    Next Meeting: Tuesday 3rd September

    Meeting closed at 20:00 hours

      Sharon Donald, Minute Secretary

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council



      Community Council Minutes - July 2024

      – – 

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm
      on Tuesday 2nd July 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


      Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman), Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Sharon Donald (Minute Secretary), Melvyn Giles (Correspondence Secretary), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Jenny Hastings,  Christine Clephan, Ian Matheson, and 9 members of the public.

      Apologies: Val Steele & Highland Councillor Liz Saggers

      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Sharon Donald, Val Steele, & Ian Langley are Trustees and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Treasurer of Kilmonivaig Parish Church, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Although no member has a financial interest in any of these organisations, we consider it important for transparency that we mention them.

      Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 4th June 2024:
      The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments the minutes were approved.

      Proposer:  Melvyn Giles                    Seconder:  Ian Langley


      Matters Arising:

      1. New Belford Hospital – Ian Langley nothing significant to report
      2. Highland Council – The Chairman has forwarded the AGM Papers including the Annual Accounts and the new Office Bearer’s Contact Details to Highland Council as required in our Scheme of Establi He has also requested an update on the implementation of the Twenty’s Plenty Scheme in, to include these streets in another way.  Finally, we have received a response from the Twenty’s Plenty Team about Roy Bridge. These additional streets will be included in the final 20 mph Traffic Regulation Order. Unfortunately, they do not have the capacity to deliver a stand-alone order at this time. The order will start formal consultation around the end of August start of September, but Highland Council don’t expect it through consultation until early in 2025.
      3. Coire Glas – The Community Council representatives attended the Coire Glas Liaison Meeting on 25th June and received an update on the current state of the exploratory works. Ken Brown of the Glengarry Community Council gave a presentation on the transport logistical problems faced by his community. The loss of the school crossing patrol, no pedestrian crossing over the A87, and the speed limit on the trunk road through the village of Invergarry remains at 40mph. Sound familiar. SSE Renewables trumpeted the Community Benefit of £165,696 already allocated but £143,998 of this went to corporate funding like Universities, HIE or Consultants. SSER would welcome local requests.
      4. Network Rail – As two months have now elapsed since the last exchange of emails the Chairman has written to Network Rail to see if they had made a decision on whether they might contribute towards the engineering of a footbridge to connect two sections of Killiechonate Woodlands land to permit access to the section blocked by the fence. We await their decision.
      5. Community Police Officer – The Chairman welcomed Sgt Katy Duncan our new Community Police Officer. Following a positive meeting with Chief Inspector Ross McCartney and Sgt Duncan in which it had be agreed to look again at the issues identified by the Community Council and residents it had been decided not to proceed with the formal complaint at this time. Katy apologised to the community on behalf of Police Scotland for the lack of service and stressed her full commitment to the role but also drew attention to the staffing issues within Police Scotland just now. Katy will be unable to attend the August meeting as she is on annual leave.
      6. BEAR Scotland/Transport Scotland – Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances the works on the A82 at Letterfinlay, have had to be postponed. Once a new date has been confirmed consultation will be re-issued. The Chairman has spoken to Helen Brown from Kate Forbes MSP’s Office about the apparent lack of progress from Transport Scotland on the points raised at our meeting with them on 8th December 2023. She will write to them urgently and copy us to any reply. There seems to be a common feature that rural communities get ignored on the question of road safety on the trunk roads. Another meeting to be arranged, date to follow.
      7. Forestry Scotland – A reply to our complaint to the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and the Islands has been received and circulated. The Community Council remains unhappy about both the application process and restocking arrangements relating to Felling Licences CB24155 and FLA-6146 and reserves the right to make a further complaint to the Environmental Standards Agency.
      8. The Parallel Roads of Lochaber SSSI – The Community Council have highlighted our concern to the authorities concerned with the implementation of the Nature Conservation Scotland Act 2004. We will also be factoring in compliance with the legislation into any future planning submissions we make’. Any planning applications within the SSSI area will be robustly examined.
      9. Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – The Chairman has been in correspondence with both Kate Forbes MSP and Jim Muir trying to bring this matter to a close. Further complications however may be apparent due to the fact that Balloch is in the SSSI and Openreach may not have received permission to excavate on the SSSI.
      10. Freedom of Information – Once again this month a simple Freedom of Information request took the full 20 working days before the authority sought clarification, needlessly lengthening the process. Forestry Scotland upheld its decision following a review to evoke an exemption in the knowledge that it would take up to 2 years for the Information Commissioner’s staff to rule whether it was legitimate. Kate Forbes MSP is looking into the whole process on our behalf.
      11. Spean Bridge Post Office – Following further complaints about the irregular opening times of the Post Office the Chairman wrote to Frank McCarron, CJ Lang’s Director in charge of their Managed Stores and Kate Forbes MSP. CJ Lang have explained the difficulties of operating a small rural store and the problems of recruitment and retention of staff. They claim that the decision to close the post office counter is not taken lightly, and that they are committed to maintaining the post office hours as closely aligned to the shop opening hours as possible. The Community Council will organise a petition to be presented to Frank McCarron, CJ Lang.


      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

      1. Highland Council’s fortnightly briefing containing information about support, resources, and events for local communities – These have been circulated.
      2. Election Returning Officer – Advice about Postal Votes Circulated.
      3. Scottish Community Councils – The July Newsletter was received and circulated.
      4. The Scottish Land Commissions Conference – The Chairman attended the conference on the 13th of June at the MacDonald Resort in Aviemore. It was an interesting day with panel discussions and workshops examining and discussing innovative and practical approaches that could be done to reshape ways Scotland’s land is owned and contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable future.
      5. Nature Scot – Following the discussion at Aviemore with Robbie Kernahan, Director of Nature and Change we have continued the dialogue with Nature Scot about development in the SSSI.
      6. IBP Strategy and Research – The consultants employed by SSE Renewables to organise the setting up of their £10million Hydro fund are looking for input through a short survey from communities like ours hosting their hydro assets. The Survey is at ibp.eu.com/hydrofund and should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.
      7. SSEN Transmission – is preparing to launch its first Community Benefit Fund in September, to bring positive benefits to communities across the north of Scotland, with the aim of delivering over £100m of funding in the future. From 1 September, community groups in the north of Scotland will be able to apply for funding from an initial £2m that is being released from the company’s opening £10m community benefit fund, which covers in-flight projects already being delivered.
      8. Scottish Water – Due to operational issues, traffic management initially planned for W/C 3rd June has been rescheduled. We apologise for any confusion. Work is currently underway on a private road and traffic management on the junction of the A82 with the A86 will now take place from Monday 8th July 2024 for one week
      9. Knoydart Deer Management Group – The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th June are available on request.
      10. Beinn Bheag Windfarm – a request from McMillan Consultancy Ltd on behalf of RES, outlining proposals for Beinn Bheag Wind Farm, located approximately 22km west of Invergarry. A project website for Beinn Bheag at beinnbheag-windfarm.co.uk The website includes more details on the project. They would welcome the opportunity to attend a future Community Council it was agreed to arrange this.
      11. Rural Payphones – we have been approached indirectly by a resident of Gairlochy regarding the red telephone box. Apparently, there was a BT guy there in the last week putting up a notice in it about community adoption or they’re taking it away. This seems to be premature and a departure from the Ofcom guidelines. The Chairman has written to Dot Ferguson seeking clarification. We have two red telephone boxes at Gairlochy and Tulloch and one more modern design at Spean Bridge, and we would like to retain all three as payphones. If BT have Ofcom’s authority for such action Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO may be willing to adopt both the red boxes. Enquiries are ongoing with BT but irrespective we will be requesting that the Gairlochy Telephone Box is cleaned, painted and the Door is closed before any discussion on closure takes place.


      Treasurer’s Report: Expenditure this month was leaving a current balance of £4548.62.


      Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Awards: – No applications this month.



      Following further complaints about a noisy generator adjacent to Sewage Farm Road Spean Bridge the Chairman has written to the Senior Planning Manager South about enforcement action under Enforcement Order 23/00103/ENF. The Chairman will write again to HC to reiterate the issue.

      We note that Nature Scot appears to be takin g a more robust stance in relation to planning applications in the SSSI with objections to 23/04181/PIP, 23/05616/FUL, 24/01048/PIP, 24/01230/PIP & 24/01662/FUL. If the Planning Officer was mindful to approve any such approval would be referred to Scottish Government Ministers.

      Planning application 24/01791/S42 – Section 42 application to develop land without compliance with Condition 1 of Planning reference 19/02043/MSC:  saplings 40cm – 60cm in size shall be planted in shelters and staked in the area to the NW of the plot, as shown on the revised layout site plan drawing, together with groups of feathered 1.2m – 1.8m bare root trees in the positions shown along the boundaries of the plot at land 120m NW of Taigh Breagh, Achnabobane, Spean Bridge.

      The Community Council is not convinced that Section 42 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 is the proper vehicle for removing a condition which should have already been discharged. However irrespective of that we feel that both NPF 4 Policy 4a and 6a and Policies 28, 29 and 57 of the Highland Wide Local Development Plan caution against allowing this request and accordingly we object against the application for the reasons given.

      Planning Application 24/01352/FUL – Erection of 2 metre High Fence at Camden House, Spean Bridge. – NO OBJECTIONS

      Planning Application 24/02295/FUL – Erection of House, ancillary annex and Garage at Caravan, Tigh Fraoich, Lower Inverroy, Roy Bridge. – NO OBJECTIONS.
      The point that the maps accompanying the application were not accurate was discussed.

      A suggestion was made that an invitation is sent to the planning department to attend the monthly Community Council meeting. This was accepted as a good idea and an invitation will be sent.

      Any Other Business:

      • The new email address for the Community Council is: info@sbrbac.org
      • Sharon to arrange headed Community Council headed paper for Jenny Hastings

      The meeting closed at 8.45pm

      Next meeting: 6th August 2024

      Sharon Donald

      Minute Secretary, Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council


      Community Council Minutes - June 2024


      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm
      on Tuesday 4th June 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


      Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman), Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Sharon Donald (Minute Secretary), Melvyn Giles (Correspondence Secretary), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Jenny Hastings, Val Steele, Christine Clephan, Ian Matheson, and Highland Councillor John Grafton and member of the public.

      Apologies: Highland Councillor Liz Saggers


      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Sharon Donald, Val Steele, & Ian Langley are Trustees and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Treasurer of Kilmonivaig Parish Church, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Although no member has a financial interest in any of these organisations, we consider it important for transparency that we mention them.


      Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 7th May 2024:
      The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments the minutes were approved.

       Proposer: Ian Langley             Seconder:  Ian Matheson


      Matters Arising:

      New Belford Hospital – The Scottish government is currently reviewing its capital programme to establish which projects will be funded and the outcome of that review is expected very soon. In the meantime, Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes arranged a meeting for campaigners from the Belford Action Group with Neil Gray, the Health Secretary, following which Neil has agreed to meet with the NHS staff who are waiting to find out if they will be working in a new hospital by 2028. Neil will visit Belford Hospital this Summer. Ian Langley continues as our representative on the Lochaber Health & Social Care Redesign Stakeholders Group and reports that, since the pause on funding for the new hospital, the Group is focussing on re-designing the Health and Social Care Strategy for the Highlands ready to wrap the new hospital around it when funds become available.

      Highland Council – The Chairman has written to Lisa MacKellaich of Highland Council requesting that all the roads included in the Map for discussion in Roy Bridge be included in the Twenty’s Plenty Rollout. We await confirmation that will indeed happen. The Chairman has also written to Highland Council regarding the state of the fence between Spean Crescent grass area and the pavement next to the A82, children use this as a play area

      Playpark – The Play equipment has been installed and it is hoped a formal opening will be organised soon.

      Coire Glas – Given the considerable changes to the consent conditions without public scrutiny the Community Council have written to both the Energy Consents Unit and Kate Forbes MSP expressing our concern. The next Coire Glas Laison Group Meeting is arranged for Tuesday 25th June at 7.00pm in Glengarry Village Hall. The Minutes and Action Points from the last meeting are available on their website. coireglas.com/news-project-news

      Network Rail –The Chairman has had a response from Network Rail that they are considering whether they might contribute towards the engineering of a footbridge to connect two sections of Killiechonate Woodlands land to permit access to the section blocked by the fence. We await their decision. Ian Langley reported that Alcan will be using the railway for deliveries for the next 5 years

      Community Police Officer – The Chairman had a lengthy meeting with Acting Inspector Katy Duncan in which our concerns both specifically and generally were discussed. The Community Council received an apology for the non-appearance of our Community Police Officer and for the failure to respond to correspondence. It was agreed that a letter would be sent to the Assistant Chief Constable North escalating our displeasure and frustration, a copy will be sent to Kate Forbes.

      BEAR Scotland/Transport Scotland – BEAR Scotland, will be undertaking essential carriageway resurfacing works on the A82 at Spean Bridge and Letterfinlay. Due to the nature of the works, it will be necessary to close the A82 & the A86 at Spean Bridge for a total of 5 Nights from 8pm on Monday the 13th to 20th June, and the A82 for 4 nights at Letterfinlay from the 20th to 26th June not including Friday and Saturday Nights. To ensure the safety of the workforce and members of the public the road will be closed each night between 19:00pm to 06:00am. Amnesty periods will be in place where work on site will be temporarily suspended and vehicles will then be escorted through site, which will operate at the following times: 8pm, 9pm, 10pm, 11pm, 12am, 2am and 4am.

      Forestry Scotland – The Community Council have had further correspondence with representatives of Forestry Scotland. After due consideration it was felt that we had reached an impasse and accordingly forwarded a complaint about their conduct over Felling Licences CB24155 and FLA-6146 to the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform, and Islands and the Environment Standards Scotland Agency. We have also requested a review of Forestry Scotland’s decision to withhold information relating to our Freedom of Information Enquiry. These actions all acknowledged, appear to have brought some action with a visit to the site of two Forestry Officials who took a number of photographs and the Chairman has had a lengthy discussion with a Senior investigator with the Environment Standards Agency. The Cabinet Secretary has appointed a Senior Forestry Official to investigate our complaint and he is contacting the Chairman on 5th June to discuss certain points raised by us. Although ESS cannot proceed with our complaint until after the Cabinet Secretary has responded individual residents have complained about multiple agencies and ESS are investigating those and will liaise with the Community Council. The Chairman will pass on historic information including the felling of Douglas Firs in Spean Bridge.

      Achnabobane – Achnasol Woodlands – There has been considerable activity since Highland Council issued a temporary STOP Notice on 3rd May with visits from Highland Council, Forestry Scotland, SEPA and Police Scotland to the woodland. We have made a Freedom of Information Enquiry relating to waste movements (road scrapings) due to respond by 20th June. HC have informed the Community Council that they do not sell scrapings.

      Two Enforcement Orders 24/ 00187/ ENF and 24/00192/ENF have been issued. The first relates specifically to Claymore but the second a Planning Contravention Order is much more comprehensive and has been sent to all who either own or have purchased land telling them to stop any unconsented activity and reinstate the land including all cleared sites and tracks in the Achnasol Woodland INV9349

      Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – The Chairman has written again to Kate Forbes MSP querying the disparities between the Scottish Government and Openreach’s account of the rural rollout of R1 also questioned who was funding both the separate rollouts by the UK and Scottish Governments.

      Place Plans – The Chairman and Vice Chairman attended the Place Plans Training Event online on 28th Ian Langley has ascertained that we could use the recent Community Consultation and Action Plan as the basis for an abridged place plan to ensure we met the initial deadline of September 2024. The Chairman felt that as this was a Planning document the amount of work and consultation necessary would make it impossible for us to complete in the remaining timescale. After discussion it was agreed that Ian Langley with the assistance of Melvyn Giles and Ian Matheson would form a sub-committee and prepare a broad plan, the general opinion being that it was better to have something in place going forward

      Freedom of Information – It is an unalienable right of citizens to access information held by Public Bodies, and a valuable tool for bodies like Community councils to access the information that had led to decisions that affect the lives of our community. Unfortunately, Public Bodies are becoming more adept at blocking requests by either ignoring them or claiming exemption under the many conditions to the Act. Network Rail successfully claimed on a minor fencing contract that it was too expensive to search for contractual evidence which probably says more that their haphazard accounting practices than replying to a simple request. Highland Council took 59 working days to reply despite reminders, although the act says 20 working days, and then claimed they were unable to access the information requested. Forestry Scotland have used a rather unusual exemption to try and deflect our request. To cap it all an appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner is now 11 months old and we have not even got to the stage of having an investigator appointed. After writing to SIC the Chairman reported that an investigator will be appointed this month.


      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –


      1. Highland Council’s fortnightly briefing containing information about support, resources, and events for local communities – These have been circulated.
      1. Scottish Community Councils – The May Newsletter was received and circulated. DPEA online planning training has been offered for 13th June and the Chairman has signed up for it.
      1. Ron Bailey – I am writing to ask your Council to support our campaign to improve the safety of lithium batteries (used in e-bike and e-scooters) and their disposal.
      1. Ian Langley – Further to my previous enquiries I have now obtained some great news for Spean Bridge Scottish Fire and Rescue Community Response Unit; it has been announced publicly that their existing aged LDV appliance is to be replaced with a new Ultra Lightweight Fire Appliance in the very near future! The new appliance is currently in-build and was purchased out of last year’s SF&RS budget.
      1. Repair Shop – BBC1 is looking for stories in the Highland community. Do you have a cherished local landmark, a personal family heirloom, or a historical artefact with a connection to the Highlands that’s undergoing or in need of restoration? Are you seeking support to preserve your local community’s heritage? The Repair Shop wants to help! We’re looking to restore historical treasures, revive personal items, and honour crafting heroes in the Highlands. Whether you have a special item yourself, or want to nominate a project or individual, we want to hear from you.

      6. Ewan MacLennan of Living Rent I’m getting in touch at the recommendation of a friend because I thought that some of your members or contacts might be interested in an exciting new job that the community union I work for, Living Rent, are advertising around the Highlands. The role is for a community organiser who would be working in local communities to challenge whatever issues they are facing and help them fight for better, fairer housing and a system that works for the common good.


      Treasurer’s Report: Expenditure this month was 9 Stronelairg Windfarm Micro Grants Totalling £3100, and Registers of Scotland £30 leaving a current balance of £4748.62.


      Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Awards: – No applications this month.

      However, we have received a letter from SSE renewables which stated we are launching a new £10 million Hydro Community Fund, will be open to projects that support the community council areas which proudly host our hydro assets:

      To support the launch of a fund in autumn 2024 we need to undertake activity in summer 2024 to understand how this new fund can best support local communities across Scotland. As a key stakeholder, we would appreciate your community council’s support with promoting this activity:

      Consultation – we have secured the services of IBP Consultants to complete a consultation with local residents to ensure that the new fund focuses on the themes which are most important to the local area. IBP Consultants will host an information session to provide more information for community councils, but we would appreciate your help in raising awareness of this consultation so that the views of as many residents as possible will be heard.

      Local Panel – we will establish a panel of community representatives from across Scotland to make independent funding decisions for the new fund. The panel will meet online three times a year and will review applications from all hydro communities across Scotland. We will have an independent chair and seven community representatives from communities which host our hydro infrastructure. If a member of your local community is interested in participating in the panel, please ask them to register their interest with Lindsay.dougan@sse.com. We would particularly appreciate any interest from residents aged 18-30 to increase community representation of younger people.

      Applications – the fund will open for applications in autumn 2024 and we welcome applications from community projects which will make a lasting impact for your local community. We would appreciate you raising awareness of this new fund with local groups and initiatives. Groups can learn what other communities have used funding for in the SSE Renewables Community Investment Reviews.

      It was agreed to send SSE a copy of the ‘Community Action Plan’ produced by the SBRB&A SCIO.




      Planning Application 24/01732/S37 – Melgarve Cluster project – Section 37 application under the Electricity Act for the installation and operation of approximately 7 km of 132 kV overhead line on double circuit steel structure towers, and ancillary development comprising 2 no. cable sealing end compounds, approximately 9.9 km of underground cable (7.3 km from the Dell Wind Farm on site substation, 1.8 km from the Cloiche Wind Farm on site substation and 0.8 km on approach into Melgarve substation), upgrades to existing access tracks, new permanent and temporary access tracks, and temporary working areas (ECU Case Reference: ECU00004850) land 10km NW of Coul Farm house Laggan –  APPROVED


      Planning Application 24/01187/TPNO – Installation of a 25m high lattice tower accommodating 3no. antennas, 4no. 0.6m transmission dishes and ancillary development in a compound surrounded by a deer fence enclosure complete with access gate. The proposed compound will accommodate 7no. outdoor equipment cabinets, 1no. electrical meter cabinet, 1no. standby power generator and ancillary development – Southwest Of Meall Laire, West Of Fersit, Glen Spean, Highlands, PH34 4E. – AN OBJECTION WILL BE LODGED


      Planning Application 24/01662/FUL – This is a site called Claymore at Achnabobane where the Applicant and local Landowner decided to start clearing the site and excavating a new track without the benefit of Planning Approval. This led to a STOP Notice being placed on the site for 28 days and subsequently a Planning Enforcement Order 24/00192/ENF being served on all landowners to reinstate all land and tracks where unconsented activity had taken place in the Achnasol Woodlands. The Community Council unanimously decided to object to this application as it failed to address many of the policies in NPF4.


      Planning Application 24/01791/S42 – Section 42 application to develop land without compliance with condition 1 of Planning reference 19/02043/MSC saplings 40cm – 60cm in size shall be planted in shelters and staked in the area to the NW of the plot, as shown on the revised layout site plan drawing, together with groups of feathered 1.2m – 1.8m bare root trees in the positions shown along the boundaries of the plot at Land 120M NW Of Taigh Breagh, Achnabobane, Spean Bridge.

      It is disappointing that the Agent on this occasion knowing that the Community Council scrutinizes all planning applications failed to include all of the condition which states:

      This approval is granted subject to the following additional conditions and reasons:

      Notwithstanding the notes attached to approved Layout drawing no.101, a minimum of 120 saplings 40cm – 60cm in size shall be planted in shelters and staked in the area to the NW of the plot, outlined green on the Layout drawing, together with groups of feathered 1.2m – 1.8m bare root trees in the positions shown along the SW, SE and NE boundaries of the plot; species to comprise bird cherry, silver birch and rowan, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Planning Authority. Tree planting shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme with the numbers as set out above.

      All planting, in the approved details shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding  

      seasons following the commencement of development, unless otherwise stated in the approved scheme.

      Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, for whatever reason are removed or damaged shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of the same size and species.

      Reason: In order to ensure that a high standard of landscaping is achieved, appropriate to the location of the site, in accordance with policies 28, 29 and 57 of the Highland wide Local development Plan

      TIME LIMIT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS PERMISSION The development to which this planning permission in principle relates must commence no later than TWO YEARS from the date on this decision notice

      The Community Council is faced with a quandary as the previous landowner advised Highland Council of Initiation of Development on 19th May 2021 and subsequently sent photographs on 22nd June 2021 of the site clearance. The planting should have been undertaken by May 2023 but wasn’t. We presume as it was the intention to sell the land as had happened multiple times before but, on this occasion a quick sale was not arranged. If the applicant had carried out due diligence prior to purchase they would have found this condition.

      So, we see they have two options either plant the trees or make an entirely new planning application, but they cannot seek a variation to a planning application condition which should have already been discharged.


      Planning Application 24/01459/SCOP – Installation of 8km of buried of 400 KV export/import electricity cables to connect the Coire Glas Generating Station to the National Grid, access tracks, cable joint bays, temporary construction compound, temporary welfare compound and associated earthworks on land 2225m SW of 6 Kilfinnan Holiday Cottages, South Laggan, Spean Bridge. – APPROVED


      Any Other Business:

      • Hustings Meeting will be held at The Ben Nevis Hotel 7pm 18th June
      • Rewilding Scotland Project, Corrour Estate – it has been announced that Corrour Estate has joined Loch Abar Mor – a consortium that transcends traditional estate boundaries to regenerate land at a greater scale.
      • Digital Phone Network – letters have been received confirming the intention that analogue phones will be gone by Jan 2027 copper wires replaced with Broadband, this has raised concerns regarding safety issues around how this would work during power cuts. It is understood that there may be ‘work arounds’ for some areas.
      • Increased demand on emergency services on the A82. Discussion on new fire station closer to the A82 that could include ambulance/paramedic, possible project for the new SSE fund.
      • Discussion regarding ‘what three words’ the emergency services are using this as a locator in rural areas should be highlighted to people to have their front door location available.
      • Sewage Farm Road Spean Bridge – photographs have been sent to Highland Council of the motorhome and static caravan which have appeared on site, reported to D Mudie.
      • New email address – to be discussed at the next meeting


      The Meeting closed at 9pm

      Next meeting: 2 July 2024


      Sharon Donald, Minute Secretary

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Community Council Minutes and AGM - May 2024


      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 7th May 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


      Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman, Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Jenny Hastings, Sharon Donald, Val Steele, Ian Matheson, and Highland Councillor Liz Saggers and 1 member of the public.

      Apologies: Melvyn Giles, Christine Clephan, Alison Munro & Highland Councillor, John Grafton

      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Sharon Donald, Val Steele, & Ian Langley are Trustees and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Treasurer of Kilmonivaig Parish Church, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Although no member has a financial interest in any of these organisations, we consider it important for transparency that we mention them.


      Annual General Meeting

      1. Chairman’s Report – The Chairman’s Report having been circulated was approved unanimously.
      2. Approval of Final Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2024 – The Chairman in the absence of the Treasurer presented the annual accounts to the Meeting and was approved unanimously.
      3. Election of Office Bearers.

      Chairman:   John Fotheringham    Proposed Jenny Hastings, Seconded: Val Steele

      Vice Chairman:   Ian Langley          Proposed: Ian Matheson, Seconded: Jenny Hastings

      Treasurer:   Alison Munro               Proposed:  John Fotheringham, Seconded: Ian Matheson

      Correspondence Secretary: Melvyn Giles Proposed: Ian Langley, Seconded: John Fotheringham

      Minute Secretary: Sharon Donald Proposed: John Fotheringham, Seconded: Ian Langley


      1. Election of Sub- Committees for 2024/25.

      Planning: John Fotheringham, Jenny Hastings, Ian Matheson, & Melvyn Giles.

      Coire Glas Liaison Group: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley, & Melvyn Giles

      Linnhe Community Alliance: John Fotheringham and Melvyn Giles

      Deer Management Group: Val Steele

      Stronelairg Micro Grant Co-ordinator: Val Steele


      General Meeting


      Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 2nd April 2024: The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments the minutes were approved.

      Proposer:  Ian Langley                                                    Seconder:  Ian Matheson


      Matters Arising:

      1. New Belford Hospital – The Chairman considered that as the CEO of NHS Highland Fiona Davies lived in Roy Bridge it would be a courtesy for us to invite her to a future Meeting to give a presentation on the problems currently besetting NHS Highland.

      Ian reported that he had written to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and the Chair of NHS Highland and urged everyone in our community to do the same.

      2. Highland Council – We had received a comprehensive reply to our requests and they are as follows:

      a. We note that winter gritting on the B8005 ends at Clunes although previously it went as far as Achnasaul? The reason it now ends at Clunes is because there is now no school transport identified beyond Clunes.  Mowi do not pay towards our gritting route.

      b. Residents of the U1019 Bohenie Road in Roy Bridge would like the 30mph limit moved to beyond the residential houses and signs erected to warn motorists of children. Could you advise the procedure to be followed to action this request. This would require a new traffic order to be implemented if it is beyond resident houses I am not sure it would pass as being warranted. Agree with it being a Timber Haulage route warning signs for children should be erected, I will ask the technician to scope the area and implement this.

      c. We note that the 20s Plenty Signs in Roy Bridge only extend to Mulroy and Keppoch Terrace, although there are a number of other residential streets that would benefit. How do we apply to get the remaining residential streets included? – We have looked at your request and have no issue with including these roads in the final 20mph Traffic Regulation Order.  Please see attached map for proposed roads for inclusion (marked in purple as roads for discussion).  If you are able to confirm, or otherwise, if this covers what is being looked for that would be appreciated. For info. the current 20mph programme is being delivered by one single order for the whole of the Highland Council Area.  This current 20mph limits were delivered via a temporary order which runs till the end of January 2025 so any new roads being included would be signed in conjunction with the permanent order going live at the start of next year.

      d. The C1006 Insh Road has a deteriorating road surface which is particularly apparent about 200 metres east of the Corriechoille Railway Bridge. Despite patching the potholes have reopened and water appears to be bubbling up from below. In winter it often freezes over and is quite lethal for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists alike. Is it Highland Council’s intention to repair this section of road permanently in the current financial year? I am aware of the deterioration, and I am waiting on our capital expenditure being agreed, I hope to include at least the worst section in this financial year however I can’t give that commitment due to A & B class routes higher priority on our committed roads spend.

      e. Highland Council carries out various road repairs in Lochaber. Could you explain the procedure adopted for disposal of the waste tailings extracted? Do your contractors ensure that any disposal site has a current SEPA waste Licence? We don’t sell our planings we reuse them for edge drops or stock them when they are available.

      f. Last year we asked Highland Council if any of the their roads staff were involved in giving consent to Openreach or their Contractors Circet UK or Glenevin who were working on the R100 Fast Fibre Programme in Glen Gloy which meant digging a ditch on the verge of the U1027 Glen Gloy Road. We were told that no Highland Council Official was involved but the Utility Company disputes this. As we are currently in dialogue with Kate Forbes MSP we would appreciate some clarity on the subject. Under the telecommunications act we don’t need to give Openreach consent for utilities we do make sure their reinstatements are to roads standard, the roads inspection inspects their work and can fail the reinstatement if it is required.  Speaking to the inspector he did make Glenevin repair some of the verge and he was happy with the finish works.

      The C1153 will be close from 0930 to 1630 from 29th April to 10th May due to issues with the Cheanna Mhuirr Bridge


      3. Altour Road Playpark – The Play equipment has been installed and it is hoped a formal opening will be organised soon.

      4. Coire Glas – Our three representatives attended the Coire Glas Community Liaison Group meeting in Glengarry Community Hall on Monday 29 April 2024 at 7.00pm. The preparatory works are some 900 metres into the Mountain with approximately 200 metres left. They did experience an issue earlier this year of loose rock for about 30 metres but that has been resolved. The Kilfinnan Road proposal is expected to be decided at the June south planning Committee Meeting. If the decision to proceed is taken by SSE Renewables Board it is expected that the main construction will start in the Autumn of 2026 and the above ground working hours will be 7/7 Monday to Friday and 8/2 on Saturday. It is expected that there will be two Workers Camps on site one near the Upper Works and one on the Loch Lochy shore. No rock and spoil are expected to be removed from the site, and no decision has been taken about whether they will widen the 9 bridges between Laggan Locks and the Loch Lochy Straight as Per Consent condition 17. Given the considerable changes to the consent conditions without public scrutiny the Community Council will contact the Energy Consents Unit and Kate Forbes MSP to express our concern.

      5. Network Rail–The Chairman has had a response from Network Rail that they are considering whether they might contribute towards the engineering of a footbridge to connect two sections of Killiechonate Woodlands land to permit access to the section blocked by the fence. We await their decision.

      6. Community Police Officer – The Chairman will seek the Contact details of the Local inspector and Divisional Superintendent as the Community Council is unhappy about the failure of our Community Police Officer to either attend Meetings or answer correspondence.

      7. BEAR Scotland/Transport Scotland – We were copied into correspondence between Transport Scotland and Connecting Roy-Spean Area SCIO regarding Active Travel Routes locally. The latter organisation was seeking to be included in any future meetings with Transport Scotland and the Community Council. After due consideration and consultation, the Community council unanimously turned down the request. We are however willing to enter into a dialogue with the Connecting Spean – Roy Area SCIO Trustees and offer them Associate Membership.

      8. Forestry Scotland – The Community Council have had a partial response to our Freedom of Information enquiry relating to restocking obligations at Achnabobane. Forestry Scotland have however evoked an exemption which limited the information supplied. The Community Council considers that the exemption claimed has not been correctly interpreted, and will request a review, and additional information.  If Forestry Scotland do not provide the Information requested on review, we will make a formal complaint to the Scottish Information Commissioner. The Community Council remains unhappy about Forestry Scotland’s performance to date in relation to Felling Licences CB24155 and FLA-6146 and will consider complaints to the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform, and Islands and the Environment Standards Agency if necessary.

      9. Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – The Chairman has written again to Kate Forbes MSP querying the disparities between the Scottish Government and Openreach’s account of the rural rollout of R100, also questioned who was funding both the separate rollouts by the UK and Scottish Governments.


      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –


      1. David Mudie of Highland Council’s South Planning Manager gave notice of a Planning Violation at Achnabobane which led to a Temporary Stop Notice being placed on a site. The Community Council unanimously consider that the Agencies involved with the numerous breaches of legislation at Achnabobane and in particular in the Achnasol Woodland covered by Felling Licences need to act individually or collectively to outlaw such practices. We are aware of an additional sale of another 20 plots, not in itself illegal, but if necessary, the Community Council will highlight to the various authorities the environmental damage caused by unconsented activity. It was also agreed that we would OBJECT to every and all Planning Applications at Achnabobane.
      2. Highland Council regarding Place Plans – Melvyn Giles, Ian Langley and Tony Perriam will look at what is needed and whether we have the capacity and ability to respond.
      3. Registers of Scotland – Produced at our request the Application Record for Title Deed INV9349 which the Community Council agreed to share with all necessary authorities.
      4. Highland Council’s fortnightly briefing containing information about support, resources, and events for local communities – These have been circulated.
      5. SSE Renewables – The chairman attended SSE Renewables Network Event – Tuesday 30th April 2pm – 4:30pm, which took place online via Teams.
      6. Ian Stewart of Bidwells relating to Achnacarry Estate’s Long Term Forest Plan (LTFP) which is up for renewal. Generally, it covers the areas that were defined in the previous long-term forest plan although they are now including some of the outlying AWIs that were not previously included. The woodland creation areas have been included to provide context but plans for those areas, the AWI woodlands and the Loch Arkaig Pinewood will be covered in additional consultation or management plans
      7. From Highland Council Community Council Support SCDC Participation Request Proposals Conference will be held on 15th May 2024, 9.30am – 3.30pm. At the request of the Scottish Government , SCDC have been working with community representatives and staff from public sector agencies to develop ideas for improving the Participation Requests process based on experience of using them so far.  These ideas will inform ministers consideration of Part Three of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 as part of the wider review of the Act happening this year.


      Treasurer’s Report: No transactions this month. The current Bank Balance remains £7754.50.


      Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Awards:

      Considering the popularity of these awards and the likelihood of a high number of applications which may be our last under the present funder the Council felt we would like to try and ensure that the widest possible community benefit was achieved:

      The Community Council after considering the applications made the following Awards

      Justin Swabey for Sorley Swabey   – £250

      Roy Bridge Senior Citizens Lunch 2024 – £500

      Roy Bridge Village Christmas Tree Lights  – £150

      Roy Bridge Children’s Christmas Parties 2024  – £200

      Spean Bridge Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch 2024  – £500



      Planning Application 21/03336/FUL – Erection of House and Installation of 3No. Holiday Pods at land 120m south of Banada, 4 Upper Inverroy, Roy Bridge – REFUSED.

      Planning Application 23/06003/FUL Siting of mobile horsebox for the sale of hot food and drinks Land 10M North of Post Office, Spean Bridge – WITHDRAWN

      Planning Application 24/01056/S36 Earba Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Scheme – Construction and operation of a pumped storage hydroelectric scheme with a generating capacity of 1,800MW and a 40GWh storage capacity Location of Works Land 4200M SE Of Moy Lodge, Tulloch, Roy Bridge  – OBJECTION posted.

      Planning Application 24/01048/PIP Erection of House Land 55M SW Of Corrie View Achnabobane Spean Bridge – Multiple NPF 4 Policy reasons for OBJECTION

      Planning Application 24/01230/PIP Erection of House Land 90M SW Of Corrie View Achnabobane Spean Bridge – Speculative Application without merit. OBJECTION.

      Planning Application 24/01732/S37 – Melgarve cluster project – Section 37 application under the Electricity Act for the installation and operation of approximately 7 km of 132 kV overhead line on double circuit steel structure towers, and ancillary development comprising 2 cable sealing end compounds, approximately 9.9 km of underground cable (7.3 km from the Dell Wind Farm on site substation, 1.8 km from the Cloiche Wind Farm on site substation and 0.8 km on approach into Melgarve substation), upgrades to existing access tracks, new permanent and temporary access tracks, and temporary working areas (ECU Case Reference: ECU00004850) land 10km NW of Coul Farm house Laggan – Working on response which will be circulated.

      Planning Application 24/01392/PIP – Erection of Manager’s House at Darwin’s Rest Coffee Shop, Roy Bridge – After discussion approved.

      Planning Application 24/01502/PNO – Formation of forest ATV track (restocking, 2.5m wide, 3175m long) Land 4745M NW Of 2 Forestry Houses, Forestry Houses, Achnacarry, Spean Bridge – Approved.

      Planning Application 23/05683/FUL – Conversion of outbuildings to form self-contained unit (holiday letting) at Farmhouse, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EY. – Approved.

      Planning Application 24/01187/TPNO – Installation of a 25m high lattice tower accommodating 3no. antennas, 4no. 0.6m transmission dishes and ancillary development in a compound surrounded by a deer fence enclosure complete with access gate. The proposed compound will accommodate 7no. outdoor equipment cabinets, 1no. electrical meter cabinet, 1no. standby power generator and ancillary development – Southwest Of Meall Laire, West Of Fersit, Glen Spean, Highlands, PH34 4E. – Review

      Planning Application 24/01225/FUL – Erection of hut – Land 660M NE Of Inverlair Farmhouse, Tulloch, Roy Bridge – Noted

      Planning Application 24/01237/FUL – Siting of pod (for use as short term let) Location of Works Monadhliath, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EX – Noted

      Planning Application24/01257/PNO – Formation of forestry forwarder track (harvesting; 840m long (3 tracks in total); 5m wide) – Land 1265M SE Of Achnasual, Achnacarry, Spean Bridge – Approved

      Planning Application  24/01645/PNO – Formation of forestry ATV tracks (replanting/ maintenance/deer control) 2.5m wide, 994m long – Land 1150M SE Of Spean Wood Tulloch Roy Bridge – Approved.


      Any Other Business:

      Councillor Liz Saggers drew the attention of the Community Council to various consultations currently taking place in Highland Council and urged those present to participate.

      There were still concerns about the repeated closure of the Spean Bridge Post Office at relatively short notice. Chairman to write to CJ Lang.

      Next meeting is Tuesday 4th June.


      The Meeting closed at 21:00

      John Fotheringham, Chairman


      Community Council Minutes - April 2024

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 2nd April 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.


      Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman, Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Sharon Donald, Ian Matheson, Melvyn Giles, and Highland Councillor John Grafton and 5 members of the public.


      Apologies: Val Steele, Christine Clephan, Jenny Hastings, Sgt Gavin Law, Highland Councillor, Liz Saggers


      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Melvyn Giles, Sharon Donald, Christine Clephan, Val Steele, & Ian Langley are Trustees and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Treasurer of Kilmonivaig Parish Church, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Although no member has a financial interest in any of these organisations, we consider it important for transparency that we mention them.


      Presentation by Claudette Bruce, Community Liaison Officer and Ben Donaldson of Highland Broadbands about plans to bring gigabit capable ultrafast full fibre to the residents of Spean Bridge in 2024 –

      Claudette and her colleague explained that it was their Company’s intention to install fast full fibre broadband in Spean Bridge and surrounding rural areas. Full fibre is fibre to your door by means of a new cable and will bring speeds from 100Mpbs to 2Gpbs between twenty and 200 times faster than present. It costs nothing to install and telephone and broadband packages are available. Highland broadband intend a Public Information Day in the Local Community Centre. Packages are priced at various levels but they do have and contracts are either 12 or 24 months. As they are entirely separate from existing lines your option to change back to your existing or new provider remains. Any further information can be obtained at the Highland Broadband Website, and they hope to begin installation in Spean bridge shortly.


      Presentation by Chris Pasteur of Gilkes Energy about the Loch na Earba Pumped Storage Planning Application

      Chris gave a resume about the present position about the proposal to construct a 1800 MW Hydro Electric Pumped Storage Scheme at Loch na Earba approximately 4200 metres SE of Moy Lodge, Tulloch, Roy B ridge which had been registered with the Energy Consents Unit and shortly with Highland Council Planning.

      It was apparent that local concerns about the A86 had not been addressed. Describing the road as a two lane trunk road belies the fact that Transport Scotland themselves have admitted that for 17.5 miles of the 27 mile stretch from the site access to Kingussie is not wide enough for 2 HGVs to pass safely. Chris tried to allay our fears by suggesting that the works will have a minimal effect on our two principal villages and his company have offered to subsidise some modifications to the trunk road. The Chairman rejected his argument explaining that the A86 was pivotal to allowing our residents access to the east and south, and to the direct Edinburgh and London Train Service. Furthermore it was the only diversionary route to inverness our main hospital and airport when the A82 was closed. It would seem rather than cosmetic changes to the trunk road running a public transport service linking Fort William with both Citylink and Scotrail Services at either Kingussie or Dalwhinnie would have more merit. Concern was also raised about the lack of detail relating to the Worker’s Camp, the Rock and Spoil Disposal, and Community Benefit.

      The Community Council has received an extension from Energy Consents and will be preparing a detailed submission, but although broadly supportive of Pumped Storage have serious reservations about this project particularly as both it and Coire Glas are scheduled to be constructed between 2026 and 2031.


      Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 5th March 2024: The Minutes having been circulated and a minor amendment including Val Steele as an attendee been corrected the minutes were approved.

      Proposer:  Melvyn Giles                                           Seconder:  Ian Matheson


      Matters Arising:


      1. Kilmonivaig Church Hall – It was agreed on reflection that our donation for use of the Hall for the Calendar year 2024 would be £300 as we felt it more fairly represented our use and income. The Chairman took no part in the discussion or decision due to conflict of interest.
      2. New Belford Hospital – Although Ian Langley has written on our behalf to the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Neil Gray, and the NHS Highland’s Chairperson it was felt that it would carry greater weight if the whole community was to write. The Organising Committee wished to thank all those who attended the march in support of the new Belford Hospital.
      3. Highland Council – Following a complaint from a resident about gritting on a section of the C1153 the C’aIg Falls to Strathan road the Chairman wrote to our Ward Councillor’s on 16th February and again on 3rd March seeking an explanation. A request to extend the 30mph speed limit in Bohenie Road Roy Bridge had been made to Highland Council. The condition of the U1006 Insh Road had previously been reported to Councillor Grafton and the potholes had been patched. It has been noticed that the section some 200 metres east of the Corriechoille Railway Bridge had continued to deteriorate particularly it is believed from either a collapsed culvert or the absence of one. Councillor Grafton agreed to take up these matters with the requisite Highland Council Official at a meeting shortly, and report back.
      4. Playparks – The replacement play park equipment is being installed this week. The Community Council thanked Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO and in particular their Community Development Officer Tony Perriam for all their endeavours to secure the new equipment.
      5. Coire Glas – The next Coire Glas Community Liaison Group meeting is scheduled for  Glengarry Community Hall on Monday 29 April 2024 at 7.00pm. SSE Renewables would like to encourage members of the community to submit questions they may have in advance of the meeting. This will allow them to answer as many queries as possible.
      6. Network Rail –The Chairman has as requested written to Network Rail to find out if they might be willing to contribute towards the engineering of a footbridge to connect two sections of Killiechonate Woodlands land to permit access to the section blocked by the fence. We await a response.
      7. Community Police Officer – Sgt Gavin Law was not present and we were unaware of any progress on items raised last month.


      1. BEAR Scotland/Transport Scotland – BEAR Scotland have replied that the A82 northwards from the A82/A86 road junction in Spean Bridge is scheduled for resurfacing in the current financial year, but have not given a specific time. Carriageway maintenance will take place on the A86 west of the Laggan Dam between 21st and 25th April from 7pm to 6 am. The road will be closed during that time, but open with amnesties. Given that Nature Scot had highlighted the perennial issue of waste road tailings being spread on ground at Achnabobane we had enquired with both SEPA and BEAR Scotland about the origin and whether end use certificates had been obtained. BEAR Scotland had replied that neither them nor their Contractor Breedon had supplied any since 2019, but had kindly drawn our attention to SEPA’s Public Register of Waste Licences. We will seek an assurance from Highland Council that the correct procedure is adopted regarding the disposal of waste material.
      2. Forestry Scotland – The Community Council awaits with interest the result of our Freedom of Information enquiry relating to restocking obligations at Achnabobane.
      3. Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – no further update.

      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

      1. Highland Council regarding an Application for Major Variation of Premises Licence at Roy Bridge Hotel – The Community Council decided merely to note the plans.
      1. Highland Council regarding Place Plans – Melvyn Giles, Ian Langley and Tony Perriam will look at what is needed and whether we have the capacity and ability to respond.
      1. Marie Nolan of Lochaber Talks Podcast requesting an interviewee to talk about Community Councils. Ian Langley will research and respond.
      1. Highland Council’s fortnightly briefing containing information about support, resources, and events for local communities – These have been circulated
      2. SSE Renewables – Information about their next Network Event – Tuesday 30th April 2pm – 4:30pm, which will take place online via Teams. The Chairman will attend.

      Treasurer’s Report: Income was SSE Renewables Stronelairg Community Fund £5000 Expenditure this month was Defibrillator Battery £285.60 leaving a current Bank Balance is £7754.50.

      The Financial Year ended on 31st March and the Final Accounts will be completed for submission at the AGM in May or June.


      Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Awards:

      Considering the popularity of these awards and the likelihood of a high number of applications which may be our last under the present funder the Council felt we would like to try and ensure that the widest possible community benefit was achieved:

      The Community Council after considering the applications made the following Awards

      Christine Edmond on behalf of the Braes Walking Group. – £250

      Liz Doyle on behalf of the Spean Bridge Primary School. – £500

      Elaine Jones on behalf of Lauren Jones. – £300

      Sally MacKenzie on behalf of the Roy Bridge Village Gardens. – £400

      A further application was deferred for additional information.


      Planning: None


      Any Other Business:

      Concerns were expressed about the repeated closure of the Spean Bridge Post Office at relatively short notice. Chairman to write to CJ Lang.

      Following complaints of anti-social behaviour, it was agreed that the Chairman should seek the guidance of the local Police Inspector.

      It was agreed that we should ask the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency if they could provide a speaker for a future Community Council Meeting.


      The Meeting closed at 21:00

      John Fotheringham, Chairman


      Community Council Minutes - March 2024

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 5th March 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


      Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman, Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Val Steele,  Jenny Hastings, Sharon Donald, Ian Matheson, Melvyn Giles, and Highland Councillor John Grafton  4 members of the public.

      Apologies: Alison Munro, Christine Clephan, Sgt Gavin Law, Highland Councillor Liz Saggers

      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Melvyn Giles, Sharon Donald, Christine Clephan, Val Steele, & Ian Langley are Trustees and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Although no member has a financial interest in any of these organisations, we consider it important for transparency that we mention them.

      Presentation by Claudette Bruce, Community Liaison Officer of Highland Broadbands about plans to bring gigabit capable ultrafast full fibre to the residents of Spean Bridge in 2024 – Postponed to Next Month.

      Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 6th February 2024: The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments were approved.

      Proposer:   Sharon Donald                                           Seconder:  Jenny Hastings


      Matters Arising:

      1. New Belford Hospital – Stakeholders John Hutchison, Patricia Jordan, John Gillespie, David Sedgwick, and Michael Foxley are calling for people to rally on March 16 at 1100 and march through Fort William and have lodged an open letter with the new Cabinet Secretary for Health, Neil Gray, the NHSH board, local MSPs, councillors and community councillors.
      2. Highland Council – Following a complaint from a resident about gritting on a section of the C1153 the C’aIg Falls to Strathan road the Chairman wrote to our Ward Councillors on 16th February and again on 3rd March seeking an explanation.
      3. Playparks – Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO have paid the invoice from Highland Council allowing them in turn to pay Caledonia Play and allow the equipment to be installed about the 1st to 7th A slight amendment to the Equipment has brough a rebate of £930.
      4. Coire Glas – SSE Renewables has invested £2,500 to purchase 11 Renewable Energy Kits for schools across the Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) West Highland Region. Lochaber High School have been the first to benefit from the learning resource which allows students to investigate key concepts around renewable energy transformation and factors that can affect the efficiency of wind turbines and solar cells. They also act as a catalyst to explore other types of renewable energy, including hydropower and pumped storage hydro schemes, such as Coire Glas. A complaint about the designated Car Park in Strabag’s Workers Camp not being used as such, a contravention of the planning condition, will be investigated.
      5. Network Rail – We finally got a response from Network Rail which has been circulated. It is obvious that neither the local staff nor the QTS Group understood the layout of the land on the north side of the railway prior to installing the fence. It seems pointless to cite health and safety as the reason for closing the crossing when that very act stops the landowner from inspecting and harvesting trees. He cannot be blamed therefore if a tree or trees fall on the line causing a much more serious health and safety issue. Mr Eppens requested that we write to Network Rail to find out if they might be willing to contribute towards the engineering of a footbridge to connect two sections of his land to permit access to the section blocked by the fence. The Chairman will so do.
      6. Community Police Officer – in the absence of Sgt Law Ian Langley raised the issue of fake £20 notes circulating in the community and underage drinking in licensed premises. Duly noted by Councillor Grafton and reported to the police.
      7. Roy Bridge School – Nothing to report. Agreed to remove from the Agenda until something positive to report.
      8. BEAR Scotland/Transport Scotland – Following a number of local complaints the Chairman has written to BEAR Scotland about the condition of the A82 northwards from the A82/A86 road junction and requesting repair or resurfacing work without delay. We await a response.                                                          BEAR Scotland are replacing a retaining wall at Glen Gloy 4 miles north of Spean Bridge on the A82. The project is set to get underway from Tuesday 20 February for up to 12 weeks. Temporary traffic lights shall be in place continuously to protect road workers as well as motorists during the improvements. Typical working hours will be between 0700 to 1900 hrs, Monday to Sunday. The working hours and duration of the project are highly dependent upon favourable weather conditions due to the nature of the works. Emergency access will be always available throughout the works.                                          Essential remedial works will take place to remove loose rock and debris in various rock slopes above the A82 north of Altsigh between the 12th and 23rd March, and on the A86 at Creag Meagaidh between 5th and 8th March. On both occasions there will be two way traffic lights in operation between 0800 and 1900.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  It was noted that Transport Scotland had failed to meet with FW 2040 members at very short notice.
      9. Forestry Scotland – The Community Council’s Freedom of Information enquiry to ascertain the level of inspection and action taken to ensure restocking agreements are enforced has been lodged. Forestry Scotland have requested an additional 20 days to respond owing in their words to the increase workload and we will now receive a reply by 9th.
      10. Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – The Community Council have had a response from Openreach via Kate Forbes MSP which has been circulated. They continue to be in denial so both Jim Muir and the Chairman have responded seeking specific answers, and we await their explanation.
      11. Spean Bridge Defibrillator – the battery was duly purchased and delivered. Handed it over to Dominic Sargent who fitted it and the defibrillator is now once again fully operational. We will liaise with the Scottish Ambulance Service to arrange training in both Spean Bridge and Roy Bridge, but otherwise matter closed.
      12. National Park – The Community Council’s majority agreement was submitted and acknowledged. Noted that their five localities vying to get on the short list, and Lochaber has some healthy opposition. We will await with interest any developments but matter closed meantime.
      13. Fire and Rescue Service Vehicle – The Chairman had made enquiries and currently there is no imminent replacement envisaged.


      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

      1. Forestry Scotland- In April 2024 we will carry out a Forest Stewardship Council Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification.

      A full list of the forest / woodland locations within their Group Scheme is available with this consultation document and feedback regarding management practices at any of these sites is welcome.

      Comments are welcomed on

      1. Forest management carried out by UK Forest Certification Ltd and/or sites within their Group Scheme   and/or
      2. The FSC Standard being used

      To comment, please complete our online stakeholder feedback form, using the link below:

      The deadline for comments is 22-Mar-2024. If your comments are site specific, please state very clearly which site they refer to.

      1. Ardgour Community Council – relating to Shared Rural Network Implementation. Their interpretation seems to mirror our concerns about planning applications for telecommunication equipment in wild land.
      2. Forestry and Land Scotland – Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) are submitting a Felling Permission Application for two areas in Loch Arkaig Forest and we wish to consult you in advance of the submission.
      3. Forestry Scotland writing to consult us regarding the proposed Glen Mallie New Natural Regeneration scheme.  You should have just rec’d a generic email from scottishforestry@scottishforestry-casebook.oncreate.app, which has basic details. However the Woodland Officer has asked that further information be given to you4.
      4. Senior Wards Manager– Fortnightly Resilience Briefing. Available for circulation on request
      5. Local Energy Scotland has published its monthly CARES bulletin which is available for circulation on request.
      6. Michael Foxley relating to a meeting of the FW 2040 Stakeholder’s Group with Transport Scotland which was subsequently cancelled.
      7. Nils Aksnes – seeking Community Council input regarding understand existing needs and opportunities in the communities surrounding Loch Arkaig (Achnacarry, Bunarkaig, Clunes & Glen Loy).

      Treasurer’s Report: Expenditure this month was Defibrillator Battery £285.60 leaving a current Bank Balance is £2754.50. It was agreed to give a donation of £500 for use of the Kilmonivaig Church Hall for 2024. The Chairman was not involved in the decision because of conflict of interest as a Trustee of Kilmonivaig Church.



      Planning Application 23/05044/TPNO – Installation of 25M lattice tower, supporting 6no. radio antennas, 4no. transmission dishes and ancillary equipment along with 3no. ground based cabinets, implementation solar panel arrays with proposed power safe hybrid solar/generator cabinet enclosed within a 1.2m high timber compund fence at Land 680M NE Of Strathan Achnacarry Spean Bridge. This was an application which the Community Council had been unhappy with because of its encroachment into the Wild Land Area but after consultation with local sporting community decided not to object on the grounds of health and safety. Highland Council subsequently refused prior approval on the grounds that there is insufficient information to adequately demonstrate that the siting and landscape and visual impact of the proposal would not be significantly detrimental to public amenity, and harmful to the Morar, Moidart and Glen Shiel Special Landscape Area and the Kinlochhourn – Knoydart – Morar Wild Land Area, contrary to the provisions of NPF4 Policies 4 and 24, and to Highland-wide Local Development Plan Policies 36, 46, 57 and 61.

      Planning Application 23/05616/FUL – Siting of 4 cabins for holiday accommodation and associated infrastructure at Land 280M NW Of Rigsden Achnabobane Spean Bridge – Following a detailed consultation we submitted a response to AS Associates which was unanimously agreed by the Community Council.

      Planning Application 23/05699/FUL – Installation of a 20m lattice mast, shared antennas, transmission dish. electricity generators. Sat dish and associated ancillary development within a 1.2m high fence at Bogaire, Land Off Water Of Nevis, Mamore Estate, Kinlochleven, Highlands PH33 6TE. – The Community Council will respond along the lines of the refusal of 23/05044/PNO. We are against the needless destruction of Wild Land Area for doubtful telecommunication benefits.

      Planning Application 23/06003/FUL – Siting of mobile horsebox for the sale of hot food and drinks Land 10M North Of Post Office, Spean Bridge. – The Community Council consider there was insufficient information to permit us to make an informed decision so we would object on those grounds.


      Each of the following Applications were approved:

      Planning Application 24/00544/PNO – Formation of a private way (ATV track, restocking, 2.5m wide and 9300m long) Land 4630M SW Of Invermaillie, Achnacarry, Spean Bridge

      Planning Application 24/00286/FUL – Change of use of domestic shed to gin distillery at Grianan, Letterfinlay, Spean Bridge, PH34 4DZ

      Planning Application 24/00457/FUL – Erection of polytunnel (domestic use) at Littlepark Cottage, Fersit, Tulloch, Roy Bridge, PH31 4AR


      Any Other Business:

      There was a discussion about changing our email address to make it more user friendly

      1. Do we want a domain name, for instance something like name@SBRBAC-CC.org? The exact form of the domain name will depend on what’s available as does the add on “.org”, or “.com” or even “.scot”. The domain name will probably come with a small number of e-mails addresses, so you could have something like “chairman@SRRBAC-CC.org for instance. You have to rent or buy a domain name. The usual method is to rent it, which can be up to a period of 10 years in one payment. What is needed is a person to send the renewal notice to.
      2.  The alternative to 1, is to use a free e-mail service such as gmail. You could set up e-mail addresses of the form “Chairman-SBRBAC-CC@gmail.com”. The same could be done for the treasurer or anyone else. Some person has to own those e-mail addresses, with an address and a phone number. This option is difficult to manage when people leave.

      It was decided to continue the conversation to a later date.

      The next Community Council Meeting would be on Tuesday 2nd April 2024


      The Meeting closed at 20:45

      John Fotheringham, Chairman

      Community Council Minutes - February 2024

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 6th February 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.


      Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman, Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Christine Clephan (Secretary), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Jenny Hastings, Sharon Donald, Melvyn Giles, and Highland Councillor John Grafton 3 members of the public.

      Apologies: Ian Matheson, Sgt Gavin Law, Highland Councillor Liz Saggers

      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Melvyn Giles, Sharon Donald, Christine Clephan, & Ian Langley are Trustees and Alison Munro is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Although no member has a financial interest in any of these organisations, we consider it important for transparency that we mention them. Merely living in an area or contributing personally to a planning application is not deemed to be sufficient grounds to register a conflict of interest.

      Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 9th January 2024: The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments were approved.

      Proposer:  Melvyn Giles                                                 Seconder:  Ian Langley

      Matters Arising:

      1. New Belford Hospital – On19th January it was announced by NHS Highland that as a result of the Scottish Government freezing funding for any future capital developments, the replacement for the Belford Hospital could not be progressed at this time. Although it is NHS Highland’s intention to continue with the existing stakeholder forums, those directly involved are actively discussing a proportionate community response. We are particularly grateful for our Vice Chairman’s continued participation.
      2. Highland Council – We note that the sign restricting vision for vehicles exiting Station Road in Spean Bridge has been moved to resolve the issue.
      3. Playparks – The Community Council were pleased to see that Highland Council had spent £18,322 renewing all the equipment at the Roy Bridge Playpark. We also note that the Altour Road redundant equipment has been removed to allow the new equipment purchased by Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO to be installed about the 25th March. It was suggested that we might ask a representative of SSE Renewables to formally open the new playpark as recognition of their funding contribution.
      4. Coire Glas – Jade Clark and Malcom Grant of SSE Renewables gave an update on the Coire Glas Project. The exploratory tunnelling activities were currently on hold because they had encountered unexpected geology. Apparently the rock in the cavern area is not solid as they would have liked and they are having to provide additional reinforcement but expect to re-commence operations at the end of the month.
      5. Network Rail – The Information Commissioner finally ruled that Network Rail was entitled to refuse our request under regulation 12(4)(b). The Commissioner also found that Network Rail complied with its obligations under regulation 9 of the EIR to offer advice and assistance. However, the Commissioner found that Network Rail had breached regulation 5(2) of the EIR, as it failed to provide a response within 20 working days of receiving the request. The Commissioner did not require any steps as a result of this decision notice. Network Rail have however offered an amended request to provide all correspondence relating to work near Corriechoille Railway Bridge, Spean Bridge to or from @killiechonate.co.uk and named contact at QTS in 2021 and 2022 by 20th February 2024.
      6. Community Police Officer – Sgt Gavin Law was unable to attend, but had spoken to Roads Policing Sergeant Ewan Calder who had confirmed that the 20mph speed limits are enforceable in Spean Bridge and all other 20mph speed limit areas.
      7. Roy Bridge School – Tony Perriam gave a current update on the progress of the project. The Lochaber Area Committee met on 23rd January to consider the current round of Community Regeneration Fund applications. Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO’s application for £20,000 towards pre planning costs was approved subject to securing match funding.   
      8. BEAR Scotland/Transport Scotland – BEAR Scotland has been asked to investigate the feasibility of repurposing the post and electricity supply cabinet used previously for the part-time 20mph speed limit on the A86 in Roy Bridge to relocate the position of the illuminated 30mph sign. Provided these works can be completed, this should alert westbound drivers entering Roy bridge who are exceeding the speed limit sooner than at present. The existing electronic 30mph sign is likely to have been positioned to avoid conflict with the part-time 20mph speed limit, however this constraint no longer exists. In regards to the request for an additional 30mph sign, the traffic signs regulations do not permit 30mph signs or road markings to be installed in sections of road where street lighting is provided. Roadworks on the A86 from 5th February 2 miles east of Laggan for 5 weeks between 08:00 and 18:00 each day. Traffic Lights and single carriageway operation. Night working involving road closure from 6th -9th February and 7th – 8th March, diversion in place.  
      9. Forestry Scotland – The Community Council have noted Forestry Scotland’s response to a recent Planning Application and will make a Freedom of Information enquiry to ascertain the level of inspection and action taken to ensure restocking agreements are enforced.
      10. Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – The Community Council have had a response from Openreach via Kate Forbes MSP. They appear to be in denial so both Jim Muir and the Chairman have responded seeking specific answers, and we await their explanation.
      11. Nature Scot and the SSSI – The Community Council has been in correspondence with Nature Scot following the admission that the SSSI involving the Parallel Roads of Lochaber in the vicinity of Achnabobane may have been damaged by the combination of approved and unapproved development. We are happy with their actions but will continue to monitor developments.
      12. Spean Bridge Defibrillator – Having recently reinstalled the defibrillator at the Fire and Rescue Garage following the purchase of much needed pad we have now been informed that the batteries have failed. To replace the battery will cost £267.60, but if we don’t the defibrillator will be withdrawn again. Agreed that the Treasurer would make the payment.
      13. National Park – The Community Council debated whether to support the initial stage 1 proposal for Lochaber to submit an expression of interest. By a majority it was agreed to so do.

      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

      1. Network Rail will shortly begin work to extend platforms at Tulloch and Roy Bridge. The investment will enable the introduction of longer trains in response to increasing volumes of leisure travel and demand for enhanced provision of bike spaces. The jobs involve either a single extension of up to 15metres at one end of the platform or extensions of up to 7.5m at each end, as land availability and/or constraints dictate. Ian Langley had highlighted the lack of disability access to Roy Bridge Station to Network Rail.
      2. Highland Environment Forum – Local Authorities have been tasked by the Scottish Government to establish Nature Networks throughout Scotland, and to assist in reaching targets of 30% of land protected for Nature by 2030. As part of this process the Highland Council are looking to: (a) Map nature-rich land in the long-term care of communities and conservation organisations andd (b) Map sites and places that are locally or regionally important for biodiversity (nature) and/or geology and, where appropriate, designate these areas as Local Nature Conservation Sites (LNCS).    It was agreed to submit any appropriate sites.
      3. Scottish Forestry – Tulloch and Ossian Long Term Forest Plan for our consideration.
      4. Senior Wards Manager– Fortnightly Resilience Briefing. Available for circulation on request
      1. Local Energy Scotland has published its monthly CARES bulletin which is available for circulation on request.
      1. Mobile Library Service – Rural communities in the Highlands have voiced concern about the uncertain future of the area’s mobile library service. Six of the ageing fleet of seven vehicles are considered unfit for purpose and need to be replaced. The situation has already led to disruptions with the vans being off the road. No relief vehicles are available. The Chairman researched the service locally and contributed to an article in Thursday 1st February’s Lochaber Times.
      1. Information Commissioner Scotland – Our complaint regarding Highland Council is to be given greater priority.
      1. Linnhe Community Alliance – Melvyn Giles and the Chairman attended the Linnhe Community Alliance meeting on 5th. Topics discussed were Planning, Public Bin and bottle provision, FW2040, Lochaber Social Care and Health Redesign, Technology infrastructure, and National Park.
      1. Douglas Gunn – a Scottish Rainforest Survey Request to assist a BSC Student is available for any Councillor wishing to participate.

      Treasurer’s Report:

      The Community Council now has Internet Banking. The current Bank Balance is £3040.10. Although the Treasurer has completed the process to secure a further £5000 from the Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund for to allow us to award a further tranche of Micro Grants we are not yet in receipt of the cash.


      Planning Application 23/05616/FUL Siting of 4 cabins for holiday accommodation and associated infrastructure at Land 280M NW Of Rigsden Achnabobane Spean Bridge – The Community Council have noted AS Associates response to our objection. The Planning Sub-Committee will prepare a suitable reply for approval explaining our procedure for dealing with planning applications. They will also highlight the consequences for the developer of the vendor inadvertently forgetting to mention certain critical elements that might prejudice any future planning application. Protection of the environment is a particular concern to a rural community council like ours and it seems inconceivable that developers should be allowed to benefit from the destruction of a SSSI or from failing to restock a woodland under an agreement or the clearing and levelling a site without planning approval. It was agreed that we would take advice before submitting any response.

      Planning Application 23/05579/S36  Culachy Wind Farm – Erection and operation of a wind farm for a period of 35 years, comprising 8 wind turbines with a maximum blade tip height of 200m, access tracks, underground cabling, substation, maintenance building, batching plant, borrow pits and Planning Application ancillary infrastructure at Culachy Estate Land 4KM SE Of Newtown Invergarry

      Our submission broadly supporting the application was forwarded to Energy Consents before the expiry date.

      Planning Application 24/00122/FUL – Siting of pod for short term letting use at 11 West Tirindrish, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EX                                       Planning Application 24/00299/FUL – Siting of holiday letting unit at The Oaks Spean Bridge PH34 4DX                                                                                 

      Both were referred to us by Highland Council, but as similar ones were approved without conditions we are intrigued why. They both will be subject to licencing by Highland Council. The only issue that we envisage is the increase in traffic in a residential setting and in the case of the Oaks access to the A82 Trunk Road and its proximity to the bus stop, but as we believe it has operated as a B&B for some years without problem so we don’t envisage any issue.

      Planning Application 23/05869/PIP – Erection of 7 houses and associated access land 100M North West Of, Stronlossit Hotel, Roy Bridge.

      Having considered this application, it appears to conform with the provisions of The West Highlands and Islands Local Development Plan. Although not specified plots 6 and 7 appear to be affordable ones and we would not be in favour of any acceptance of a commuted sum to negate such provision.

      Planning Application 23/05269/PIP – Erection of house at Land 455M SE Of Willow Cottage, 2 Kilmonivaig, Spean Bridge                                            Planning Application 24/00052/FUL – Erection of an outbuilding for use as a storage shed and workshop at Clianaig, Roy Bridge, PH31 4AG                       

      Both approved.


      Any Other Business:

      Ian Langley raised the issue of a replacement Vehicle for our Fire and Rescue Volunteers which he believed from previous correspondence was due an upgrade. The Chairman will investigate.

      The next Community Council Meeting would be on Tuesday 5th March 2024

      The Meeting closed at 20:45

      Christine Clephan, Secretary


      Community Council Minutes - January 2024

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 9th January 2024 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.


      Present:  John Fotheringham (Chairman, Ian Langley (Vice Chairman), Jenny Hastings, Sharon Donald, Val Steele, Ian Matheson. Melvyn Giles, and 6 members of the public.

      Apologies: Alison Munro, Christine Clephan and Highland Councillors Liz Saggers & John Grafton

      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Melvyn Giles, Sharon Donald, Val Steele, & Ian Langley are Trustees and Ian Matheson are members of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Although no member has a financial interest in any of these organisations, we consider it important for transparency that we mention them.


      Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 5th December 2023: The Minutes having been circulated and there being no amendments were approved.

      Proposer: Melvyn Giles                  Seconder: Ian Langley


      Presentation by Rachel O’Donnell of Fred Olsen about the Proposed Culachy Windfarm                

      On 17 November 2023, Fred Olsen Renewables Limited submitted an application under section 36 of the Electricity Act 2017 for the Scottish Ministers’ consent to construct and operate Culachy Wind Farm a wind powered electricity generating station generating over 50 MW. The Site is located  900m south of Fort Augustus on the Culachy Estate. The proposed development will operate for a 35-year period and consist of eight stand alone, three bladed horizontal axis wind turbines up to 200 m tip height, each with a generating capacity of approximately 7.2 MW. There will also be a battery and energy storage System (BESS) and associated infrastructure with a generation capacity of approximately 10 MW.  Concerns were expressed about the disruption of transporting the turbines along the A82, but Rachel explained they were willing to work with communities to minimise impact. If approved community benefit of £280,000 annually for 35 years would be divided amongst 4 community council areas including ourselves. The Chairman thanked the Fred Olsen representatives for their interesting presentation.


      Presentation regarding the National Park by Mikle Pescod                                                           

      Lochaber is currently considering whether to act after the Scottish Government committed to creating at least one new national park by 2026, and in May invited expressions of interest from communities.

      The First Stage Consultation ends on 28th February when the Scottish Government will then decide how many of those bidding to become a National Park will go on to Stage 2. That result will be announced in June followed by an intensive 9 month period of public consultation before the final decision is made with the new National Park or Parks becoming operational in 2026.

      Mike urged those present to consider the options and contribute to the debate and the Community Council agreed to discuss the matter at our meeting on 6th February before submitting our opinion.

      The Chairman thanked Mike for his contribution.


      Matters Arising:

      1. Bear Scotland/Transport Scotland – the Minutes of our Meeting with Kate Forbes MSP and Transport Scotland on 8th December have been circulated and our priorities remain the installation of a Pedestrian Crossing on the A86 in Spean Bridge, a reduction in the speed limit from 30 mph to 20 mph on the A82 in Spean Bridge and on the A86 in Roy Bridge. We would also seek a reduction of the speed limit in Inverroy from 60mph to 50mph and some indication when the active travel plan for our community would be implemented. Crossing the Telford Bridge for pedestrians in Spean Bridge remains a longer term issue. We will continue to communicate with both Kate Forbes and Transport Scotland to ensure progress is made towards implementing our priorities. To improve safety in Roy Bridge and encourage drivers to slow and observe the speed limit we have requested that Traffic going West to East – an additional 30 mph sign beyond Bohenie Road End. Traffic going East to West – moving the illuminating sign to a site nearer to Bunroy Road and/or increasing the distance from the sign where activation occurs.
      2. Highland Council –Still no action to report from the fly tipping on the A86. We note that despite repeated requests there are still three advertisement boards restricting vision for vehicles exiting Station Road in Spean Bridge. Councillor Grafton had requested information about any of our minor roads that need repair and we had highlighted an issue with the U1006 Insh Road with potholes and blocked culvert 200m west of the Corriechoille Railway Bridge and the U1027 Glen Gloy Road. We will monitor to see if they are included in the works programme for the next financial year.
      3. Altour Road Playpark – It is hoped the new equipment will be in place by April.
      4. Coire Glas – The Coire Glas Liaison Group Meeting was held on Tuesday 12th December at 19:30 in Glengarry Village Hall. We received confirmation that SSE Renewables had abandoned their proposal to use Mucomir Quarry to store the Rock and Spoil from the Coire Glas Main works. It also appears that the final decision on the project has been delayed by 6 months.
      5. Network Rail – The Information Commissioner informed us that there would be no charge for the information requested, but Network Rail could claim exemption if they had to spend more than £450 getting us the information. We therefore await the Information Commissioner’s direction.
      6. Community Police Officer – Sgt Gavin Law explained that speed checks were taking place in both Spean Bridge and Roy Bridge. He would check whether the 20mph was merely advisable on the A86.
      7. Roy Bridge School – the Community Development Officer has reported a positive response from the Community Regeneration Fund and discussions with the Committee of Taigh na Sgoile.
      8. The New Belford Hospital – Nothing to report
      9. Forestry Scotland – Examination of the various legislation places considerable onus on a felling licence applicant to ensure any application is truthful and accurate.
      10. Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – Kate Forbes MSP is pursuing this case on our behalf. Jim Muir has still not heard about compensation for the damage to his water supply and since the broadband connection is on the opposite side of the single track road is intrigued how they intend to effect connection to his property. It was agreed to update Ms Forbes on current developments.
      11. Loch na Earba and Fearna Pumped Storage Schemes – In our discussions with Transport Scotland on 8th December it was apparent that no significant upgrade was contemplated for the A86 as it was deemed a low traffic trunk road. Accordingly our opinion of Loch na Earba has to take account of its impact on our communities and the trunk road. We will consider carefully the application before commenting. The Chairman attended the Fearna consultation in Glengarry Village Hall which will use two lochs Quoich and Fearna. It appears that Loch Quoich is currently a hydro scheme owned and operated by SSE Renewables but reaching the end of its working life. Any development would be in partnership with SSE Renewables and Gilkes Energy. The impact on our community would be limited to extra traffic on the trunk road system particularly the A82 through Spean Bridge.

      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

      1. Carol Masheter the SSE Renewables Community Fund Manager – Great Glen about securing an additional £5,000 from the Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund for Micro Grants. Our request has been approved and we await receipt of the award.
      2. From HIE notice of an online event on 15th January from 1730 to 1900. Hosted by Voluntary Action Lochaber and the Highlands & Islands Climate Hub, this event will bring together people working and/or volunteering in community organisations across Lochaber to discuss the Lochaber National Park Bid.
      3. From Senior Wards Manager a fortnightly briefing for groups with an interest in local community resilience. Available for circulation on request.
      4. Local Energy Scotland has published its monthly CARES bulletin which is available for circulation on request.
      5. Defibrillator – The Spean Bridge Community Defibrillator is now reinstalled outside the Fire and Rescue Service Garage in Altour Road. Training on how to use would be offered to local residents of both Spean Bridge and Roy Bridge in the New Year. New defibrillators will be installed shortly at the Pharmacy and Golf Club.
      6. Scottish Community Council Newsletter – Available for circulation on request.
      7. Nature Scot – regarding damage to the SSSI by consented and unconsented development within the Parallel Roads of Lochaber. The Community Council is seeking clarification and what action the agency intends to take to protect this asset.

      Treasurer’s Report

      In the absence of the Treasurer the Chairman reported a current  balance of £2367.36.



      Planning Application 23/05616/FUL Siting of 4 cabins for holiday accommodation and associated infrastructure at Land 280M NW Of Rigsden Achnabobane Spean Bridge – after detailed discussion it was agreed that we would object to the application on the grounds that the site and access track had been levelled and cleared without planning approval on a woodland covered by felling licence CB24155 whose restocking provisions had not been met. The Community Council noted Nature Scot’s contribution to 23/04818/PIP about the consented and unconsented development at Achnabobane and the damage it had caused to the SSSI, and would write to the Agency seeking clarification. We also noted Transport Planning’s remarks that access tracks to the U2793 Achnabobane Road  containing more than 4 houses should be upgraded to approved standards and trust the Planning Team will so implement in any condition to an approval.


      Planning Application 23/04958/PIP Erection of House on Land 35m East of Saorsa, Upper Inverroy, Roy Bridge – there is some debate about the authenticity of the red line boundary in this application. The most contentious issue is access down a rough farm track with no passing places which is unfit for heavy construction vehicles. The Community Council will comment suggesting that any approval be conditional on widening the track and providing a passing place.


      Planning Application 23/05579/S36  Culachy Wind Farm – Erection and operation of a wind farm for a period of 35 years, comprising 8 wind turbines with a maximum blade tip height of 200m, access tracks, underground cabling, substation, maintenance building, batching plant, borrow pits and ancillary infrastructure at Culachy Estate Land 4KM SE Of Newtown Invergarry – The Community Council will support the application and the planning sub-committee will draw up a contribution and circulate it for approval.


      Any Other Business:

      The next Community Council Meeting would be on Tuesday 6th February 2024

      The Meeting closed at 21:00.

      John Fotheringham, Chairman

      Inaugural 2023-27 Community Council Minutes - December 2023

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 5th December 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall

      The inaugural Meeting of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council following the 2023 Election was chaired by Councillor John Grafton who welcomed the new Councillors.

      Present: Highland Councillor John Grafton, Alison Munro, Christine Clephan, Jenny Hastings, Sharon Donald, Val Steele, Ian Matheson. Melvyn Giles, John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and 6 members of the public.

      Appointment of Office Bearers:

      1. a) Chairman  John Fotheringham    Proposed: Ian Langley                 Seconded: Ian Matheson
      2. b) Secretary Christine Clephan       Proposed:  Alison Munro            Seconded: Jenny Hastings
      3. c) Treasurer  Alison Munro               Proposed: John Fotheringham   Seconded: Christine Clephan
      4. d) Vice Chairman: Ian Langley Proposed: Ian Matheson  Seconded Jenny Hasting

      Associate Membership – It was agreed to consider Associate Membership at a later date.

      Future Meeting Dates: First Tuesday of the Month with the exception of January when it will be the second Tuesday.

      Councillor Grafton then handed the Meeting over to the new Office Bearers with John Fotheringham in the Chair. The Chairman thanked Councillor Grafton for the efficient way he had handled the proceedings.

      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Melvyn Giles, Sharon Donald, Val Steele, Ian Langley &  Christine Clephan are Trustees and Alison Munro and Ian Matheson are members of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Although no member has a financial interest in any of these organisations, we consider it important for transparency that we mention them.

      Minutes of Meeting held on 7 November 2023: These having been circulated and with no amendments were approved.

      Proposer –   Ian Langley                                                                         Seconder – Alison Munro


      Sub Committee Appointments:

      Planning (4) – John Fotheringham, Ian Matheson, Jenny Hastings and Sharon Donald

      Coire Glas (3) – John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Melvyn Gile

      Linnhe Community Alliance (2) – John Fotheringham & Melvyn Giles

      New Belford Hospital (1) – Ian Langley

      Resilience (1) – Ian Langley

      Knoydart Deer Management Group (1) – Val Steele


      Matters Arising:

      1. Bear Scotland/Transport Scotland – We note that despite repeated requests there are still three advertisement boards restricting vision for vehicles exiting Station Road in Spean Bridge. It was agreed that if BEAR and Transport Scotland are unable to resolve it we will ask the Lochaber Times if they will kindly wake up the Trunk Roads Agency from their collective inertia. It was agreed that a deputation of John Fotheringham, Ian Langley, Christine Clephan, Ian Matheson and Val Steele would meet with Kate Forbes MSP, representatives of Transport Scotland and Police Scotland on Friday 8th December to discuss the trunks roads in our communities. Our priorities would be the installation of Pedestrian Crossings on the A82 and A86 in Spean Bridge, a reduction in the speed limit from 30 mph to 20 mph on the A82 in Spean Bridge and on the A86 in Roy Bridge. We would also seek a reduction of the speed limit in Inverroy from 60mph to 50mph and some indication when the active travel plan for our community would be implemented. Crossing the Telford Bridge for pedestrians in Spean Bridge remains a contentious issue.

      2. Highland Council – A response from the ABC Community Group SCIO relating to speed limits on the B8005. Although they could see that a 20mph limit at Clunes might have a safety benefit, it would necessitate additional visually detrimental signage, the worst offenders would ignore it anyway and the policing of it would be non-existent so they would suggest that the Community council doesn’t persevere with the proposal. It is noted that the 20mph has been implemented in the side streets in Spean Bridge and Roy Bridge. Still no action to report from the fly tipping on the A86.

      3. Altour Road Playpark – the Community Development Officer explained that he has passed over all the information required to Highland Council to purchase the new equipment and awaits their response.

      4. Coire Glas – SSE Renewables responses and answers to questions posed at the Kilfinnan Road Forum chaired by Kate Forbes MSP have been circulated. It is the Community Council’s opinion that changing the above ground operational hours from 9/5 to 7/7 is a major material planning change but Highland Council Planners believe they have the sole jurisdiction in deciding when the Town and Country Planning Scotland Act 1997 Section 42 is appropriate.

      We also note the plans for disposal of rock and spoil off site from the tunnelling to Kilfinnan Farm on a temporary basis. The next Coire Glas Liaison Group Meeting will be held on Tuesday 12 December at 19:30 in Glengarry Village Hall and we have decided to strengthen our Team.

      5. Network Rail – The correspondence from both the Information Commissioner and the Network Rail Freedom of Information Team was discussed and it was decided that we could not afford to spend £450 following up this request and that regretfully we should abandon the case.

      6. Community Police Officer – Unfortunately Sgt Gavin Law our community police officer is currently at the Scottish Police College. He sends his best wishes to the Community Council all the very best for Christmas and the New Year.

      7. Roy Bridge School – Nothing to report.

      8.  The New Belford Hospital – Ian Langley reported there was a meeting scheduled for next week and John Hutchison had been retained as a community representative.

      9.  Forestry Scotland – Nothing to report.

      10. Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – it was agreed that Openreach’s role as a Statutory Undertaker didn’t appear to extend to land outside the curtilage of the road surface so we would ask the Minister for Small Business, Innovation, Tourism and Trade Richard Lochhead for an explanation of why they didn’t inform the owner of the Glen Gloy Estate prior to digging a trench for 3 miles on her property.


      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –


      1. Jahama Highland Estate – Tony Perriam the Community Development Officer attended the opening of the Monessie Gorge Bridge on 22 November on behalf of the Community.
      1. The second Public Consultation on their proposed 1800 MW Pumped Storage Scheme at Loch Na Earba was in Spean Bridge Community Centre was held on 22nd November as a precursor to the Planning Application in the New Year. We were also given notice of the Fearna 2000MW Pumped Storage scheme proposal for Loch Quoich with the preliminary Public Consultation taking place on 6 December in Glengarry Village Hall between 1300 and 1900 and the Chairman will attend.
      1. From Senior Wards Manager a fortnightly briefing for groups with an interest in local community resilience. Available for circulation on request
      1. Local Energy Scotland has published its monthly CARES bulletin which is available for circulation on request.
      1. Missing Defibrillator – The Chairman had met with Alan Knox, Area Service Manager of the Scottish Ambulance Service. It appears that Defibrillators have two parts which need periodic replacement the IPad Multifunction defibrillation pads (green/white) and the Batteries. It appeared that the former expired in 2019 and the Defibrillator was removed as it may have failed if used. It was agreed that the Community Council would pay for replacement Ipad which was duly purchased and handed over to the Scottish Ambulance Service who would reinstall the appliance at the Fire and Rescue service Garage in Spean Bridge. Training on how to use would be offered to local residents of both Spean bridge and Roy Bridge in the New Year.
      1. From Rachel O’Donnell Fred Olsen’s Project Manager of the Cullachy Windfarm Project – informing us that it is their intention to submit proposals for Cullachy Wind Farm planning application shortly. Rachel and her colleague will be meeting the Chairman and Tony Perriam on 11 December at 11:00 and if any Community Councillor wanted to attend the meeting, they would be welcome. It was agreed that we would invite Rachel to attend either January or February’s Community Council Meeting.
      1. Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ). CYCJ works to improve things for children and young people who get int to conflict with the law in Scotland. We have just launched our 2023 Stakeholder Survey, and are really keen to hear from community councils on what they think in relation to children, young people and crime in their local area. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete, and we will use the results of this to inform and plan our work over the next five years.
      1. From Highland Council Policy Reminder that there is still time for individuals and community groups to take part in The Highland Council Budget Challenge 24/25. The Budget Simulator will run until December 8 and both Budget Surveys for individuals and groups will remain open until December 25th.
      1. National Park Public Meeting in Spean Bridge Community Centre at 7.00pm on Thursday 7 December. 

      Treasurer’s Report:  Expenditure this month was Hall Rent £150 and Defibrillator Pad £79.08 leaving a balance of £2367.36.



      A complaint was received from two residents of Achnabobane and was discussed. Primarily they appear to relate to the sale of privacy or ransom plots which are not illegal. The Landowner has a perfect right to sell land, but what is not permitted is the clearance and levelling land to create engineering sites for development without planning approval, and any sales of land covered by a felling licence where the obligations under the licence are not spelt out to the buyer. Both Highland Council and Forestry Scotland are well aware of our objection to such practices and correspondence between the previous Community Council’s Chairman and David Mudie was discussed. The Community Council decided to wait and see if Kate Forbes MSP could persuade the various authorities to act, before asking for a meeting with Tracy Urry of Highland Council.

      Planning Application 23/05044/PNO – installation of 25M lattice tower, and various infrastructure at Land 680M NE Of Strathan Achnacarry Spean Bridge – referred to local residents. We decided that on grounds of health and safety we would not adversely comment on this application.

      Planning Application 23/03859/FUL -Erection of house and formation of access – Caravan At Tigh Fraoich, Lower Inverroy, Roy Bridge, PH31 4AQ, – Approved

      Planning Application 23/03915/FUL – Change of use of land to form clay pigeon shooting and rifle range at Achaderry Steading, Roy Bridge, PH31 4AN The Community Council was invited to Comment by Highland Council and submitted an OBJECTION on 24 November, yet once again Highland Council failed to upload in on to their Planning Website by 5/12/23. Tim Sims, the applicant offered to answer any questions the Community Council had about his proposal but as the Community council had already unanimously submitted their comments it was deemed unnecessary. The Chairman felt that given two previous refusals some community engagement and an attempt to answer those reasons for refusal by the Reporter to the Scottish Government might have been appropriate prior to resubmission.

      Planning Application 23/05544/FUL – Erection of self-contained residential unit (revised design 23/01003FUL) at Land 70M West Of Coille Aonachain Lodge, Spean Bridge – Approved.


      Any Other Business: It was agreed to contribute £100 to the UHI Explore Sustainable Tourism Project.


      The next Community Council Meeting would be on Tuesday 9 January 2024

      The Meeting closed at 2100

      Christine Clephan, Secretary

      Community Council Minutes - November 2023

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 7th November 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall

      Present:    John Fotheringham (Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Jenny Hastings, & Ian Langley, Sgt Gavin Law and 4 members of the public.

      Apologies:  Ian Matheson, Christine Clephan, Councillor John Grafton.


      Death of Donald Cameron of Lochiel CVO DL 27th Chief of the Clan Cameron who died aged 77 on 20th October 2023. Donald was Lord Lieutenant of Inverness shire from 2002 until 2021, and contributed much to the heritage and wellbeing of the local community. The Community Council extends our condolences to his family.


      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham & Ian Langley are Trustees and Alison Munro are members of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

      Minutes of Meeting held on 3rd October 2023: These having been circulated and with no amendments were approved.

      Proposer – Jenny Hastings                                                          Seconder – Ian Langley


      Matters Arising:

      1. Bear Scotland/Transport Scotland – Transport Scotland are awaiting a response from Kate Forbes MSP before confirming a date for the meeting between Officials and the Community Council. We note no action despite promises about signs at the junction of Station Road and the A82 in Spean Bridge.
      2. Highland Council – Highland Council had responded to our request relating to the 20s Plenty rollout. It appears they were given a set of criteria to follow when assessing roads to be included, the criteria and background information can be found on their website at highland.gov.uk/20mph.  Mucomir, Gairlochy, Bunarkaig and Clunes were in the original 300+ list for assessment but due to the lack of current 30 mph speed limit or lack of property density they were not taken forward for 20 mph.  With regards to the A82, A86 this would need to be raised with Bear Scotland as they are the Roads Authority for these trunk roads. It was agreed that we would request that the A86 through Roy Bridge would be reduced to 20mph. No progress to report on fly tipping on the A86 1 mile east of Roughburn Cottages. A request to consider resurfacing the Glen Gloy Road cannot be added to the current works programme due to budgetary constraints, and we have also alerted them to concerns about algae on a pathway in Spean Bridge. Owing to a significant deterioration of the Alt Mhuic Bridge deck, on the Loch Arkaig road an emergency 3.5 tonne weight restriction has been implemented and emergency repairs are being carried out to make the bridge deck safe.
      3. Altour Road Playpark – As Highland Council presently owns the Playpark any order for the new equipment has to be placed through them. Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO have contacted them with all the necessary information, and the ball is now in their court to liaise with the supply company to have the equipment installed. We will ask if the plans can be posted on the SCIO’s Website and Village Noticeboard so that residents can view the images prior to supply.
      4. Coire Glas – Kate Forbes MSP’s Kilfinnan Road Forum will meet at 6.00pm on Wednesday 15th November and the Chairman has been invited to attend. It seems unlikely that it will have any significant impact on our Community but it has been our policy from the outset to monitor every and all public discussions on Coire Glas to ensure we are not bypassed by matters that could affect us. In that vein the Chairman attended the Kilfinnan Road Upgrade Roadshow on Wednesday 1st November in Glengarry Village Hall and received assurances that the Clunes Forest Road and B8005 and B8004 would not be included as an alternative access or exit in the Kilfinnan Road Planning Application due to be submitted next month. The exploratory tunnel is now 580 metres into the mountain and shortly they will be exploring the gallery area where the generating machinery will be housed. The next Coire Glas Liaison Meeting will be in the New Year.
      5. Network Rail – No developments to report.
      6. Community Police Officer – A complaint about possible deer poaching in Killiechonate woodlands was made to Sgt Gavin Law who promised to investigate. The absence of speed checks in the villages particularly with the increase in construction traffic was voiced as a concern.
      7. Roy Bridge School – Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO have formally appointed the Communities Housing Trust as their advisor in acquiring the site. A Community Asset Transfer request to Highland Council has been prepared to secure the site for community development. An application for £45,000 from the Community Generation Fund to carry out the necessary investigations has successfully passed the first stage. The Chairman has absented himself from any further participation due to conflict of interest considerations.
      8. The New Belford Hospital – Balfour Beatty have been on site carrying out site investigation works. Ian Langley reported that the stakeholder group intended to vote to retain John Hutchison as a community representative although he was no longer a Community Councillor.
      9. Forestry Scotland – The Chairman updated the Councillors on recent developments, and explained some of the relevant legislation in the Felling Scotland Regulations 2019. We trust that Forestry Scotland when considering such applications will strictly enforce the legislation.
      10. Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – A response had been received to our complaint to the Minister for Small Business, Innovation, Tourism and Trade Richard Lochhead which had been circulated. It was agreed it was generally unsatisfactory, and we would respond requesting that the Minister addressed our specific concerns.
      11. Commando Memorial Service – The Wreath has been purchased and will be laid on behalf of the community of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry by Tony Perriam at Sunday’s Remembrance Day Service at the Commando Memorial.
      12. Scottish Rural and Islands Parliament – This event was held in Fort William between the 1st and 3rd November and was attended by the Chairman. Over 500 delegates attended and the theme this year was Village Halls and Community spaces. It was an interesting and stimulating experience with lots of networking opportunities. Once again it highlighted that rural Scotland is very much a place of the haves and the have nots. The Haves are those fortunate enough to access community benefit from energy generation either self-built or provided by the energy companies. The have nots have to rely on government or local authority funding which is constantly under strain. The Republic of Ireland have recently allocated one billion euros to their rural districts but the Scottish Government have repeatedly failed to modernize necessary infrastructure. Despite promises delivery only happens if you do it yourself. If we want to improve the lives of our neighbours, and ourselves we have to roll up our sleeves and organize and plan to embrace change.


      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

      1. Jahama Highland Estate – The Chairman  has been invited  to the formal opening of the Monessie Gorge Bridge by the Managing Director Tom Uppington on 22nd November at 10:00.
      2. Chris Pasteur of Gilkes Energy’s had confirmed that the second Public Consultation on their proposed 1800 MW Pumped Storage Scheme at Loch Na Earba will be in Spean Bridge Community Centre on 22nd November.
      3. From HC Senior Wards Manager a fortnightly briefing for groups with an interest in local community resilience. Available for circulation on request
      4. Local Energy Scotland has published its monthly CARES bulletin which is available for circulation on request.
      5. Missing Defibrillator – It had been drawn to our attention that one of two Defibrillators purchased by Lucky2beHere following fundraising by Gary Innes had been removed from its housing at the Fire and Rescue Service Garage in Spean Bridge. Enquiries by the Chairman with the assistance of Gary and the local fire and rescue volunteers had found that the local Scottish ambulance service had removed it as it needed new batteries. It was agreed that the Community Council would offer to pay for replacement batteries to have it reinstalled. The Roy Bridge Defibrillator does not appear at present to be affected, but when necessary we will cover any costs.
      6. From Rachel O’Donnell Project Manager of the Cullachy Windfarm Project – informing us that it is their intention to submit proposals for Cullachy Wind Farm planning application shortly. It was agreed that we would invite Rachel to attend a future Community Council Meeting.
      7. The Glas Dhoire Forest Management Plan, located near Bohenie, is available for any interested parties.
      8. Local Place Plans – Although we have nearly a year to submit our ideas for a local Place Plan it is imperative that the new Community Council prioritises its completion. Planning Aid Scotland will offer training. It was agreed if elected the existing community councillors would propose that we endeavour to develop a plan for community consultation.
      9. The Whole Family Wellbeing team regarding a series of engagement events both in person across the Highlands and online taking place over the next 3 months. Noted.

      Treasurer’s Report:  Expenditure this month was wreath from Lady Haig’ Poppy Factory s £50.80, and Chairman’s Travelling Expenses £48.50, leaving a current balance of £2596.44.



      Planning Application 23/04773/PNO – West end platform extension with erection of barrier, gate, handrails, and steps at Roy Bridge Railway Station

      Planning Application 23/04777/PNO – East end platform extension with erection of barrier, gate, handrails, and steps at Station Lodge, Tulloch, Roy Bridge, PH31 4AR

      Both of these Planning Applications were most unusual and there were no documents accompanying the applications. The Chairman contacted the Planning Officer who was located in Wick who explained that Network Rail have permitted rights, but that if we had any comments they would consider suitable conditions. The Chairman visited both sites and met a train driver at Tulloch who explained that the platforms were being extended to accommodate new class of trains being introduced next year and at Tulloch the level of the platform was being raised to reduce the steps between train and platform. Approved.

      Planning Application 23/03925/FUL – Extension to Clan Cameron Museum at Achnacarry Estate, Achnacarry, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EJ. – A popular local attraction – approved.

      Planning Application 23/04931/FUL – Erection of dwelling house. Previous Planning Permission 20/02093/PIP. Land 70M NW Of Braeburn, Upper Inverroy, Roy Bridge. This appears acceptable as a single tier development at Upper Inverroy – Approved.

      Planning Application 23/04815/FUL – Erection of holiday letting unit at Wyvis, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EU – Appears acceptable in Garden Ground – Approved.

      Planning Application 23/04352/FUL – Proposed Holiday Let Accommodation on Land 230M East Of Glenfintaig House, Spean Bridge. Considered that the application fulfilled the criteria in NPF4 Policy 30 so approved.

      Planning Application 23/05044/PNO – installation of 25M lattice tower, supporting 6no. radio antennas, 4no. transmission dishes and ancillary equipment along with 3no. ground based cabinets, implementation solar panel arrays with proposed power safe hybrid solar/generator container enclosed within a 1.2m high timber compound fence at Land 680M NE Of Strathan Achnacarry Spean Bridge – referred to local residents. Although the Community Council wants to protect wild country from development and Strathan is a former settlement at the head of Loch Arkaig permitted development leaves us little options. NPF4 Policy 24 and the the Highland Wide Plan Policies 45 and 46 all seem to support the installation, but NPF4 Policies 3 and 4 are there to protect our Wild Land Areas. It was decided that we would await any further comment by local residents and ask the applicant Cornerstone to attend a future meeting so that we can determine the need for such equipment in our wild country.


      Community Council Elections: The Election for the Community Council for the next four years is underway, and we urge those on the electoral roll who have received voting papers to take the opportunity to participate in this democratic process.

      Given the problems we are likely to face with two massive construction projects at Coire Glas and Loch na Earba, and a trunk road infrastructure which is not fit for purpose it is essential that we have a strong voice to ensure we are not sidelined but involved at every stage in the processes that impact on our lives.

      The closing date for receipt of completed voting papers is Noon on the 27th November with the inaugural meeting expected to be either on Tuesday 5th or 19th December.


      Any Other Business: None


      The Meeting closed at 20:30

      John Fotheringham, Chairman

      Community Council Minutes - October 2023

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 3rd October 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.

      Present:    John Fotheringham (Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Christine Clephan (Secretary) Jenny Hastings, Ian Matheson, & Ian Langley.

      Apologies:  Councillors Liz Saggers and John Grafton.

      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Christine Clephan, & Ian Langley are Trustees and Ian Matheson and Alison Munro are members of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

      Minutes of Meeting held on 5 September 2023: These having been circulated and with no amendments were approved.

      Proposer – Ian Langley                                                              Seconder – Alison Munro


      Matters Arising:

      1. Bear Scotland – BEAR had apologized for not including us in the circulation list for notifications of resurfacing and improvement works on the trunk roads A82 and A86. This had been rectified. Two current improvement works on A82 South of Spean Bridge due to end on 20 October, and on the A86 at Auchmore between Laggan and Newtonmore between 23 and 27 October when night time closure will be in operation, and 30 October to 10 November when there will be traffic lights in place. A further complaint about signs at the junction of Station Road and the A82 in Spean Bridge and brought a swift response from BEAR Scotland who will formally notify the person responsible and remove if he doesn’t.

      2. Transport Scotland – The Correspondence between the Chairman and Transport Scotland had been circulated. It was agreed to place on the Village Noticeboards, and ask if the SCIO might include an abbreviated version on their website. Four MSPs had picked up the dialogue namely Kate Forbes, Ariane Burgess, Douglas Ross, and Edward Mountain and it was hoped their intervention might help to persuade the Roads Agency to bring forward some of the outstanding works. We await Transport Scotland’s reply to our Meeting request.

      3. Highland Council – The Chairman wrote to the Highland Council Department running the Twenty’s Plenty rollout requesting that we be consulted, and we await their response. The Fly tipping reported on the A86 1 mile east of Roughburn Cottages has been reported to them as the correct authority to handle such enquiries. We will request to be contacted when removed.

      4. Freedom of information and EIR Enquiries – No update to report.     

      5. Altour Road Playpark – The Chairman announced that Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO had raised the funds to replace the playpark equipment removed by Highland Council in April of this year, and on a like-for-like basis.

      At our May meeting the Community Council had requested that the SCIO should try to raise the required £16,500 and this has now been achieved through successful appeals to Killiechonate Woodlands (£1,000), SSE Renewables (£7,000), Highland Council (£4,300) and a Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant (£500). The SCIO itself had also donated £3,700 of its £8,500 annual income given the strength of local concern. Caledonia Play are expected to complete the installation by the end of the year. The Chairman thanked all those who had contributed, especially Tony Perriam, the SCIO’s Community Development Officer who had been instrumental in securing the funding.

      6. Coire Glas – A response to Kate Forbes MSP’s letter to Highland Council Planning on our assertion that the amendment to Condition 19 Above Ground Working Hours agreed between SSER and Highland Council was a material change, and thus subject to the Town and Country Planning Scotland Act 1997 Section 42 has been received and circulated. Highland Council’s explanation appeared to claim that they are permitted under Condition 19 to permit exceptions but we consider that the response was selective and an exception cannot be used to cover a generalisation. Kate’s staff will pursue the matter, but Highland Council are unlikely to move until the Information Commissioner rules on our complaint. Separately Highland Councillors are trying to determine why Environmental Health have not responded to the noise complaints about the night time explosions and Councillor MacDonald is endeavouring to ensure that the Burger Van Lay-by is available for use as an alternative to the Kilfinnan Road for the transport of Heavy Vehicles. Nothing to report about a meeting of the Forum proposed by Kate Forbes.

      Ian Innes the Coire Glas Project Director had left SSE Renewables at the end of September and been replaced by Mike Seaton.

      7. Network Rail – The Chairman had as agreed written to Ian Blackford and the various representatives of Network Rail. Ian Blackford’s staff were particularly unhappy about the content of our appeal and in the manner Network Rail had conducted themselves throughout this dialogue with the Community Council. They intended to write to Mark Harper, Transport Secretary and suggested that the Chairman consult with the Information Commissioner’s staff. The Chairman duly did this, and as a result we have made a formal complaint to the Information Commissioner relating to Network Rail’s obstruction, and deliberate withholding of information. We await developments.

      8. Roy Bridge School – Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO supported by the Communities Housing Trust are actively pursuing a Community Asset Transfer request to Highland Council as the first stage to securing the site for community development. Lochaber Housing Association are a likely partner.

      9. Forestry Scotland – The Chairman has written to Forestry Scotland and had received a reply that their investigations into failure to restock were ongoing.

      10. The New Belford Hospital – Ian Langley had attended one in person and 3 online meetings. Progress was being made but slowly and there a number of sticking points re number of beds, high dependency unit, and whether an MRI Scanner would be in place.

      11. Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – Despite two requests to both Digital Connectivity Scotland and Highland Council for an explanation neither have so far responded. The Lochaber Times had however received a response from Highland Council denying that they had given Openreach or their Contractors permission to lay a trench alongside the approved road. The Community Council consider that when so many permanent residents are anxious to secure fast fibre broadband, but cannot, it is a waste of public money and resources to connect three second homes. It was agreed to escalate our complaint by writing to the Minister for Small Business, Innovation, Tourism and Trade Richard Lochhead seeking an explanation.


      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

      1. As requested at the September Meeting the Chairman had written to Jonathan Hart, Liaison Officer of Jahama Highland Estate to express our thanks and appreciation over the reinstatement of the Monessie Gorge Bridge.
      2. The Chairman had contacted Chris Pasteur of Gilkes Energy after the second Public Consultation on their proposed 1500 MW Pumped Storage Scheme at Loch Na Earba scheduled for Spean Bridge Community Centre on 13 September had not happened. Chris apologised to anyone that was inconvenienced by their decision to postpone but the development work have taken a bit longer than they had hoped. A further open day will be held in Spean Bridge Community Centre in late Autumn. Once a date is chosen the Community Council and local press will be informed in advance.
      3. The Community Council was contacted by a resident of Roy Bridge about human poo being found on the roadway at the entrance to Glenspean Park and at the Achaderry Junction. The Chairman informed Environmental Health as urinating and defecating in public is an offence under the Civic Government Scotland Act 1967 Section 47. He also suggested that if the incidence in Roy Bridge was connected to the lack of a public toilet the Hall committee might consider applying for a comfort grant from Highland Council to permit the use of their toilets.
      4. From Dot Ferguson, Senior Wards Manager a fortnightly briefing for groups with an interest in local community resilience. Available for circulation on request
      5. Local Energy Scotland has published its monthly CARES bulletin which is available for circulation on request.
      6. Community Partnership Conference 2023 – Wednesday 8th November 2023 Inverness – seeking the Community Council assistance to cascade information about this important conference to the local community groups in our area that work within a Health and Social Care setting – Noted.
      1. In 2018, the Scottish Government launched Democracy Matters, a national conversation about how democracy can best work for our communities. The Scottish Government then published a discussion paper in 2021 to prepare for phase two of Democracy Matters, which unfortunately had to be put on hold because of the pandemic. The second phase of the Democracy Matters national conversation has now been launched and will give people across Scotland the opportunity to come together in their communities to imagine how new and inclusive democratic processes can best help their town, village or neighbourhood.

      Community Councils and other groups can help guide local discussions by using the consultation document which covers a variety of themes including powers, representation, accountability and participation. Funding of up to £300 is also available to help with anything that would be required to get a conversation going, for example, hiring a venue, printing costs, facilitation or to help with costs of those with additional needs to participate. We have created a new section on our website devoted to phase two of Democracy Matters with more information about how you can get involved. We also have two upcoming free webinars with the Scottish Government Community Empowerment team if you want to learn more or if you have any questions. We have registered.

      1. The Scottish Rural Parliament will be held in Fort William between 1 and 3 November on the theme Village Halls and Community Spaces. The Chairman has been accepted as a delegate, and Tony Perriam the Community Development Officer will be speaking at an event in Spean Bridge Community Centre on 2nd November about our Community Action Plan and Energy Futures.
      2. From Cornerstone another proposed site for their technical network coverage at An Diollaid, Corrour Station, Corrour Estate, Fort William PH33 6TE (E233355 N766333) -We have queried the number of these sites in pristine wild country and will critically appraise them if and when they reach the planning stage.


      Treasurer’s Report:  Expenditure this month was Registers of Scotland £93.60, and repair and upgrade of the Community Council’s Laptop £40 leaving a current balance of £2695.74. It was agreed that the Chairman should purchase the poppy wreath from Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory to lay on behalf of the Community at the Commando Memorial Remembrance Sunday Service.



      Planning Application 22/04181/PIP – Erection of House at land 50m NE of Corrie View, Achnabobane, Spean Bridge – The Community Council requested that they be consulted on this application, and unanimously objected on the grounds that this was a cleared and levelled platform, and as such was unauthorised engineering work, and was part of a felled woodland subject to a restocking agreement.


      Planning Application 23/04092/FUL – Land 370M NE of Fern Cottage, Spean Bridge – As there are only two exits and entrances to Achnabobane, and the adopted road serves the residential properties it would seem only reasonable that this entrance should be used for timber extraction purposes.


      Community Council Elections: The Date for submitting Nomination Forms ended at Noon today. We await with interest to see who has stood for election.

      It is likely that the inaugural meeting of the new Community Council if there is no contest will be 7 November, and if there is an election there will be a normal monthly meeting on 7 November with the inaugural meeting on Tuesday 19 December.

      It was agreed that if elected we will propose on the agenda of the inaugural meeting a new email address as the current one has been subject to certain glitches, and a change of venue at least for the winter months.


      Any Other Business: None


      The Meeting closed at 20:00

      Christine Clephan, Secretary

      Community Council Minutes - September 2023

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 5th September 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.


      Present:    John Fotheringham (Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Jenny Hastings, Ian Matheson, & Ian Langley, and Highland Councillor John Grafton.

      Apologies: Christine Clephan & Highland Councillor Liz Saggers.

      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, & Ian Langley are Trustees and Ian Matheson, and Alison Munro are members of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust, and Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

      Minutes of Meeting held on 1st August 2023: These having been circulated and with no amendments were approved.

      Proposer – Ian Matheson                                                          Seconder – Ian Langley


      Matters Arising:

      1. Bear Scotland – as previously requested the Chairman had written to Transport Scotland and all of the Highlands MSPs asking for their support in resolving the issues that had beset the Community Council. They were an upgrade of the A86 trunk road, the recurring weather related landslips on our trunk roads, failure to extend speed limits on both the A82 and A86 in Spean Bridge, an alternative pedestrian crossing to the Telford Bridge and constant procrastination on Active Travel proposals and no pedestrian crossings. Kate Forbes has responded to say that Transport Scotland will respond this week and offer to meet us if we remain unhappy with their proposals.
      2. Highland Council – The Highland Council department running the Twenty’s Plenty rollout has requested a dialogue with Community Councils. We will respond seeking amendments to their plans with the inclusion of Gairlochy, Bunarkaig and Clunes and speed restriction on the A86 trunk road in both Spean Bridge and Roy Bridge.
      3. Freedom of information and EIR Enquiries – The Information Commissioner is still awaiting a response from Highland Council but given their consistent record of failure to respond we are not hopeful of a resolution anytime soon.      
      4. Altour Road Playpark – Unfortunately Spean Bridge Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO’s Ward Discretionary Funding Application for £5000 was rejected due to the limitation of funds for dispersal from the Ward Discretionary budget. Members instead agreed to a contribution of £4,302 from Scottish Government capital playpark monies held by the amenities team for playpark equipment replacement. An application to the Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund for £7000 has been submitted which should if successful allow the SCIO to purchase the equipment and reinstate the playpark without further delay.
      5. Coire Glas – The Chairman attended a meeting with SSE Renewables, the Kilfinnan Road Group and Kate Forbes MSP on 16th August in Invergarry Village Hall. It was primarily aimed at persuading the two opposing combatants to find some common ground, and a separate forum with Kate chairing the inaugural meeting was proposed. As previously reported we consider that the current set up of the CLG is partly to blame. The independent Chairman sits with the Developer, and there is no confidence that they are being held to account when even they admit that for material changes to their consent they should follow the Town and Country Planning Scotland Act 1997 Section 42, but didn’t and Highland Council are not enforcing the planning legislation. Until we have full transparency local residents will fear the worst, and be unwilling to work with the developer and their contractors to find acceptable solutions. We will monitor this new forum particularly as there is a faction keen to propose using the B8004 and B8005 to ensure that our community are not disadvantaged whilst supporting those in the Kilfinnan Road.
      1. Network Rail – We are grateful for Ian Langley’s assistance in trying to resolve this vexed matter. Network Rail have replied to our request for a review, but although conceding that we didn’t receive all the material requested they once again are using their superior knowledge of the legislation to block us. To suggest they would need to sift 661,964 e-mails to find the ones relevant to this contract is frankly ridiculous, but as they have repeatedly exhibited they seem to believe that their staff and contractors are exempt from common courtesy in dealing with landowners and taxpayers, and can hide behind legislative powers. Mr Eppens is pursuing his own line of enquiry, and is grateful for the Community Council’s diligence and tenacity in tackling this issue, but it seems pointless pursuing what is clearly a lost cause. The Chairman will write to both Ian Blackford MP and Andrew Haines CEO of Network Rail to express our dissatisfaction about how we and the Killiechonate Woodlands owner have been treated.
      2. Roy Bridge School – Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO supported by the Communities Housing Trust are actively pursuing a Community Asset Transfer request to Highland Council as the first stage to securing the site for community development. Lochaber Housing Association are a likely partner in a mixed use development.
      3. Forestry Scotland – No progress to report.
      4. The New Belford Hospital – Ian Langley had attended a preliminary meeting on the Strategic Plan for Adult services and urged the Community to respond to it.

      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

      1. Registers of Scotland – our three requests were actioned quickly and were most revealing. After circulating and gaining unanimous agreement of the Community Councillors we submitted the information received to the requisite authorities and we await developments.
      2. From Dot Ferguson, Senior Wards Manager a fortnightly briefing for groups with an interest in local community resilience. Available for circulation on request.
      3. From Jim Muir – a complaint about damage to a private water supply at the head of Glen Gloy was made and investigated by the Chairman. It appears that this damage related to the R100 Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband Rollout and in particular digging a trench alongside the U1027 road a distance approximately 3 miles to connect three second homes. Glen Gloy has no electricity, and despite the land being owned by Glen Gloy Estate, Highland Council’s Roads Department authorised the works under their adopted roads procedure. We are unaware if anyone actually requested connection but they failed to connect Glen Gloy House near the A82. The Contractors cut Mr Muir’s private water supply and instead of repairing the breach buried both ends causing even more damage to the water system in the cottage. The Chairman has written to all seeking an explanation and compensation, but has found this not to be an isolated occurrence.
      4. Invitation to Corpach Marina Open Evening at Caol Community Centre on Wednesday 6th September at 7.00pm.
      5. Online Consultation Survey till 30th September from the Highland Health and Social Care Partnership seeking views on their Joint Strategic Plan for Adult Services.
      6. Complaint about Spean Bridge Post Office being closed from 28th August to 11th The Chairman has written to CJ Lang seeking an explanation.
      7. Tim Lucas – concerning a native woodland project at Moy Farm, near Gairlochy requesting our support to find any local birding or wildlife groups that are active in the project area and that may have records or observations of bird activity that they could share with him. He has heard from RSPB and the Highland Raptor Study Group on the matter, but would also like to see if there are any local sources of information too.
      8. From Forestry and Land Scotland regarding the proposed Glen Roy Management Plan revision -A public consultation drop-in event was held between 3pm and 6pm on Thursday 31st August at Roy Bridge Memorial Hall, for anyone who wished to pop in and find out about our vision and initial plans for the Plan area in next 10 years. The chairman attended and was pleased to see that an opportunity for community involvement in the scoping revision was available and that there will be a further drop in event later.
      9. From Cornerstone is the UK’s leading mobile infrastructure services company. They acquire, manage, and own over 20,000 sites and are committed to enabling best in class mobile connectivity for over half of all the country’s mobile customers. The purpose of the consultation is to seek views on their proposals for a number of sites in our rural area. Available for circulation to those interested.
      10. From Forestry and Land Scotland giving notice of the Clunes and Loch Arkaig Forest Land Management Plan Consultation which was noted.
      11. Scottish Government seminar on  Community Land and Agriculture Just Transition held on 31st August between 7pm to 9pm in the UHI Lecture Hall and attended by the Chairman. It was an interesting meeting to hear and share views on present and future land use.


      Treasurer’s Report: With the imminent closure of Virgin Money’s Fort William Branch the Treasurer laid out the various options for us and it was agreed that we should sign up for internet banking and retain our account with Virgin Money. Expenditure this month was Registers of Scotland £93.60, and repair and upgrade of the Community Council’s Laptop £40 leaving a current balance of £2695.74.



      Planning Application 22/02939/FUL – Erection of House and Garage at land 230m NW of Sealladh na Coille, Achabobane which was refused on 16th February 2023 but subject to an appeal to the Scottish Government. The reporter has now upheld the original decision. We note the site has been sold and the new owners wish to run a short term letting pod business. We look forward to receiving the planning application in due course.

      Planning Application 23/03197/FUL – Demolition of Generator Shed and erection of two No. Self contained Units (Holiday Letting) at Land 35m NW of Station House, Corrour. – Approved.


      Community Council Elections

      The notice of Election and further guidance for Candidates wishing to serve their local Community Council’s for the next four years was published on Highland Council’s Website on Monday, 4 September 2023. The deadline for submitting nomination papers is 12noon on Tuesday, 3 October 2023 and you must have a note of your electoral registration number which can be obtained by contacting your local electoral registration office.

      The self- nomination form should be completed online but if you are unwilling or unable to complete the online form phone 01349 886657 and request a paper copy to be sent to you by post.

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council needs 7 candidates to form with a maximum of 9 before triggering a postal ballot.


      Any Other Business:

      Jenny Hastings requested that the Chairman write to Jahama Highland estate to express our thanks and appreciation over the the high quality repair the Monessie Gorge Bridge.

      Ian Langley reminded those present of the Gilkes Energy’s Public Consultation on their proposed 1500 MW Pumped Storage Scheme at Loch Na Earba on the Ardverike Estate in Spean Bridge Community Centre on 13th September between 13:00 and 19:30 although the Chairman had received no confirmation.


      The Meeting closed at 20:00

      John Fotheringham, Chairman

      Community Council Minutes - August 2023

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 1st August 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


      Present:    John Fotheringham (Chairman), Christine Clephan (Secretary), Jenny Hastings, Judith James-Davies, Ian Matheson, & Ian Langley, and 2 members of the public.

      Apologies: Alison Munro & Highland Councillor Liz Saggers.

      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees and Ian Matheson is a member of of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

      Minutes of Meeting held on 4th July 2023: These having been circulated and with no amendments were approved.

      Proposer – Christine Clephan                                              Seconder – Judith James-Davies

      Matters Arising:

      1. Bear Scotland – Following a query from the Community Council about the closure of the A86 due to landslips Bear Scotland responded by saying that the reason for closing the trunk road on these three occasions had been to ensure the safety of the travelling public following the washout of watercourses running down the hillside at Murlaggan. The drainage system and culverts at this location are not designed to take the deluge of water and material that was washed down by the intense rain showers that now seem to occur more regularly. They are aware of the importance of the trunk road network to rural communities and their operational team worked as quickly as possible to clear the hundreds of tonnes of material from the carriageway so that the road could be reopened. While this work was ongoing, they also assisted the nearby residents and businesses to go about their daily routines as normally as possible. They will continue to carry out their contractual cyclic maintenance activities to ensure that the drainage system and culverts in this area are fully functional but cannot guarantee that incidents of this nature will not happen again. They do not have any remit to carry out work on the adjacent privately owned hillside although they are liaising with the managers of the land to ensure that they are doing all they can to mitigate the potential for more washouts. In the meantime, they will discuss with Transport Scotland what improvements can be made to the trunk road drainage system and culverts if funding becomes available. These discussions will need to include Network Rail, as any improvements will impact on their culverts.

       We have also been in correspondence with BEAR Scotland about moving the Speed limits on the A82 further south beyond the Strabag workers camp and on the A86 further east beyond the proposed residential development planned for Burnbank.  Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council have noted that despite our request to return the 3, 2, and 100 metre warning signs as you approach the village from the north nothing has been done. We are also aware that there have been five accidents in the past eighteen months caused by drivers travelling at excess speed as they approach the 400 metres village. We would therefore formally request that the 30mph speed limit signs in Spean Bridge be moved beyond the workers camp to the south on the A82, to Blarour Cemetery to the north of the A82 and to the sewage farm junction on the A86. We believe that each change will play a small part in reducing the speed of vehicles through the expanding village of Spean Bridge which we note still does not possess a pedestrian crossing to allow children and the elderly to safely cross either trunk road. We look forward to a speedy resolution to this rather vexed question.

       A case of Fly Tipping on adjacent to the A86 will be reported to BEAR Scotland.

      1. Highland Council – Nothing to report this month. Matter closed.
      2. Freedom of information and EIR Enquiries – The Information Commissioner is investigating our complaint, but given Highland Council’s deplorable record on responding to enquiries generally it is unlikely there will be a resolution any time soon.       
      3. Altour Road Playpark – Spean Bridge Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO have promised £5000 and an application for a further £5000 will be considered this week by the Ward Councillors from their Discretionary Fund. SSE Renewables have agreed to consider a £10,000 application to the Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund and the SCIO are hoping for a decision by the end of August. It is the intention to consult the community before a final decision is made about the items of play equipment to be installed.
      4. Coire Glas – Once again the shambles that manifests itself as the Coire Liaison Group Meeting was apparent at the meeting on 12th There appears to be a lack of co-ordination between SSE Renewables and their appointed chairman who was completely unaware that the Developer had asked attendees to submit questions prior to the meeting. Accordingly although we took the time to submit 4 questions they were ignored by the Project team. Indeed the Chairman was so disappointed by both the tenor and substance of the meeting that he wrote to the CLG Chairman to express his disapproval, but although sympathetic the only change contemplated was to the format. The Planning Authority tells us that the CLG is our forum to discuss with the Developer our concerns but all SSER wants to do is to bypass our legitimate concerns. The underground blasting is causing issues at night affecting our residents and businesses, particularly Corriegour Lodge Hotel and at least Highland Council’s Environmental Team are taking it seriously even if SSER and Strabag are not.

      It appears that SSER are looking again at using the Burger Van Layby on the A82 to facilitate movements to the work site but any such work will need a further planning consent.

      1. Network Rail – After the Chairman had become frustrated by another month of delay and sent an email copying all participants Ian Blackford MP got a reply which he shared with us. Basically it didn’t tell us anything we didn’t know. They are not going to reinstate the crossing, have statutory rights to cross third party’s land, and they will respond within the statutory limits to our EIR Appeal. The Community Council was not impressed, and Ian Langley as Chairman on the Community Rail Partnership offered to use what influence his organisation had with Network Rail. At the same time the Chairman was tasked with replying to our MP expressing our dissatisfaction about the conduct of a publicly owned company in removing the only access to 2 hectares of land owned by Mr Eppens whilst using their implied rights to enter his land and damage his assets without consent or apology.
      2. Roy Bridge School – The Highland Council and the Scottish Government are supportive of a partnership between Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO and Lochaber Housing Association working together to redevelop Roy Bridge School as a mixed residential housing site. Discussions are ongoing but it is likely that a Community Asset Transfer request to Highland Council will be the next stage.
      3. Forestry Scotland – David Bell of Fouin and Bell in the appeal to the Scottish Government DPEA PPA-270-2286 relating to the proposed erection of a house and garage at Land 230M NW Of Sealladh Na Coille, Achnabobane, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EX stated that his client had repeatedly tried to persuade Highland Council that he wanted to restock the trees at the site. This appeared to be a strange request as under Felling Licence CB24155 from 2012 there was a restocking obligation in place and there was some suspicion in view of this statement that it may have not been fully undertaken. The Community Council has been in discussion with Forestry Scotland to ensure restocking obligations under the various legislation are being fully complied with at this location and across our Community Council area. The Planning Sub-Committee have examined a number of Felling Licences over the last two years and have found no evidence of non-compliance.
      4. The New Belford Hospital – Ian Langley had nothing to report this month.


      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

      1. Chris Pasteur from Gilkes Energy about the Pumped Storage Scheme at Loch na Earba Planning Application 22/05962/PREMA refers. It appears another Open Day is planned for Spean Bridge Community Centre on 13th September from 13:30 to 19:00.
      2. From a whistleblower a series of satellite images of Achnabobane each year from 2005 to 2023, together with a series of photographs. All have been passed to the authorities for them to use as they see fit.
      3. Registers of Scotland – ongoing correspondence about multiple applications on specific sites has brought a partial resolution with the ROS Searches Team offering to update us for £25+ VAT per site. It was agreed to request 3 sites.
      4. From Dot Ferguson, Senior Wards Manager a fortnightly briefing for groups with an interest in local community resilience. Available for circulation on request.
      5. Scrutiny of the Visitor Levy Bill – A new bill has been proposed by the Scottish Government that would allow local authorities to introduce an additional charge when someone pays for overnight accommodation. Visitor Levy Bill. MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee are looking at the details of the proposals, and want to know what people think about them. Knowing your views will help them think about ways that could improve the proposed law, and whether the draft Bill should be passed into law by the whole Parliament. There are a number of ways that you can get involved. For example over summer the Highland Council’s Participation and Communities Team are offering extra support for communities, groups and individuals who want to get involved. This could be a facilitated workshop in your area or online.

      Treasurer’s Report: In the absence of the Treasurer the Chairman gave the current expenditure of £500 to the Spean Bridge Christmas Lights Fund and £500 to the Playpark Equipment Fund leaving balance of £3614.43.

      Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund – SSE have agreed to giving us a further £5000 from the remaining Stronelairg Windfarm Funds, and allow us to increase the Micro Grant awards to £1000 for an organisation, but remain at £500 for individuals. There may be a delay in receiving these funds.


      Planning Application 23/03264/FUL Siting of Pod for Short term Letting at land 25m SE of Oldney, Lodge Gardens, Spean Bridge.

      Planning Application 23/03144/FUL Siting of 2no. pods (holiday letting purposes) at Leanachan Cottage Crossroads, Spean Bridge

      Planning Application 23/02906/FUL Change of use to form Letting Unit at Rock Cottage, Spean Bridge PH34 4DX

      Planning Application 23/02834/FUL Junction Improvement Works at Achnahannet, Spean Bridge

      All approved.


      Any Other Business:  The Chairman thanked Judith James-Davies for her service since February 2022 and as she will be shortly leaving our Community we wish her well for the future.

      The notice of Election and further guidance for Candidates wishing to serve their local Community Councils for the next four years will be published on Highland Council’s Website on Monday, 4 September 2023. The deadline for submitting nomination papers will be 12noon on Tuesday, 3 October 2023 and you must have a note of your electoral registration number which can be obtained by contacting your local electoral registration office. Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council needs 7 candidates to form with a maximum of 9 before triggering a postal ballot.


      The Meeting closed at 19:45

      Christine Clephan, Secretary


      Community Council Minutes - July 2023

      Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 4th July 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


      Present:    John Fotheringham (Chairman), Christine Clephan (Secretary), Jenny Hastings & Ian Langley, and 5 members of the public.

      Apologies: Malcolm MacGregor, Judith James-Davies, Ian Matheson, Teresa Kennedy, Alison Munro & Highland Councillor Liz Saggers.

      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

      Minutes of Meeting held on 6th June 2023: These having been circulated and with no amendments were approved.

      Proposer –   Jenny Hastings                                                       Seconder – Ian Langley


      Matters Arising:

      1. Bear Scotland – The Spean Bridge to Leanachan Crossroad active travel link will not now be in place this year. Transport Scotland hope it will now be constructed in 2024 together with a speed limit reduction on the A82. A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is in place for the UCI cycling event and there are legal powers to extend this temporary limit for up to 18 months, but there is no guarantee this will happen. In Inverroy the road marking works once completed BEAR Scotland will undertake speed surveys to see if the implemented road safety works have had an impact in reducing vehicle speeds. The accident history at Inverroy will also continue to be monitored. The network manager spoke to the owner of the Old Station Restaurant and the only remaining signs are not within the trunk road boundary. BEAR’s Operations team will remove the green stickers and replace the 100 yards countdown signs at the entrance to the village of Spean Bridge from the north. The Community Council consider that once again Transport Scotland and their Roads Contractor have failed our community, strong on promises, weak on delivery. National Speed Limit review and Inverroy safety report recommendations ignored, active travel recommendations kicked down the road, no pedestrian crossings in the largest community council area in the Highlands, speed limit designation in Spean Bridge belongs in the last century, and no plans to improve safety for pedestrians on the Telford Bridge. Those present tasked the Chairman with writing to all our Highland MSPs requesting their support in persuading Transport Scotland to act now to resolve these issues not next year or next decade.
      1. Highland Council – Councillor Grafton has kindly send us links to Twenty’s Plenty and the extension of the Brown Bins Service. It is hoped that Highland Council will consult with the Community council prior to implementation of Twenty’s Plenty in our communities. We note that Highland Council are trying to source someone to repair the gate at the entrance to Kilmonivaig Graveyard.
      2. Altour Road Playpark – Spean Bridge Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO have received a £1000 from Rik Eppens to go towards purchasing the new playground equipment and their Trustees have agreed to allocate funds from the Allt Mhuic Community Benefit for 2023/24 to the project. The SCIO’s Community Development Officer has a submitted an application to the Ward discretionary Fund for £5000 and is exploring other available funding. Kate Forbes MSP’s staff have informed us that regretfully there is no redundant equipment currently available to be repositioned at Spean Bridge.
      3. Coire Glas– We have finally received the 117 pages from our Freedom of Information Enquiry changed to an Environmental Information Regulation Enquiry some 39 working days late but some critical information has been withheld. The information had been circulated to Councillors and an appeal about the delay, and other issues with the response that been forwarded to the Scottish Information Commissioner. The Chairman attended an online meeting with David Mudie of Highland Council Planning, Councillor MacLennan and Will Schroeder of the Kilfinnan Road Residents in an effort to understand the planning decisions made during the exploratory works. Although some progress was made, the variation interpretation of Condition 19 the Above Ground Working Hours continues to cause us concern. Highland Council gave an exception for 3 months initially in October 2022 which continues today. The Town and Country Planning Scotland Act 1997 states that such variations are governed by a section 42 application but SSER have not so far been required to submit one. The Community Council has watched with growing alarm about the manner in which the Kilfinnan Road residents and others in our area have been treated, particularly in relation to the road, dust and increasingly recently the nighttime noise from the underground explosions. and have supported their efforts to hold SSE Renewables and their Contractors to account. We are now requesting advice from Planning Aid Scotland about the best way to proceed and will attend the next CLG Meeting on 12th July.
      1. Network Rail – Network Rail finally provided our Freedom of Information Enquiry after 40 working days, the extra 20 days due in their words to the complexity of the case. There was very little information and apparent gaps and it was presented in a form that could not be circulated to Councillors. The important facts gleaned from it is an admission they had not contacted the Landowner prior to accessing his land, that there was a stile in operation, and they cut down trees without permission. Contrary to the contractor’s final report extra fencing & waste materials were left including on Mr Eppens land a month after conclusion of the contract, and they were repeatedly warned about it. Flooding existed on the last 100 metres which was the area around the culvert where the water gate was damaged so it was not completed until 2021, but mysteriously no information about that work, or the right of way, or stile closure ,but for a vague reference to a sheep strike some 10 miles away. The Chairman will contact Ian Blackford MP again to see what information he has received, and also request that Network Rail review their findings and fill in the gaps in the information requested. If they are unable or unwilling to assist we will appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner to secure the missing information.
      1. Community Police Officer: Sgt Gavin Law – Gavin had spoken to his colleagues about the Inverroy Safety Report but the final decision had been made by Transport Scotland. He was aware of the Community’s desire to move the 30mph signs at each of the trunk road entrances to Spean Bridge, but the Police didn’t have any influence in persuading Transport Scotland  to make the necessary Permanent Traffic Regulation Orders.
      1. Roy Bridge School – The Chairman together with Tony Perriam, the Community Development Officer met with Fiona Sorley of the Communities Housing Trust and a local architect to view the school premises on Thursday 8th Separately Ronnie Macrae of the CHS was meeting with Highland Council and Lochaber Housing Association to see if they were interested in a joint venture to renovate and build on the site affordable homes and start up business units. Discussions are ongoing.
      2. Forestry Scotland – We have received the requested restocking arrangements and accompanying maps for Felling Licences CB 24155 and FLA 6146. It would appear that any sites or roadways cleared in these woodland plantations after 2012 breach the terms of the felling licences. Resale of the land does not abrogate the responsibility of either seller or buyer to conform rigidly with the terms of the agreement. The Community Council will need to examine all Felling licences pertinent to our area to ensure that the requisite regulations are being enforced. The Planning Sub-Committee to investigate and report back, and seek guidance from Rik Eppens.
      3. The New Belford Hospital – Ian Langley will circulate the question and answers from the feedback received from the public who attended the New Belford Hospital Redesign Stakeholders Event on 4th


      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

      1. Chris Pasteur  from Gilkes Energy about the Pumped Storage Scheme at Loch na Earba Planning Application 22/05962/PREMA refers. It appears another Open Day is planned for Spean Bridge Community Centre on 13th September from 13:30 to 19:00.
      2. From the Information Commissioners Office that our Appeal is valid, and Highland Council will now be contacted for their comments and to see if they will fully comply with the request. Failure to do so will lead to an investigation.
      3. From a local resident alerting the Community Council to the sale of Plots in the National Park similar to what appears to be happening in our and other areas. Also from Heldon Community council about similar activity.
      4. Letter from Councillor MacDonald on Coire Glas and Community Benefit which was circulated to Councillors and we hope will be posted on village noticeboards. We will include with the Minutes.
      5. From Ian Philp of HIE: who thought that we might be interested to hear about plans from SSE Transmission to set up a community fund focused on providing benefits to communities in the north of Scotland. The proposed fund, initially in the region of £10m, will be split 50% to communities hosting large-scale transmission-related infrastructure and 50% to the wider north of Scotland.
      6. From Ian Currie of Glenspean Lodge Hotel about the poor provision of high speed broadband in rural areas. The Chairman has been in touch with the relevant Scottish Government Department, and received a response of sorts but is now contacting Openreach direct.
      7. From Kate Stronach of MOWI Scotland, who want to provide stakeholders and communities with the opportunity to learn more about our company’s ongoing sustainability certification activities at an online event on 7th


      Treasurer’s Report: In the absence of the Treasurer the Chairman gave the current expenditure of Hall rent £70 leaving balance of £4614.43.


      Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund – A request from SSE Renewables about what we wanted to do with the remaining Stronelairg Windfarm Community Benefit.

      The total value of community benefit funds for Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council area was £154,258.35. During the operation of the joint panel, nineteen grants were awarded to organisations serving the SBRBA area totalling £133,495 (including £15,000 in micro grants to the community council) of which £103,495 has been paid out. Two grants of a combined value of £30,000 (125624 £10,000 and 125836 £20,000), will be paid when the conditions placed on those awards have been met. A balance of £20,763.48 remains available for the SBRBA Community Council Area.

      The Micro Grants too had proved particularly popular with 41 applications, and £619.04 remaining.  It was felt that if we could persuade SSER to increase the maximum Micro Grant Award to £1000 the Community Council could take control of the remaining funds and allocate it to deserving local applicants. The Chairman to liaise with the Community Fund Manager Great Glen.

      An application for £500 from Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO to assist with the playpark equipment purchase was agreed by Jenny Hastings as her three colleagues were ineligible to vote due to conflict of interest.


      Planning:  –

      Planning Application 21/03652/FUL Erection of 9 Chalets at Coire en Eoin. Tirindrish, Spean Bridge – Highland Council have been refused planning approval.

      Planning application 23/02095/S42 – Section 42 Application to remove conditions 1 and 2 of Planning Permission 14/00026/RBEF on land 30m SW of Cul a Bhile, 3 Bohuntin, Roy Bridge. Submitted as agreed.

      Planning Application 23/02401/FUL – Erection of House on land 65m SE of Stockman’s Cottage, Achnabobane, Spean Bridge – involves the transfer of an extant planning approval 21/00839/FUL. It may be a complicated issue, and after discussion it was agreed to leave to the Planners without comment from ourselves due to the technical nature of the process.

      Planning Application 23/02906/FUL– Change of use to form a letting unit at Rock Cottage Spean Bridge PH34 4DX – in the application it says proposed retrospective change of use from plant rental office to letting unit. We presume it is to do with the Short term Lets Licencing but we may have to seek guidance as we cannot find the original application, although it may not have needed one. We have no objection in principle.

      Planning Application 23/02888/PIP Erection of dwelling house (Plot 3)at  Land 30M West Of Coirebreac, Lower Inverroy, Roy Bridge – It appears to be a renewal of Planning Approval 20/02884/FUL, and has been ongoing since 2007. No objection to renewal.

      Any Other Business: None


      The Meeting closed at 20:30

      Christine Clephan, Secretary

      Community Council Minutes - June 2023

                                                                                    Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

                                       Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 6th June 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


      Present:    John Fotheringham (Chairman), Ian Langley, Malcolm MacGregor, Judith James- Davies & Highland Councillor John Grafton and 5 members of the public.

      Apologies:  Jenny Hastings, Christine Clephan, Ian Matheson, Teresa Kennedy, Alison Munro & Councillor Liz Saggers

      Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

      Minutes of Meeting held on 9th May 2023: These having been circulated and with no amendments were approved.

      Proposer –  Judith James-Davies                                                  Seconder – Ian Langley


      Matters Arising:

      1. Bear Scotland – Bear Scotland have been remarkably quiet, in not responding to our requests. No update to report on the cycleway from Leanachan Crossroads to Spean Bridge scheduled to be in place by August.
      2. Highland Council – The white lining on the road in Tirindrish we have been requesting for months is to be completed shortly. We have written to Highland Council about the other points raised at the May meeting and await their reply.            
      3. Altour Road Playpark – Highland Council have admitted that due to breakdown in communication the play equipment which was still serviceable but elderly was partially removed from Altour Road Playpark Spean Bridge, and on inspection the remaining equipment was deemed dangerous so has been fenced off prior to removal. Had the Amenities Team known about the pending Community Asset Transfer Request for all the Highland Council land surrounding the community centre in Altour Road they would not have implemented the removal, but accept that the whole procedure was flawed. The Amenities Team will work with Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO to source and purchase replacement equipment, but the Community will need to raise upwards of £20,000 themselves.                                                                                                        The SCIO’s Community Development Officer is researching funding and we will be making an application to the Ward Discretionary Fund, and asking local businesses and Estates to help.  In an effort to provide a temporary solution Kate Forbes MSP’s staff have written to Allan Gunn, Executive Chief Officer for Communities and Place at Highland Council to see if there is any redundant but still serviceable play equipment in the Highlands that could be moved to and installed in Spean Bridge so that the children had somewhere to play this summer.
      4. Coire Glas– Andy Gregory and Jade O’Hara of SSE Renewables and Will Schroeder of the Kilfinnan Road Residents were present. The Chairman outlined the current position with our enquiry about the variation in the Above Ground Working Hours Condition 19 of the Coire Glas Consent. He has been in dialogue with Tracey Urry, Chief Executive Officer of Infrastructure and Environment about both the process and our Freedom of Information Enquiry, but with little progress. Andy Gregory gave an update on the current situation with the Coire Glas Exploratory Works. Equipment commissioning was almost complete and tunnelling has commenced and they are already 50 metres into the mountain. The Highland Council Planning Official pays regular visits to the site to ensure compliance. It is expected that the Strabag Worker’s camp in Spean Bridge will be occupied shortly. Jade O’Hara confirmed the next CLG Meeting would be on 12th July, but SSER were still unable to confirm the names of the final two civil engineering contractors competing for the major works contract or whether Mucomir Quarry would be needed for disposal of rock and spoil. SSER’s interpretation of the situation concerning the Above Ground Working Hours is that for tunnelling safety and speed of operation they applied for a variation and Highland Council agreed on 7th October 2022 to their request. Initially it was for 3 months but they believed that if there were no noise infringements the variation would continue for the whole exploratory period. This seemed to conflict with Highland Council’s position in that SSER is aware that it will need to formally request any further extension of hours for the duration of the preliminary works, which was the basis of the approach in the first instance. A request will be submitted shortly. The Chairman stated that this was an important point of principle for the Community Council as condition 19 specifically says exceptions, and if SSER are granted such a major change without full transparency they will use the same argument for the entire construction phase defeating the whole purpose of the Condition. The FOI was now 34 working days overdue and it was agreed that if Highland Council did not furnish the information within 7 days we would formally complain to the Information Commissioner.
      5. Network Rail – Both Network Rail and Ian Blackford have acknowledged the Chairman’s letter but still no movement of substance. Network Rail’s 20 working days to respond to the Freedom of Information enquiry has expired.
      6. Community Police Officer – Sgt Gavin Law introduced himself to the meeting and explained he would be our Community Link. Concerns were expressed about speeding at Inverroy despite speed management plans being adopted. He was unaware of the BEAR Scotland Report and the Chairman would try to find a copy and forward it to him. Also expected traffic issues with the build up of traffic on the A82 as Coire Glas develops, and the Movement of Abnormal Loads causing delays were also highlighted. if the Community Council felt that a reduction in the Speed Limit on the A82 was necessary south of Spean Bridge we could seek a Temporary Traffic Restriction Order from either Highland Council or BEAR Scotland. The Chairman thanked Sgt Law for his invaluable input, and we will forward any policing issues direct to him.
      7. Roy Bridge School – at long las the Chairman accompanied by the Community Development Officer, a local Architect, and Fiona Sorley from the Communities Housing will meet with Gary Coutts from Highland Council Estates on Thursday 8th June to view the premises. The Chairman will circulate a report when he receives it.
      1. Forestry Scotland – it was noted that that the felling licences for two sites at Achnabobane were still under consideration following the expiry of the Stakeholder consultation. We had also asked about historical felling licences CB 24155 and FLA 6146, and what the inspection regime was to ensure that restocking had taken place. We await a reply.
      2. The New Belford Hospital – a Public Stakeholders Event took place today in the Nevis centre. It was well attended with lots of feedback which will n ow be evaluated.


      Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

      1. Louise Anderson from SSEN – Following the pubic consultations that we held in February we have now published our alignment Report on a new 132kV connection required to connect the consented Dell and Cloiche wind farms to the National Grid at Melgarve substation, near Laggan. Copy of the Report is available for interested parties.
      2. The Knoydart Deer Management Group – Notice of their meeting on 12th June available for any Community Councillor who would like to attend.  
      3. Dot Ferguson – Notice of Webinars in June available for Community Councillors on Playlist for Life, Rural Child Poverty and Carbon Literacy.
        1. Dot Ferguson – Notice of arrangements for the UCI World Cycle Championships at Aonach Mor between the 3rd and 5th Sgt Gavin Law was able to elaborate on the main details.
        • Park and ride will operate from Blar Mhor and Spean Bridge (A86) with a greater frequency of shuttle buses than in previous years.
        • A 30mph speed limit will be in place between Fort William and Spean Bridge .
        • Lay-bys will be closed – any cars illegally parked will be removed.
        • This year there will be no parking available at the Rural Complex other than for event teams and officials ie there will be absolutely no public parking.  This means that no vehicles, other than those with an official pass, will be allowed to turn off on to the access road.
        • Police will control the A82 / Nevis Range access road junction to ensure traffic is kept moving. 
        • There will be a system in place to reduce impact on businesses at the Rural Complex and the Quarry.
        • There will be CCTV on the junction and any ‘abandoned’ vehicles will be towed.
        • Variable Message Signs will hopefully be in use north and south of the event encouraging the use of park and ride.
        • An extended bike park at Nevis Range will encourage people to cycle to the event and Scotrail has launched the Highland Explorer service which provides space on trains for bikes – ScotRail Highland Explorer | ScotRail
        1. Councillor Angus MacDonald – has written an article titled Crisis in Rural Care Homes which is available for circulation.


        Treasurer’s Report: Income is Highland Council Grant £605.09. Expenditure is Micro Grants to Janis Matheson £300, and Taigh na Sgoile £250, and Chairman’s Honorarium of £300 leaving a current balance of £4684.43


        Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant – an Application from Ken Dalley for £500 towards festive light in Spean Bridge was approved.

        The Chairman announced that there was only £619.04 left in the fund to allocate before the Micro Grants Fund Closed. It had been extremely successful with 40 separate applications for a portion of the £15,000 available over the past 5 years and we are extremely grateful to the SSE Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund for the funding.

        Planning:  –

        Planning Application 21/03652/FUL Erection of 9 Chalets at Coire en Eoin. Tirindrish, Spean Bridge – Highland Council have written to the Developer seeking significant further information to conform with National Planning Framework 4 Policy 30.

        Planning Application 22/02939/FUL Erection of house and garage Land 230M NW Of Sealladh Na Coille Achnabobane Spean Bridge PH34 4EX has gone to appeal to the Scottish Government. The Community Council has submitted a letter to the Reporter which has been acknowledged.

        Planning Application 23/00187/FUL Erection of 6 camping Pods at land 250m south of Altavona, Spean Bridge – It appears the Applicants have decided to withdraw their application.

        Planning Application 23/02189/FUL Erection of 14 houses (including 4 affordable), improvement of existing access and erection of farm shop – Land 50M NW Of Mehalah Tirindrish Spean Bridge – The Community Council decided unanimously to object as this is a mixed use site and one small farm shop does not provide sufficient business and retail units. We believe it fails to demonstrate either confirmation with the Local Development Plan or the Policies in NPF4.

        Planning Application 23/02095/S42 – Section 42  application to remove conditions 1 and 2 of planning permission 30m SW of Cul A Bhile, 3 Bohuntin, Roy Bridge. – This appears to relate to the refusal of Planning Application 13/04019 the erection of a Timber chalet which was permitted for 10 years on appeal. After discussion it was agreed to research our options, and circulate the Community Council.

        Planning Application 23/02357/FUL – Erection of House land 30m NW of Blarmona, Roy Bridge – Approved.

        Any Other Business:

        Michael Lees, one of Highland Council’s Seasonal  Access Rangers for our area  introduced himself. He will offer a friendly and welcoming approach to engaging with the public to inform and educate people about access rights, wild camping, overcrowding, parking – including overnight parking in motorhomes, littering, fires, damage to trees and outdoor toileting. He will also collect data on visitor numbers and capacity issues especially at popular sites.

        In between patrols the he will liaise with communities and landowners when issues arise, working together on solutions. Community Councillors highlighted some of the current problems being experienced locally.


        The Meeting closed at 21:00

        John Fotheringham, Chairman      

        Community Council Minutes - May 2023

        Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 9th May 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.


        Present:    John Fotheringham (Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Ian Matheson, Ian Langley,  Jenny Hastings, Teresa Kennedy, Malcolm MacGregor, Highland Councillors Liz Saggers and John Grafton and 16 members of the public.

        Apologies:  Judith James-Davies & Christine Clephan.

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

        Annual General Meeting

        Chairman’s Report: The Report having been circulated and with copies available on the evening it was adopted.

        Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Accounts: The Annual Accounts having been circulated, were approved.


        Election Of Office Bearers:

        Chairman:   John Fotheringham      Proposed: Ian Langley             Seconded: Ian Matheson

        Secretary:    Christine Clephan       Proposed: Alison Munro           Seconded: Malcolm MacGregor

        Treasurer:    Alison Munro              Proposed: John Fotheringham  Seconded: Jenny Hastings


        Monthly Meeting

        Minutes of Meeting held on 4th April 2023: These were approved.

        Proposer – Ian Langley                                                    Seconder – Ian Matheson


        Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant Appeal – on behalf of the Roy Bridge School House Project. – The Community Council heard a plea from Morag MacNeill, Secretary of the Group, and asked questions about the project. The Chairman thanked Mrs MacNeill for her attendance. The decision on the appeal will be determined later.


        Matters Arising:

        1. Bear Scotland – BEAR Scotland have been alerted that their speed reduction measures on the A86 at Inverroy don’t appear to be working, and we have suggested that widening the bellmouth at the Upper Inverroy junction might be appropriate. The signs on the A86 pointing to Village Hall and Glen Roy will soon be obliterated by tree foliage so we have suggested moving them across the trunk road. The mud on the Inverroy pavement has been removed, and we await a response from BEAR on action for all the points raised. We receive a response from Gerard Kelly regarding the proposed path/cycleway from Leanachan Crossroads to Spean Bridge.
        2. Highland Council – At a meeting of Highland Council’s Infrastructure Committee  it was agreed to spend the princely sum of £118,575 or 1.5% of the total allocated funding on our roads. We will get 330 metres overlay on the B8004 Banavie to Commando Memorial, and 460 metres overlay on the B8005 Gairlochy to Clunes roads, but precise locations unknown.                                                                                      

        More positive news emerged from the meeting relating to the extension of 20s plenty to Spean Bridge and Roy Bridge and the suggestion that Highland Council were working with Transport Scotland to confirm the extent that a 20mph limit could be progressed on the A82 and A86 Trunk roads as they pass through our settlements. It is the intention to consult with us and as only Mulroy and Keppoch Terraces are included in Roy Bridge, and Fairway Drive is excluded in Spean Bridge we are eager to fully participate.

        We will also be seeking traffic management on our trunk roads, a reduction in the speed limit at Inverroy, and a controlled crossing on the A86 in Spean Bridge.

        1. Altour Road Playpark – as reported last month Highland Council had informed us that following a recent Health and Safety Inspection and discussion with the Ward Members they had decided to remove the playground equipment in Altour Road as they were beyond economical repair. A lively debate ensued particularly after Councillor Liz Saggers explained that the notification to the Community Council was inaccurate. Neither the H&S Inspection nor the discussion with Members  took place recently, but in 2021/January 2022. So were local children using unsafe equipment for over a year?

        Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO in their recent Community Consultation had earmarked the area from the playpark to the River Spean as a site for a Community Garden, and riverside walk and were engaged in preliminary discussions with the two landowners Highland Council and RE Campbell. They will be happy to incorporate new playpark equipment within their plans, but meantime Councillor John Grafton will request a copy of the Health and Safety inspections. We also want to determine the cost of the repairs as they would have allowed continued use till theSCIO was able to fundraise for new equipment. The Chairman will ascertain why we were misled and take appropriate action.

        1. Coire Glas– As part of a delegation from the Linnhe Community Alliance the Chairman had met with Kate Lackie, Highland Council’s Chief Executive, and Tracey Urry Head of Infrastructure & Environment and had raised our concerns about the Coire Glas Project. In particular SSER’s continued attempts to seek changes to planning consent conditions without public scrutiny. They were aware of the local concerns about the manner in which the preparatory construction was being handled, and would ensure the correct procedures were undertaken. The Lochaber Committee had met with SSER and community benefit was on the agenda, but SSER were adamant they did not intend to pay any benefit until their Board of Directors had confirmed in 2024 that Coire Glas would actually be built.

        We have continued our dialogue with the Kilfinnan Road Group and have circulated their concerns to the Community Council. Will Schroeder from the Group explained that it is apparent that the Developer and their Contractors are not adhering strictly to the terms of their consent, and we must remain vigilant to ensure that the unacceptable conduct being experienced by the Kilfinnan Road residents does not become the norm across the whole area. It was agreed that we would continue to support all those directly affected by this construction project, and use our influence such as it is to ensure that the conditions laid down by the Scottish Government  are adhered to. Highland Council have failed to respond to our Freedom of Information Enquiry within the statutory time limit. Indeed it is now some 15 working days late so we have complained to the Information Commissioner and we await their response.

        1. Network Rail – The Chairman had reported progress to Rik Eppens of Killiechonate Woodlands, the original complainant. He had also written to Ian Blackford MP and made a Freedom of Information Enquiry in an effort to have the right of way reinstated and Network Rail accept that operating with consent is more acceptable than allowing their workforce and contractors carte blanche to act as they like because they have a statutory obligation. Hopefully this action will bring this matter to a conclusion.
        1. Community Police Officer – The Chairman had been in dialogue with the local Polce and had hoped that a representative would have attended the meeting but clearly more pressing operational issues had intervened.
        1. Roy Bridge School – Highland Council have still not be in touch to permit the viewing of the School Building. The Chairman will write to them to ask what the delay is in permitting community groups to view the building.
        1. Linnhe Community Alliance – The Chairman attended the Linnhe Community alliance Meeting yesterday evening. There was a varied and interesting agenda. It included updates on Community Planning, Corran Ferry, Lochaber Health and Social Care Design, and our concern s about Coire Glas. Thomas MacLennan Chair of the South Planning Committee is to arrange a meeting between interested parties and officials to address the current concerns about the Coire Glas development.


        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. Forestry Scotland – relating to a felling licence application for Achnabobane FLA 10208 refers. The Community Council had agreed that we were not in favour of the use of the single track approved road for extraction preferring the haul road direct to the A82, and the whole site to be restocked leaving no open space as it had been used in the past for unauthorised developments. We had also asked about historical felling licences CB 24155 and FLA 6146, and what the inspection regime was to ensure that restocking had taken place following the suggestion by Highland Council in their determination of Planning Application 22/02939/FUL that the site and a number of others had been cleared contrary to the restocking legislation. We await their response with interest.
        1. Highland Council – a self-service online training guide for community councils has been circulated which aims to provide an easy reference guide on the planning system. This training guide is available through our Community Council webpages and aims to help you understand what the planning system seeks to achieve and introduces the processes involved in decision-making. It covers three key strands: Development Plans, Development Management (including Planning Application Committees) & Planning Enforcement. It also includes chapters on Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and Reviews and Appeals. This is a welcome addition to Community Councillors knowledge of the planning system.
        1. Lloyds Register Quality Assurance Aquaculture Stewardship Council – have published a draft report on MOWI’s activities in Loch Lochy and Loch Arkaig which is available for circulation to anyone interested.
        1. Tim Lucas Forestry Management – has been asked by the owners of Moy Farm to develop a new native woodland on their land to fill a gap in the hillside between the National Forest Estate conifer plantation on the west side of Moy Farm and a privately owned conifer plantation on the east side (this being land on the slopes above the B8004 public road). This will be done by planting native tree species to form two broad woodland types: ‘pine and birch’ and ‘oak and birch’.

        Treasurer’s Report: No expenditure this month and the current balance remains at £4929.34


        Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant – An application from Janice Matheson on behalf of the Roy Bridge Children’s Christmas Party for £300 was approved unanimously.



        Planning Application 23/00701/FUL Erection of House 260m NW of Achnabobane Farmhouse, Achnabobane, Spean Bridge PH34 4EX – Ronald MacGregor the applicant wanted the Community Council to understand that he and his wife wanted to retire to Achnabobane, and they previously had approval in 2009 which had lapsed in 2014. He understood that there had been some debate about numbers in the housing group rule but in his discussions with Highland Council Planners they had not confirmed whether NPF 4 would impact on his application. The Community Council may sympathize with individual applicants but our comments and conclusion on this application are entirely valid, and we see no reason to amend it.


        Planning Application 23/01142/PNO – Peatland Restoration at  Land 6550m NW of Invermallie, Achnacarry, Spean Bridge

        Planning Application 23/01429/FUL Erection of Shed – Corrie Glas House, Achnabobane, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EX.

        These two applications were approved following discussion.


        Any Other Business:

        Ken Dalley asked if the Community Council might consider writing to Highland council about whether a permanent Christmas tree could be planted in the playpark at Dalour Cottages. Also could we determine why the bin on the A82 layby just south of the Commando Memorial had been removed and could we support having a bus stop at the Memorial. Both he and a number of other residents spoke about improving the festive lights in Spean Bridge and it was suggested that a Micro Grant application might be appropriate.


        Stronelairg Windfarm Appeal – It was agreed that an award of £250 would be offered.


        The Meeting closed at 21:00.   

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

        Chairman's Annual Report and Accounts 2023

        Community Council Minutes - April 2023

        Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 4th April 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.


        Present:   John Fotheringham (Chairman), Christine Clephan (Secretary) Jenny Hastings, Judith James-Davies, Ian Matheson, Ian Langley, & 4 members of the public.

        Apologies: Alison Munro, Malcolm MacGregor & Highland Councillors Liz Saggers & John Grafton

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham Christine Clephan, and Ian Langley are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership and Nevis Radio.

        Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 7th March 2023: The minutes having been circulated were approved.

        Proposer –  Ian Matheson                                                             Seconder – Ian Langley

        Matters Arising:

        1. Gilkes Energy – Chris Pasteur and David Tombs gave a presentation on Gilkes’s Energy’s Proposal for a 750MW Pumped Storage Scheme at Loch na Earba on the eastern boundary of the Community Council area. They were keen to keep our communities updated on the plans as they progressed, and had demonstrated their commitment by holding an exhibition on 22nd February in the Spean Bridge Community Centre. Their plans are at an early stage, but they are anxious to avoid the issues that have beset the Coire Glas project. There is some justifiable concern locally about two major construction projects being undertaken at the same time affecting our two trunk roads the A82 and A86 as each are the main diversionary option for the other. It was agreed that Gilkes Energy would keep the Community Council fully informed going forward.

        2. Bear Scotland- Ken Hossack had reported that they have relocated the Upper Inverroy advance junction sign nearer to the junction, and removed the coil of cable that was situated on the verge nearby.

        Transport Scotland have asked BEAR to focus on the delivery of a cycle/path that would potentially link Spean Bridge and the Old Military Road at Leanachan Crossroads.  It is their intention to have it in place prior to the 2023 UCI CWC in August. The preferred route is on the south verge of the A82.  It may be that initially the path will stop shy of the constrained area just south of village in the short term whilst they bottom out land agreements. This is obviously not an ideal situation and the implementation of a reduced speed limit to mitigate the risk to non-motorised road users during this period has been proposed.

        Ian Langley reported about an accident at the junction of the Upper Inverroy road and the A86 involving two cars, and asked that we alert BEAR Scotland that their speed reduction measures don’t appear to be working, and suggesting that widening the bellmouth might be appropriate. We note that the 30mph flashing sign has been repaired in Roy Bridge, but the signs on the A86 pointing to Village Hall and Glen Roy will soon be obliterated by tree foliage so will suggest moving them across the trunk road. The mud on the Inverroy pavement remains, and we will ask for its removal.

        3. Highland Council – Our Community Council area will be considered for the provision of Brown Bins after the Carr’s Corner Upgrade. The Provision of 20s Plenty for the side streets in our villages is in hand, but no date for implementations has been given.

        4. Coire Glas- The Chairman updated the Council on recent events including last night’s CLG Meeting. Scrutiny of the Coire Glas Site Exploratory Works Programme identified that they intended to operate a 50% increase in operational hours for their above ground works, although discussions with Highland Council Planners suggest that they have only a 3 month exception which has expired. We believe a further extension will need a planning application, but SSER dispute this. The abnormal load that used the B8004 and B8005 to access the site on 22nd February has now been removed using the same exit roads. The Freedom of information enquiry has been lodged with Highland Council and we await its result. The Chairman has written to Kate Forbes MSP on the question of Community benefit and she will speak to both SSE Renewables and Gilkes Energy.

        5. Network Rail – After 10 weeks delay we have received an unsatisfactory reply from Network Rail. They admit carrying out tree and vegetation clearance, but are unaware if they asked for or received permission. They do however maintain that they did not break the water gate. Their solution is that they refer us back to their community team to investigate. It was agreed that the Chairman should refer the matter to Ian Blackford MP to see if he can persuade them to explain why they and their contractor acted inappropriately.

        6. Community Police Officer – No reply from Police Scotland so the Chairman contacted them again and brought this response: I have again forwarded your request to the local Community Policing team, I have also cc’d the Community Policing Sergeant in on the e-mail and have requested that he contact you directly. Please note the Sergeant is not available until after the 04/04/2023. Entirely unsatisfactory, but we have few avenues to pursue this request.

        7. Roy Bridge School – Another month has elapsed without the Highland Council’s Estates Management Team contacting us with a date to view the School Premises. We did note however an approach to the Communities Housing Trust about whether they might be interested in securing the building.

        8. New Belford Hospital – Ian Langley had circulated the latest information about the Community Services Planning Group. Funding is in place, but there is still a long way to go.


        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. Debbie Sutton of Highland Council – Following the most recent health and safety annual inspections and subsequent discussions with Ward Members the decision has been made to remove any remaining play equipment from the Altour Road playpark. This is due to the items being beyond economical repair and there is no capital budget available to replace this equipment. The nearest alternative play area is Dalour Cottages. The site will no longer be a designated play area but will be available as a community greenspace with opportunities for biodiversity and wildlife and if required as an area for community food growing. It was agreed to pass the information on to Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO.
        1. Forestry Scotland – seeking our input on two applications for felling licences at Achnabobane and Rigsden in the same township. It was agreed to express our concern that the access and exit route was the single track approved road used by the residents, and suggesting that a haul road using another exit would be more appropriate. Given previous experience we trust Forestry Scotland will enforce e strictly the restocking conditions and not allow it to become a home for unauthorised cleared sites.
        1. Alison Munro – Coronation commemorative ware. Alison Munro found that a commemorative coin was the most popular gift to commemorate the coronation of Charles the Third. The Community Council agreed to her request to source and cost.
        1. Louise Anderson of SSEN – giving an update on the SSEN Transmission Melgarve cluster project. 
        1. Cullachy Windfarm – The Chairman reported on his meeting with two Representatives of Fred Olsen Renewables about the proposed 8 Turbine Windfarm on the Aberchalder Estate. The towers and associated equipment would be transported from Corpach down the A82, and if approved would cause some disruption. Community Benefit would be paid to Community Councils affected.


        Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported opening balance of £5929.34. Expenditure of the two Micro Grant awards each for £500 to Brae Heritage and the Roy Bridge Village Gardens were approved. The closing balance at the end of the financial year was £4929.34.


        Planning:  The Chairman had circulated an abstract of his meeting on 14th March with David Mudie, South Planning Manager, and Craig Wilson Principal Planner Enforcement which had led to our submissions to planning applications 21/03336/FUL, 21/03652/FUL & 21/04474/PIP which had been fully endorsed by the Community Council.

        The Community Council had also received from concerned private citizens photographs and satellite images of unauthorised workings contrary to the planning rules which had been passed to the relevant authority.

        As a result of ongoing discussions with Highland Council the Community Council had learnt that we are only considered to be Statutory Consultees in Planning if either Highland Council consult us or we ask to consult on a particular planning application. The planning sub-committee have noted this clarification, and will act accordingly.

        The Community Council considered Planning Applications:

        Planning Application 23/00187/FUL – Siting of 6 camping pods  – Land 250M South Of Alltavona, Spean Bridge. The Community Council have asked to be consulted on this application and have submitted an objection based on their understanding that both the site and access track have been cleared contrary to planning rules.

        Planning Application 23/01123/FUL – Alterations and extension – Birchwood, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EU.

        Planning Application 23/01080/PNO – Erection of forest building (workspace and wellfare facility) – Loch Arkaig Pine Forest, Glen Maillie

        Planning Application 23/01135/FUL – Siting of pod for holiday letting purposes – Balcary, West Tirindrish, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EU

        The applications were approved after consideration.


        Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grants: An application for £500 from Spean Bridge Primary School was approved. A letter of appeal from Taigh na Sgoile was discussed, and it was decided to ask the applicant to attend the May meeting to state their case, and answer questions.

        Any Other Business:  None

        The Meeting closed at 21:00

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

        Community Council Minutes - March 2023

        Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 7th March 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.


        Present:   John Fotheringham (Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Jenny Hastings, Ian Matheson, Ian Langley, Malcolm MacGregor, & 2 members of the public.

        Apologies: Christine Clephan, Teresa Kennedy, Amy Exeter & Highland Councillors Liz Saggers & John Grafton

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham Christine Clephan, and Ian Langley are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership and Nevis Radio.

        Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 7th February 2023: The minutes having been circulated were approved.

        Proposer – Jenny Hastings                                                            Seconder – Ian Matheson

        Ken Hossack, Routine Maintenance Manager for Bear Scotland – The Chairman introduced Mr Hossack who gave those present a potted history of his service and responsibilities with Bear Scotland. He then spoke about the items that had been flagged up in correspondence between the Chairman and BEAR Scotland which he hoped could be resolved with the caveat that as his organisation was still unaware of its funding for 2023/24 it may not be possible to complete everything:

        1. The Path from Roy Bridge to Inverroy is a perennial problem. Apparently it was last cleared in November 2019, but unsatisfactorily, leading to remedial work which has not been completed. According to the residents two roding eye covers were meant to be replaced, one is still sitting with a traffic cone over it at the junction for Upper Inverroy. Opposite Inverroy Caravan Park there is a sunken part of the path that was meant to be repaired, and the short section from March Cottage to Pump station two was meant to be made good so the stones would not get onto the path and become a trip hazard. A wooden fence barrier was meant to be replaced on that same section. He apologised for failing to complete the work and it would now be completed under a defect list in the new financial year.
        2. When Bear Scotland erected the Upper Inverroy sign outside Hillcrest, Inverroy, they have left a pile of spoil and debris, which was taken on to the path when they parked their vehicles on the foot path to do the works and now spread due to the wet weather that pedestrians have to walk on the road. It has been noted that the signs position has led to more vehicles turning up into the croft much to the annoyance of the land owner. Some vehicles are doing a highly dangerous and illegal manoeuvre by reversing back onto the A86. An examination earlier today had revealed that the detritus had dispersed, but they would move the Sign nearer to the junction.
        3. Once again in Inverroy, whilst local residents appreciate that measures have been implemented to reduce risk on the’ straight’ on the A86 before the Upper Inverroy turnoff, with regards to driveway reflection. It is still less than adequate at reducing speed. Perhaps road calming measures may be a possible resolution. Owing to the inclement winter weather not all of the speed reduction measures had been implemented but they were in their programme for installation soon.
        4. Two junctions on the A86 to Upper Inverroy and on the A82 to Leanachan cause particular concern since the minor road bellmouth is insufficient for two vehicles to pass, and therefore if one vehicle is waiting to exit, vehicle waiting to access must remain stationary on a fast section of the trunk roads. He gave an undertaking that BEAR would look at both sites to see if it was possible to create a bellmouth.
        5. A Safer Route to Spean Bridge Primary for children appears a priority, with a pedestrian crossing. Over the years the Community Council has corresponded with Transport Scotland about the lack of pedestrian crossings over the trunk roads in Spean Bridge. They refused to countenance giving all sorts of spurious reasons, but we note when 2 developers seeking planning approval proposed them they were accepted without argument. Unfortunately neither proposal was proceeded with so we still await a pedestrian crossing, but the traffic on both roads continues to increase. Mr Hossack wanted to know if the Community Council had a site in mind for the crossing and it was agreed that the top of Altour Road across the A86 would be most appropriate. He would report back our wishes.
        6. Although we appreciate the detritus removal of the pavement alongside the A82 from Spean Bridge to the Commando Memorial it has revealed that the surface in parts is in poor condition. Are there plans for resurfacing? An examination has revealed that a telecommunication duct was not properly reinstated after it was dug and both it and a section where the fence has encroached on the pavement will be repaired.
        7. Drainage Issues seem to be a regular problem. In addition to the issues at the Roy Bridge in Inverroy the two bus laybys opposite Spean Crescent in Spean Bridge flood in heavy rain, and similarly the drainage issue north of Spean Bridge on the A82 doesn’t seem to be satisfactorily resolved. Our operations team check the flooding at Roy Bridge regularly and are going to carry out a drainage investigation at this location next financial year. The gullies for all sites are included in our cyclic maintenance programme and were last cleaned in April 2022. They are programmed for cleaning again this April.
        8. Between the entrance to the Woollen Mill Car Park and Station Road In Spean Bridge in front of the Spean Bridge Hotel there is no pavement, just a muddy surface, we thought that 1.5 metre on either side of a trunk road was owned by the operator so why no pavement here? Ken will investigate ownership of the land in question and let us know.
        9. The warning light coming into Roybridge from the east, has been raised as a defect and our electrical team are liaising with the specialist contractor to establish a date for repair.
        10. The issue regarding 3rd party works at A82 Achnabobane have been raised by the Highland Council’s enforcement team who have attended the site and are investigating further. Network Rail have also been notified and have stated they will investigate this during their next scheduled inspection. Transport Scotland have been notified; however, this is mainly for THC to action and resolve. Our development manager will continue to push for updates about this issue.
        11. Although not specifically raised by the Community Council as an issue Ken Hossack told those present that BEAR Scotland were actively pursuing a pavement/cycleway between Aonachan Crossroads and Spean Bridge, and were hopeful it might be in place by August 2023. He was not involved personally but passed on the contact details of the Active Travel person responsible.
        12. A request from Ian Langley to repaint the double white lines on the A82 south of the northerly Great Glen Cattle Ranch Building will be passed to the operational team leader.

        The Chairman thanked Mr Hossack for such a comprehensive response to our current problems, but we will remain vigilant to ensure that the issues raised are resolved.


        Matters Arising:  

        1. Highland Council – As Councillor Grafton was unable to attend there was no update on the issues he had promised to raise. Councillor Baldrey had forwarded a note from John Murray in Environmental Health about an investigation into the alleged abandoned burger van at the Loch Lochy Viewpoint.  There had been a complication in that the owner had applied for a street traders licence application giving an undertaking that the vehicle would be repaired and reinstated for regular use. More time was granted to observe the situation and any improvements but to date there is no clear progress with the condition of the van and little indication that the situation will improve.  For that reason the investigation has recommenced with a view to having the van removed if it is not brought back up to a serviceable condition. The Chairman had replied that given the previous history of promises which had not been fulfilled it should be removed.
        2. Gilkes Energy – held an exhibition about their plans for a 750MW Pumped Storage Scheme in the Ardverikie Estate on 22nd February in the Spean Bridge Community Centre. Their plans are at an early stage, but involve Loch na Earba which is at the western edge of the estate, near our community council boundary. It would undoubtedly lead to increased traffic on the A86. In discussions with Community Councillors that attended the event it was suggested that Representatives of Gilkes Energy might like to attend some of your regular community council meetings to keep the community updated on their plans as they progress. Accordingly Chris Pasteur & David Tomb will attend our April Meeting on 4th
        3. Coire Glas- the Chairman updated the Council on recent events. Scrutiny of the Coire Glas Site Exploratory Works Programme identified that they intended to operate a 50% increase in operational hours, and despite promises were still using the B8004 and B8005 to access the site. The latest abnormal movement had occurred earlier today with 2 hours notice. We had originally been alerted on 22nd February, and the Chairman had alerted the residents and the Councillors for Wards 11 and 21 and Kate Willis had written to David Mudie, the South Planning Manager about SSE Renewables and their Contractors failing to abide by their consent. The lack of public scrutiny to the consent changes is a concern and it was agreed to lodge a freedom of information enquiry with Highland Council to determine what is going on and with whom. Similarly despite Ian Innes Project Director welcoming the commencement of Community Benefit discussions, an attempt by us to take up the offer was met with a refusal until the impact on our communities is fully known. Clearly their workers Village and abnormal movements on roads not included in their consent don’t qualify. The Chairman will write to Kate Forbes MSP so she is fully aware of the current position with the Developer and Community Benefit. The next Coire Glas Liaison Group Meeting takes place on 3rd April in Glengarry Village Hall and online and the Chairman and Ian Langley will attend.
        4. Network Rail – The Chairman sent a reminder to the Legal Counsel, but still awaits a response.
        5. Community Police Officer – As requested the Chairman wrote to Police Scotland about the continued absence of the Community Police Officer from Community Council Meetings. He had received an acknowledgement and awaits a more substantive reply.
        6. Roy Bridge School – The Chairman has been in correspondence with Highland Council’s Estates Management Team and we will be contacted when the School Premises are available to view.

        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. Suzanne Wilson – Copied into correspondence with Highland Council Planning Enforcement Team regarding the removal of Ballachulish slates and their replacement by Samaca Spanish slates from the hotel’s roof. No action being taken.
        2. Ian Collier of Forestry Scotland – Ongoing correspondence regarding restocking at Achnasol Woodland, and the Felling of Birch Trees on the eastern A86 approach to Spean Bridge.
        3. Patsy Porter – Coronation commemorative ware. Does the Community Council want to supply Coronation Mugs to our Children? Alison Munro will ascertain if it is something that would prove popular with children.
        4. Fiona Maclean of High Life Highland – seeking permission to plant a wildflower mosaic in the corner of the Spean Playpark. The Community Council does not own that land, but we are in favour and may be willing to support the initiative. The Chairman will consult with Highland Council and respond.

        Treasurer’s Report:

        The Treasurer reported opening balance of £6479.34. One payment of £500 to Tracy Cameron as a Micro Grant and £50 Hire charge for Kilmonivaig Hall were approved The closing current balance is £5929.34.



        Planning Application 22/02939/FUL – Land 230m NW of Sealladh na Coille, Achnabobane was unanimously refused at the South Planning Meeting on 8th February.


        The Community Council considered Planning Applications:

        Planning Application 23/00701/FUL – Erection of House – 260m NW of Achnabobane Farmhouse Spean Bridge.

        The Community Council will object to this Planning Application on the grounds that the applicant had not stated what exception they were claiming to Policy 8 of the National Planning framework 4 which came into force on 13th February 2023.

        Planning Application 23/00713/FUL – Alterations to existing floor study/ utility room to form self contained letting studio – Rowan Dell, Altour road, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EU.

        Planning Application 23/00831/FUL – Formation of Access – Land 85m north of Coinachan Cottage, Spean Bridge.

        Planning Application 23/01003/FUL – Erection of self-contained residential unit- Coille Aonachain Lodge, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EY.

        The applications were approved after consideration.


        Planning Application 22/03995/FUL –  Erection of temporary staff sleeping accommodation unit, refectory and office building, staff car parking, treatment plant and storage / lay down areas – Land 150M NE Of Mossgiel Spean Bridge

        We have been advised that there has been a revised update to this plan, and we have 14 days to submit any further observations. The Chairman will write to Transport Scotland to find out if the temporary movement of the 30mph sign south of Spean Bridge to beyond the Workers Camp will be agreed before responding.

        Preliminary Application 22/0409/FUL – 25m Lattice Tower – Achnacarry Spean Bridge – This proposal is adjacent to two existing base stations (owned by third parties – ESN and Airwave).  We have no objection to this proposal which would appear to offer significant benefits to our community and is adjacent to an existing site.


        Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grants: Two Applications each for £500 from Brae Heritage and the Roy Bridge Village Gardens were approved.

        The Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Major Grants Panel is due to end in April 2023. Any proceeds left over have to be spent on behalf of the community under the terms of our contract. The Community Council does not want to administer any remaining funds. We believe that Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO is the correct organisation to handle any funds as they have a paid employee and the experience of panel working. The present Micro Grants balance will continue to be administered by the Community Council until exhausted, but will receive no further funds.


        Any Other Business:  Mrs Jill Ferguson raised the issue about attempting to foster Community Spirit in the villages with a number of social events. Many ideas were suggested involving all age groups, but it was decided to form a sub-committee with Malcolm MacGregor, Teresa Kennedy, Jill Ferguson, and Tony Perriam to investigate the subject and come up with plans.

        The Meeting closed at 21:00

        John Fotheringham, Chairman

        Community Council Minutes - February 2023

        Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 7th February 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall


        Present:   John Fotheringham (Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Christine Clephan (Secretary) Judith James-Davies, Teresa Kennedy, Jenny Hastings, Ian Matheson, Ian Langley, Highland Councillor John Grafton & 6 members of the public.

        Apologies: Malcolm McGregor, Ali Berardelli, & Highland Councillor Liz Saggers

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham Christine Clephan, and Ian Langley are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership and Nevis Radio.

        Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 10th January 2023: An amendment to include a Drainage problem in Roy Bridge in the item relating to BEAR Scotland was agreed.

        Proposer –  Judith James-Davies                                      Seconder –  Alison Munro


        Coire Glas – Ian Innes, the Corrie Glas Project Director gave the Community Council an update on current progress on the preparatory works. The Community Council continues to have misgivings about the reported suggestions about rock and spoil disposal without access to those making the desktop calculations. Mr Innes said that the two still unnamed civil contractors vying for the contract had come up with innovative ideas and he was hoping soon to discuss them with Highland Council. If their calculations had reduced the tonnage needing to be removed from the site from 3.9 million to 2.6 million and now to nil, why bother with the preparatory tunnel, but SSE Renewables needed confirmation. The Community Council remain sceptical particular as the landowner Forest and Land Scotland don’t appear to have been consulted. Councillor Grafton asked about movements on the Kilfinnan Road outwith the working hours 7am to 7pm. SSE Renewables are willing to open negotiations on Community Benefit, and the Chairman is meeting the Community Fund Manager – Great Glen on 15th February. The construction of the replacement Wild Camp has commenced. The local Strabag UK Team introduced themselves to the Community Councillors.


        Matters Arising: 

        1. BEAR Scotland – The Chairman recounted his correspondence about the detritus on the pavement and verge of the A82 between Corrieview Lodges and the crash barrier north of Spean Bridge. Following Kate Forbes MSP’s intervention Bear Scotland’s Operational Team will remove all next week. He also noted the continued procrastination about the removal of illegal signs from the verge which Bear claim is now in hand.

        At the request of the Community Council he will write asking that the drain on the bridge at Roy Bridge be cleaned, and the 30mph warning sign coming into Roy Bridge from the East be repaired, and that the white lines and cat’s eyes be renewed on the A82 east of Aonach Mor junction. Spean Bridge Primary School Parent Council has raised an issue about road safety in Spean Bridge on the trunk roads. They are anxious to explore Safer Routes to School, a pedestrian crossing, and better speed monitoring, the Chairman will write to the proper authorities requesting they assist.

        2. Highland Council – The roads in Spean Bridge, and Roy Bridge off the trunk roads are earmarked for 20s Plenty but no date for implementation has so far been announced. Councillor Grafton was given the precise location in Tirindrish requiring the road marking renewed, but had received no response about the brown bins. A complaint about the use of the B8004 to the Commando Memorial by Timber Lorries would be referred to Highland Council.

        3. Lochaber Cemetery – The Chairman has been in correspondence with the residents and Highland Council’s Bereavement Services. The Highbridge Site is unsuitable as a location for the new cemetery, and Highland Council appear unwilling to accept that they or their contractor removed the cairns. The residents remain unhappy, but recognize there is little we can do to rectify the situation. It does however highlight the need for our community to challenge any unusual activity and contact the Community Council. Matter closed

        4. Network Rail – The Chairman wrote a detailed rebuttal of Network Rail’s explanation in relation to the fence erected alongside the railway, and the actions of their contractor and employees in failing to inform and get consent from the landowner for their actions. Network Rail are investigating and will respond shortly.

        5. Charging Point in Spean Bridge – The charging point in Strabag’s Worker’s Camp in Spean Bridge will be in a secure area and it will not be possible to allow locals to access it. Matter Closed.

        6. First Responders – Jenny Hastings reported that there can be no progress until the St John’s Ambulance and the Scottish Ambulance Service decide how they will operate the service. Matter Closed.

        7. Community Police Officer – This is an issue which is causing much local concern the absence of the Community Police Officer from Community Council Meetings. He is more elusive than the Scarlet Pimpernel. The Chairman will write to the Senior Police Officer to ask why we have had not attendance since we reformed in February 2022.

        8. Roy Bridge School – The Chairman will write to Highland Council to ascertain what steps they are taking to ensure the whole community is involved in discussion about the building’s future.

        9. New Venue for Community Council Meetings: As the cost of using the Primary School was greater that Kilmonivaig Church Hall it was decided to continue with the present arrangement.


        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. Gilkes Energy Ltd have contacted the Community Council regarding a proposed major pumped storage hydro scheme that they are planning to develop within Ardverikie Estate. As part of their initial public consultation on these plans they are holding drop-in public exhibition at Spean Bridge Community Centre on 22 February. There is a project website www.earbastorage.co.uk for more information on the scheme. The project is at a very early stage and we will monitor progress.
        1. We have been advised that a new hospital the National Treatment Centre – Highland for Orthopaedic and Opthalmology treatments will open in the University Campus, Inverness in April.
        2. From SSEN Transmission giving an update on the SSEN Transmission Melgarve Cluster project. An open door drop in session, open to all members of the public and interested parties is being held on Wednesday 8 February, 2-7pm at Laggan Community Hall.
        3. It was reported by a number of residents who also forwarded photographs and a video that work has been undertaken without planning approval on a site adjacent to a plot euphemistically called Big Ben between the A82 and the West Highland Railway Line at Achnabobane. The Community Council has alerted the proper authorities.
        4. Councillor Angus MacDonald has continued his dialogue with the Community Council. He advised us of a meeting between SSEN and Councillors, and will keep us informed of any developments.

        Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported no transactions this month. The current balance remains at £6479.34.   


        Planning Application 22/02939/FUL – Land 230m NW of Sealladh na Coille, Achnabobane has been recommended for refusal at the South Planning Meeting on 8th February. There is also a detailed rebuttal of the Agent’s attempts to redraw the number of properties at Achnabobane on 3rd August 2011.

        The Community Council considered Planning Applications:

        Planning Application 22/05600/FUL – Siting and installation of a self catering accommodation pod in grounds of an existing dwelling house – Woodlands, Gairlochy, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EQ,

        Planning Application 23/00041/FUL – Siting of cabin for holiday letting purpose (retrospective)  –  Poplar Cottage, Bunarkaig, Achnacarry, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EJ, 

        The applications were approved after consideration.


        Local Place Plans:

        The Scottish Government has introduced Local Place Plans to encourage communities to play an active role in the planning for their area. By developing and submitting a Local Place Plan, communities can have a more direct role in the decisions that influence their local community.   Local Place Plans allow communities to submit ideas and proposals for their area that can be taken into consideration while the Local Development Plan for their area is being prepared.                   

        Highland Council will soon be preparing a new Highland-wide Local Development Plan that will be shaped by the aspirations and ambitions of communities across the Highlands. They are aiming to adopt the new Local Development Plan in 2027. Community groups are being invited to create their own community-led Local Place Plans, which set out their proposals for development or the use of land in their area.                                                                                                           

        Based on current timescales, Local Place Plans should be submitted by the end of January 2024 and the Community Council will examine whether we can draw up Local Plans.

        Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grants:

        An application from the Roy Bridge School House Project was refused, but one from Tracy Cameron on behalf of her son Alan was approved.

        Any Other Business:  None

        The Meeting closed at 20:45.

        Christine Clephan, Secretary


        Community Council Minutes - January 2023

        Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 10th January 2023 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall

        Present:   John Fotheringham (Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Jenny Hastings, Ian Matheson,  Malcolm McGregor, Highland Councillor John Grafton & 2 members of the public.

        Apologies:  Christine Clephan, Judith James-Davies, Ian Langley, Teresa Kennedy, & Highland Councillors Andrew Baldrey & Liz Saggers

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham is aTrustee, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust.

        Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 6th December 2022:

        Proposer –  Ian Matheson                                      Seconder –  Alison Munro

        Coire Glas – The Chairman’s remarks after his attendance at the December Meeting of the Coire Glas Liaison Group, and the Minutes had been circulated.

        Strabag UK and RJ Macleod have continued to mobilise bringing in heavy equipment via the Caledonian Canal. There has been some limited additional felling and vegetation clearance, together with ground preparation for some shallow ground investigation boreholes. The focus in the coming weeks/months will be completion of the site preparation and more mobilisation of equipment for the exploratory works (e.g. small water treatment plant, concrete batching plant) to site.

        SSE Renewables announced at the Liaison Group Meeting that are down to two Preferred Civil Construction Contractors for the Main Project and one Mechanical and Electrical Contractor, but are not willing presently to divulge who they are.

        In the initial planning documents it was claimed they would have to dispose of 3.9 million tonnes of rock and spoil. Recently that was reduced to 2.6 million tonnes, but now SSE Renewables tell us their anonymous contractors will use it all on site, and Mucomir may not be required. The Community Council view such conjecture with alarm given no preparatory tunnelling has commenced, and justifiably want access to those making these claims to determine their authenticity.

        Matters Arising:  

        1. BEAR Scotland – BEAR Scotland claimed to have carried out work on the pavement between Spean Bridge and Blarour Cemetery on 22nd November, but we could see no difference. So the Chairman wrote again to them suggesting a spade was needed to remove the earth and vegetation that was narrowing the width of the pavement. They further claimed that they had written to the person responsible for the proliferation of signs and were awaiting a reply. If they were not removed voluntarily they would remove them and store them for collection. The Chairman had also written to BEAR about the condition of a Copper Beech Tree outside Rosebank, in Roy Bridge Road, Spean Bridge, and about a pathway in Inverroy, but the only response had been that their Landscape Team had inspected the Copper Beech and decided there were no significant issues with it. The Chairman has asked for an update on all outstanding issues. Resurfacing will take place on the A82 to the south of Elysian Fields on Monday 16thJanuary from 7am to 7pm.
        2. Highland Council – Councillor John Grafton had raised the issues of brown bins, twenty’s plenty, and road marking at Tirindrish with the relevant authorities and was waiting a response.
        3. Lochaber Cemetery – Unfortunately the Chairman has been unable to arrange a visit to the site but will try to rectify before the next meeting.
        4. NHS Highland Invitation – The Community Council duly meet with Professor Boyd Robertson, and CEO Pam Dudek in Spean Bridge Community Centre on Thursday 8th December at 3.30pm. There were 3 Community Councillors and 5 members of the public present. Our guests spoke on a wide range of topics explaining that the New Belford Hospital project only reached stage 1 of the process in 2020 despite meetings been held for 6 years. When challenged about the length other local hospitals had taken from initial discussion to commissioning, they explained that each project had different criteria and therefore there was no definitive time span for commissioning a hospital from scratch. They understood and sympathized with the feeling of frustration felt in our comm unity over the time delays in getting the pharmaceutical licence for the Mhor Health Pharmacy, but NHS Highland have conventions and processes to follow and they tried to go as fast as possible. Professor Boyd Robertson expressed his disappointment that no one from Lochaber was presently on the NHS Highland Board, and urged anyone interested to consider applying in the future.
        5. Tigh Aran/Ferguson Court – The Flats were finally handed over to Lochaber Housing Association at 2.00pm on 15th Matter Closed
        6. Network Rail – The Chairman had written to Judith Morton to seek clarification regarding the rights and powers of rail workers to access the track over third party land. She had replied itemising the statutory powers for accessing land belonging to a third party. They were basically if when a railway was constructed it split a parcel of land owned by one person the railway company in order to allow the landowner access to their land would install an accommodation level crossing. Under section 60 of the Railways Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) 1845, Network Rail has a duty to maintain the crossing for the owner/occupiers benefit.  In order for Network Rail to be able to maintain the crossing, the landowner must provide necessary access. An implied right of access exists where Network Rail is not otherwise able to make repairs or renewals to the level crossing without entering on to the adjoining land. Network Rail also has statutory powers to enter land when repairs are required or to prevent an accident (in terms of section 14 of the Railways Regulation Act 1842). Regarding the complaint from the owner of Killiechonate Woodlands, Network Rail or their Contractor did limb some third-party trees and remove a tree. This was removed to facilitate the installation of the fence. Since the works at this site are now 2 years old, this is the best information they have been able to obtain from their records. Ms Morton was unaware of the decision to build a path and stairway to a Scottish Water Pumping Station on land at Askival, but has requested information on this from colleagues and will reply to us when it is received. After discussion it was agreed that the Chairman should write to Ms  Morton to ascertain if an accommodation crossing was in place to allow Mr Eppens access to his land, and what steps did Network Rail take to seek permission and consent for their actions.
        7. Electric Charging Point in Spean Bridge – The Chairman had contacted Strabag UK if they might agree to allowing the facility they are intending to install at the workers village to be used by the wider community, and we await their response.
        8. First Responders – Jenny Hastings has continued to make enquiries with St John’s Ambulance and the Scottish Ambulance Service, but so far has not found a solution to our lack of a local service.
        9. Community Police Officer – Councillor Grafton had raised the issue with the Senior Police Officer and been told that our Community Police Officer had been off sick but would contact us on his return to duty.
        10. Roy Bridge School – Highland Council have received notification from Scottish Ministers that it can implement its decision to close Roy Bridge Primary School. The closure will take effect immediately. In their letter the Scottish Government specifies that “Highland Council should work with the community to explore how to make best use of the former Roy Bridge Primary School.” We will await a response from Highland Council. It was noted that the lights at the school were still on.

        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. The Headteacher of Lochaber High School wrote about encouraging a young person aged 16 – 18 living in the community to join the Community Council. The Chairman responded immediately, offering to meet with him and any prospective applicant but having heard nothing further.
        2. Councillor Angus MacDonald relating to Coire Glas’s Community Benefit. The Liberal Democrat Group in Highland Council had a Motion passed at the December Council Meeting which stated that:
        • Review the Highland Council Policy for Onshore Wind Turbine Development as a matter of urgency, including the proposed Highland Trust Fund which has not yet been established;
        • Call upon the Scottish Government to legislate to allocate at least 5% of gross revenue from wind turbines (rather than £5,000+inflation per megawatt per turbine) and to widen the areas in which funds are to be distributed; and
        • Recognise that the vast range of renewable energy opportunities (onshore and offshore wind, hydropower, battery and pumped storage, biomass, solar, wave and tidal power and hydrogen) present huge opportunities that will enable us to address the challenges faced in our communities and to achieve our wider climate action ambitions. Highland Council supports the formation of a collaborative regional partnership, with the aim and purpose of achieving a road map to Net Zero emissions and affordable energy solutions across the Highlands.

        The Chairman had responded explaining that SSE Renewables did not consider that Coire Glas was a renewable energy project and therefore did not fall within present voluntary arrangements for such projects. They had stated that once the project had been given the go ahead by the SSE Board they would negotiate with the relevant Community Councils but any benefit would be for the duration of the construction phase only.

        Councillor MacDonald appears sceptical that this approach is defensible and has asked Kate Willis to raise the matter at the next Lochaber Committee Meeting on 25th January. Councillor Grafton felt that SSE Renewables might have difficulty claiming it was not a renewable project as it appeared to be contrary to what they told the Scottish Government.

        1. Carol Masheter, SSE Renewables new Community Fund Manager for the Great Glen area which includes Coire Glas has offered to meet with the Chairman towards the end of January to discuss Community Benefit.
        2. The Minutes of the Knoydart Deer Management Group Meeting of 21st November had been circulated. It had been reported that there had been an incursion of stags into the village at Invergarry with people reporting damage to gardens. 4 stags had been shot on the silage fields of a local farm. Feral pigs were also an issue and have also been raiding gardens. A 150kg pig had been shot on one croft and several shot on other croft land, but seemed to be coming out of Forestry Land Scotland ground. There had been issues with sheep losses but the sow thought to be responsible had been shot. Pigs had also reportedly damaged a Commonwealth Graveyard. There appeared to be a similar if smaller issue in Mallaig where there had been two big stags that had been resident in the village during the rut and had potentially been causing a nuisance. No issues had been reported locally.
        3. An enquiry from a member of the public – asking why a large number of trees beside the A86 between the sewage farm entrance and Tirindrish Steading were cut down on the 1stand 2nd January this year.  Referred the matter to Grant Stuart Forestry Officer at Highland Council who has informed Forest and Land Scotland are investigating as there was no felling permission application and he is enquiring whether it is related to Planning Application 21/03652 an application for the erection of 9 chalets just to the west of the site. We will be notified of any developments.
        4. The Chairman attended and chaired the Linnhe Community Alliance Meeting held by Zoom on 9th It appears that our colleagues in the Community Councils represented all have similar issues particularly relating to the suspicion that our contributions as a Statutory Planning Consultee are invariably ignored by Highland Council Planners. Councillor Thomas MacLennan Chair of the South Planning Committee is going to try and improve training for community councillors and ask Malcolm MacLeod to attend the next meeting in April. Concerns about Post Office and Pharmacy provision across Lochaber remain.

        Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported the opening balance was £6489.34. Expenditure Rent for Spean Bridge Community Centre £10 leaving an ongoing balance of £6479.34.



        The Community Council considered Planning Applications:

        Planning Application 22/05657/FUL – Erection of house (amended scheme 21/02117/FUL) – Land 120M North Of Ardlochy House,, Gairlochy, Spean Bridge

        The application was approved after consideration.


        Any Other Business: Alison Munro intimated that Spean Bridge School might be a venue for future Community Council Meetings as the issues about rent appear to have been resolved. It was agreed if we could get a proposal in writing we would consider at next meeting.


        The Meeting closed at 20:00

        John Fotheringham, Chairman

        Community Council Minutes - December 2022

        Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 6th December 2022 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.

        Present:   John Fotheringham (Chairman), Christine Clephan (Secretary), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Jenny Hastings, Judith James-Davies, Ian Matheson, Ian Langley, Highland Councillor John Grafton & 3 members of the public.

        Apologies:  Highland Councillor Liz Saggers

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Christine Clephan is Treasurer of Spean Bridge Senior Citizens Association.

        Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 1st November 2022:

        Proposer –  Judith James-Davies                                          Seconder – Alison Munro

        Coire Glas – The preparatory works have finally commenced on 28th November. Initially there will be minimal effect on our community apart from increased barge traffic on the Caledonian Canal bringing the heavy equipment needed for tunnelling to the site. Most of this stage of the mobilisation work relates to Kilfinnan Road, but it is interesting to note that Highland Council have agreed to a request to increase the working hours on the site to 7am to 7pm. SSE Renewables in future will post fortnightly updates on their operational plans on the Coire Glas Website. The next Coire Glas Liaison Group Meeting is scheduled for 14th December and the Chairman and Ian Langley will attend.

        Matters Arising:  

        1. Attendance by Highland Councillors – It was pleasing to see Councillor John Grafton in attendance, and an apology from Liz Saggers, but once again nothing from Andrew Baldrey.

        The Community Council have noted the exchange of correspondence between Councillor Andrew Baldrey and Mark Entwistle of the Lochaber Times about the former’s contention that articles criticizing his and other Councillors failing to attend Community Council Meetings like ours, are no news stories. We also noted Joanne Matheson’s letter to the same newspaper about our implied failure to embrace information Technology. The Community Council fully supported Mark Entwistle’s reply, and felt that Andrew Baldrey’s assertion was unwarranted.

        1. BEAR Scotland – The Chairman had written to BEAR Scotland reminding them of their undertaking to remove the vegetation encroaching on the pavement alongside the A82 between Spean Bridge and Blarour Cemetery, and asking that they do so without further delay.

        He had also drawn their attention to the proliferation of roadside signs which had appeared recently and given Transport Scotland’s policy of removal of anything that might distract the motorist, maybe they would like to take action.

        They will be undertaking essential carriageway resurfacing works on the A82 North of Nevis Range, Spean Bridge.  A temporary speed limit of 30mph will remain in place through the night, as vehicles will be travelling over a temporary surface. Works will commence on Thursday 8th December at 7am and are programmed to last 2 days, the working hours will be 7am to 7pm.

        The Chairman was asked to consult with BEAR about the condition of a Copper Beech Tree out side Rosebank, in Roy Bridge Road, Spean Bridge. There had been previous dialogue with the roads contractor and it was felt its roots may be causing problems to the road surface.

        1. Highland Council – Although we have the Contact Numbers for specific Highland Council Officials that does not mean they will respond to our enquiries. The provision of Brown Bins, and repainting the road markings in Tirindrish have still not been undertaken despite reminders. Many areas have Twenty’s Plenty on side streets off Trunk Roads and we wanted to know what criteria Highland Council employ in assessing eligible roads. Councillor Grafton agreed to take up these points and report back to us.
        2. Lochaber Cemetery – As previous reported Highland Council are looking at various sites for a new Lochaber Cemetery. The specification required is very challenging – the land needs to be dry, no peat or rock and 50 metres from any watercourse, and accordingly they have been struggling to identify a suitable site. One of the possible sites identified is adjacent to the C1156 minor road to Highbridge, and local residents have written to the Chairman expressing their displeasure at the removal of cairns on the site by the contractors. The Chairman has seen the correspondence between the residents, Councillor Liz Saggers, and Bereavement Services and will visit the site in the next week.
        3. NHS Highland Invitation – The Community Council will meet with Professor Boyd Robertson, and CEO Pam Dudek in Spean Bridge Community Centre on Thursday 8th December at 3.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend and we will ask local Facebook pages, and others to spread the word.
        1. Tigh Aran/Ferguson Court – The Community Council received an update on progress on the completion of the flats on 23rd November and acknowledgement of the formal handover to LHA on 29th There are still teething problems as 3 of the floor to floor sound tests had failed (between bedrooms on ground and first floor).  Building Control have agreed that the unaffected block of four flats may be handed over on Monday 28th November but the remaining three blocks will need held back until the matter is resolved.  Mitigation measures are currently being agreed, having reviewed a number of possibilities, between the acoustic consultants, building control and RE Campbell.  A solution involving bonding an additional layer of material to the floors in the bedrooms may resolve the situation and allow the second block to be released by 5th December with the other two to follow thereafter in the middle of the month. The Community Council welcomes these additions to our housing stock, and hopes our new residents find Spean Bridge a pleasant and vibrant place to live.
        2. Network Rail – The Chairman has received a reply from Judith Morton, Network Rail’s Legal Counsel in Scotland who informs us that she has checked the history at this location and there is no specific mention of the path/ level crossing made in the authorising Act, which is the Act that permitted the railway to be built at this location in 1887 (The West Highland Railway Act). A path is shown from either side of the railway on old OS maps dating from 1944- 1970. The reason for this is that there was a Grant of Rights of Access by North British Aluminium Company Ltd in favour of the London and North Eastern Railway Company dated 1930 for access at the railway cottages. This was to allow the railway workers to have access rights to get to the railway cottages. Within that Agreement it appears to show that there was already some form of stile on either side of the railway.

        There is also a Grant of Servitude by the Trustees Corporation Ltd in favour of the British Transport Commission dated 1962 for a water supply to Railway Cottage. The plan with this shows that there was a “path to houses,” and it also appears to show that the location of the current stile is at the end of this path for the railway cottage. This was therefore not for the fishermen but would have been for operational access to the railway cottages. The local Network Rail Offtrack Team removed the stile and closed off the access to railway staff around 10 years ago. We can only assume therefore that access was being taken over the old fence to access the River Spean before the fence was renewed. Access taken by the public was without authority. As set out above, we can find no evidence of a right of access at this location either for the landowners of the adjacent land nor for the public. Historical evidence of access across the railway for a number of years does not create a right of use since the access is being taken without authority.

        Although it was agreed that the right of way access could not be pursued there remains the issue of Network Rail’s accessing land without permission, and felling trees. Alison Munro raised the issue about Network Rail’s activities at Askival where once again they appeared to have built a construction without consent.

        The Chairman agreed to write to Judith Morton to seek clarification regarding the rights and powers of rail workers to access the track over third party land.

        1. Electric Charging Point in Spean Bridge – The Chairman had contacted the Scottish Government Website responsible for the installation of such equipment and to Strabag UK and SSE Renewables suggesting that they use electric vehicles to ferry workers to and from the Coire Glas Preparatory Works Site and incorporate a charging point on their proposed worker’s campsite for their and villagers use. Such a facility has been incorporated in the Worker’s Camp facilities but Strabag UK have not as yet agreed to its use by the wider community.
        2. First Responders – Jenny Hastings had many enquiries regarding the absence of a First Responders Team locally and would continue her inquiry by contacting the Scottish Ambulance Service and the Fire and Rescue Service.
        3. Community Police Officer – Although we have an appointed Community Police Officer he has not been able to attend any meetings with us since appointment. Councillor Grafton who is visiting the police station shortly will raise the issue with the Senior Police Officer on our behalf.
        4. Roy Bridge School – Without a response from the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills to our request that she considers calling in the closure recommendation it appears likely the school will be permanently closed. We will just have to wait and see what develops.

        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. The Deer Management Group regarding their regional Meeting by ZOOM on 6th December at 5pm.
        2. Scottish Fire and Rescue service regarding Chimney Fires.
        3. Highland Council’s Community Resilience Briefings distributing various Information posters.

        Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported the opening balance was £6650.95. Expenditure approved were Kilmonivaig Church Hall Rent August – December £75, and Chairman’s Expenses £86.61 leaving an ongoing balance of £6489.34.


        The Community Council considered Planning Applications:

        Planning Application 22/05303/FUL – Erection of house, formation of access and installation of septic tank and soakaway – at Gairlochy, Spean Bridge,

        Planning Application 22/05365/FUL – renew planning permission for erection of house and agricultural building – at Land 700M SW Of Glenspean Lodge Hotel, Roy Bridge.

        All were approved after consideration.

        The Community Council were asked to note:

        Planning Application 21/03987/PIP – Erection of a House – at land 400M NE Of Allt-Nan-Sheallach, Kilmonivaig, Spean Bridge, and

        Planning application 21/03988/PIP – Erection of a House – at land 455M SE Of Willow Cottage, 2 Kilmonivaig, Spean Bridge

        Both of which had been refused at the initial stage and on appeal by the Review Committee as failing to meet any of the acceptable exemptions permitted for housing developments in the Fort William Hinterland.

        Co-opting of Community Councillors:

        The Community Council unanimously agreed to the co-opting of Teresa Kennedy and Malcolm McGregor as Community Councillors until the next election.

        Any Other Business: The next Community Council Meeting will be on Tuesday 10th January 2023.


        The Meeting closed at 20:00.

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

        Community Council Meeting - November 2022


        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 1st November 2022 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.


        Present:   John Fotheringham (Chairman), Christine Clephan (Secretary), Jenny Hastings, Ian Matheson, Ian Langley, and 4 members of the public.


        Apologies:  Judith James-Davies, Alison Munro, Amy Exeter, Highland Councillors Liz Saggers, and Andrew Baldrey


        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership. Christine Clephan is Treasurer of Spean Bridge Senior Citizens Association.


        Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 4th October 2022:

        Proposer –  Christine Clephan                                      Seconder – Jenny Hastings


        Coire Glas – Andy Gregory of SSE Renewables explained that contractual paperwork complications had meant the Preparatory Works had been further delayed but they hoped to commence operations soon. All of these delays had an inevitable knock-on effect on every facet of the Coire Glas Project. The second Public Consultation and Exhibition and the Planning Application for Mucomir would now be in the Spring of 2023, and the final decision on whether to proceed with the project in October 2024. Even the announcement reducing the contractors for the main contract from 4 to 2 had been delayed.

        Duncan Kelly acting for Strabag UK explained that the Workers Camp Planning Application 22/03995/FUL had been submitted. It was their intention that it would be there for a minimum of 5 years, and he confirmed that all staff working on site were subject to a strict NO Drugs and Alcohol Policy. There would be 71 Parking Spaces for Cars and 6 for Minibuses, the latter being the main transport to and from the worksite, and it was not the intention of the Contractor for individuals to access the village independently. The workforce employed on the preparatory works would work 12 hour shifts, 10 days on and 5 days off. The Community Council although broadly supporting the application would have insisted on a pavement/cycle way access had the workforce been able to walk to the village. They will be asking the planning authority to include a condition that the Spean Bridge 30mph signs on the A82 be moved south of the complex and this was welcomed by Mr Kelly.

        The Chairman thanked the Representatives of SSE Renewables and Strabag UK  for their updates.


        Matters Arising:  

        1. Attendance by Highland Councillors – The Community Council are disappointed once again by the non-appearance of any of the three individuals elected in May as Highland Councillors for this Ward. At the 6 meetings since the election the representatives from the Conservative and Liberal Democrats have each attended one meeting and the Green Party none. It appears that they believe they are only able to engage with us online. We don’t currently possess that facility and given we are allocated a mere £605 to administer the largest Community Council in the Highlands we are not going to spend our meagre funds merely to accommodate our taxpayer funded Councillors. We will continue to send them our Agendas and Minutes in the earnest hope they will like their predecessors attend our meetings regularly so that they can understand about the problems affecting those that elected them.
        2. Tigh Aran – The Chairman and Ian Matheson had visited Tigh Aran at the invitation of Roddy Campbell and were most impressed by the finished accommodation. The roads and pavements were tarred week commencing 17th The site should be handed over to Lochaber Housing on Monday 28 November. They are substantially complete apart for some planting and the final work to the SUDS pond which is delayed subject to an inspection next week. Building control were on site today for their final inspection and would assume the Contractor will have the documentation this week. The Chairman has spoken to the Communities Housing Trust and LHA need 4 weeks notice before handover and the optimistic timing of document delivery may be misplaced, but CHT are insisting on receipt of all outstanding documentation before handover.
        3. Pharmacy Consultation – The Pharmacy opened for business at 9.00am on Monday 31st They can now do the full range of prescription services. For repeat prescriptions you should contact your GP surgery and ask them to transfer the prescription to Mhor Health. It is their intention to have a delivery service. A formal opening will take place later in the month. Matter Closed.
        4. Bear Scotland – Bear have been asked about a missing sign on the Inverroy Straight, and it appears some work is being undertaken to replace it. Carriageway resurfacing works are scheduled for the A86 at Creag Meagaidh National Nature Reserve. The works are programmed to commence Monday 7th to Friday 11th November between 07:00am & 19:00pm each day under 10mph convoy.
        5. Highland Council – The Chairman has written to Highland Council, and our Highland Councillors to ask them if they would consider offering the Brown Bins for Garden Waste Service to our residents, as other rural areas such as Laggan were currently receiving them. Awaiting Update.
        6. Roy Bridge School – The Chairman had duly sent to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills a letter from the Community Council requesting her intervention on the grounds that the community were not effectively consulted. We await developments.
        7. Community Action Plan Consultation – Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO’s Trustees and the Community Development Officer have started analysing the data with the intention of publishing a Community Action Plan by the end of 2022. It is hoped that some provisional findings will be announced at the SCIO’s AGM on 16th November when the Speaker will be Ronnie Macrae, CEO of the Communities Housing Trust.
        8. NHS Highland Chairman Invitation – The NHS Highland Chairman Professor Boyd Robertson and the CEO Pam Dudek have responded offering to meet us during the day at a mutually convenient time. We have proposed a number of dates and times and intend to open the meeting to all in the community and book Spean Bridge Community Centre.
        9. Network Rail – Some progress with Network Rail acknowledging that there may have been a long standing arrangement at this site and that their Legal department were investigating and would respond directly to us. Two old maps that we have received from a local resident suggest that there was a track to the railway from the road at this point. The Chairman has written to both Mr Eppens and the Highland Council Access Officer appraising them of developments.
        10. Caravan on Bunroy Road – The abandoned caravan had been parked in Bunroy Road for some time has been removed. Matter closed.
        11. Electric Charging Point in Spean Bridge – The Chairman had contacted the Scottish Government Website responsible for the installation of such equipment and to Strabag UK and SSE Renewables suggesting that they use electric vehicles to ferry workers to and from the Coire Glas Preparatory Works Site and incorporate a charging point on their proposed worker’s campsite for their and villagers use.
        12. Commando Memorial Remembrance Service – A wreath has been obtained from the Lady Haig Poppy Factory to be laid on behalf of the local community by Alison Munro at the 3.00pm Service at the Commando Memorial on Remembrance Sunday 13th
        13. National Park – Ian Matheson and the Chairman attended the Nevis Landscape Partnership meeting on 12th October about the creation of a National Park in Lochaber. An interesting debate had ensued, and the Nevis Landscape Partnership seemed particularly keen to develop the case.
        14. Rangers – The Chairman has spoken to Jonathan Hart of Jahama Highland Estates who with the assistance of an award from Nature Scot had managed to secure two Rangers Posts for the summer of 2022. Jonathan was of the opinion that if Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO were able to work with local landowners they might be able to put a compelling case forward to Nature Scot for similar funding for 2023.


        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1.Dot Ferguson had forwarded a poster advertising Fort William’s 2040 Public Consultation on Wednesday 2nd November at Caol Community Centre. There are two drop-in sessions at 3-5pm and 7-9pm.

        2. The Fort William Bus Partnership Fund Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Event took place earlier today with Ian Langley representing the Community Council. Ian had explained to the workshop all the current issues surrounding local bus transport.

        3 The Minutes of the Linnhe Community Alliance Meeting on 3rd October have been circulated

        4. The Knoydart Deer Management Group, of which we are a member, have their autumn meeting on Monday 21st November at 10am for 10.30 start at the Alexandra Hotel, Fort William. Although this is intended to be a face to face meeting, a virtual link is possible if needed.

        5. From Press and Journal seeking a comment about a planning application for a 35M high EE mobile phone tower to be sited on land 1900M north east of the Top Gondola Station at Nevis Range. We will deal with under Planning.

        6. Your voice, your community, your invitation. A Community Learning and Development Approach to Community Mental Health Services for young people aged 5 -24, the Lochaber Cares project will facilitate community mental health and wellbeing projects and include events for children, young people, families, and communities. The Cares Team are holding Stakeholder workshops in each of the Community Planning Partnership areas on 15th and 16th November to enable us to capture the voices and needs in your local area. This is your opportunity to influence the priorities for your community.

        7. An enquiry by a member of the public about the possible location of a Lochaber Cemetery adjacent to the C1156 minor road to Highbridge has been answered by the Chairman as just one of a number of sites being surveyed. The Chairman wrote to Dot Ferguson the Senior Wards Manager and she confirmed that were indeed looking at various sites for a new Lochaber Cemetery. The specification required is very challenging – the land needs to be dry, no peat or rock and 50 metres from any watercourse, and accordingly they have been struggling to identify a suitable site. Spean Bridge appeared to be just one of many they were surveying and no decision was imminent. The Community Council will continue to monitor the situation.


        Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported that income received was £5169.04 from Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, the remainder of the Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant allocation. Expenditure was Janis Matheson £500 for Roy Bridge Children’s Christmas Party, and £63.60 for the Remembrance Day Wreath from Lady Haig’s Poppy factory, leaving a balance of £7150.95.



        The Community Council considered Planning Applications:

        Planning Application 22/04438/PNO – Peatland Restoration Achnacarry Estate Phase 3.

        Planning Application 22/04200/FUL – Erection of House with Integral Garage – Bag End Spean Bridge PH34 4EU

        Planning Application 22/04142/FUL – Construction of concrete slipway on north shore of Loch Arkaig with junction onto C1153 road and substation along with charging point for barge – Land 390m NW of Ardechive Cottage, Achnacarry, Spean Bridge.

        Planning Application 22/04143/FUL – Granular fill material forming slipway at the south shore of Loch Arkaig, for the export of timber by barge to the north shore – Land 5100m SE of Caonich, Achnacarry, Spean Bridge.

        Planning Application 22/04657/FUL – Formation of temporary slipway of granular construction – South Foreshore of Loch Arkaig.

        Planning Application 22/04658/FUL – Construction of temporary granular slipway – Site 2385M SE Of Caonich, Achnacarry, Spean Bridge.

        Planning Application 22/04659/FUL – Construction of temporary granular slipway Location of Works South Shore Of Loch Arkaig.

        Planning Application 22/04646/FUL – The installation of 2 no replacement antennas, replace equipment in existing cabinet, ancillary works – Land 70M East Of Stronlossit Hotel, Roy Bridge

        Planning Application 22/04162/FUL – Erection of Agricultural Building comprising: garage space, 25kw biomass boiler and plant room, office, kitchen, WC, private waste water treatment system – Land 105m North of Achnahannet, Spean Bridge.

        All were approved after consideration.

        Planning Application 22/03995/FUL – Erection of temporary staff sleeping accommodation unit, refectory and office building. Staff car parking, treatment plant and storage/lay down areas – Land 150m NE of Mossgiel, Spean Bridge

        The Community Council will seek clarification on the NO Drugs and Alcohol Policy adopted by Strabag for their employees working on site. We will also ask if the Electric Charging Points will be available for Community Use. In our submission to the planners we will request that a condition with approval should be to move the 30mph speed limit beyond the site on the A82.

        Planning Application 22/03679/FUL – Installation of 35m High Tower, ground based equipment and ancillary development – Land 1900m NE of Top Gondola Station, Nevis Range, Torlundy, Fort William. Location on PSAD Application actually Leanachan Forest, Adjacent to Hydro Power Station, Leanachan Forest, Nevis Range Ski Centre, Spean Bridge, Highland, PH33 6SQ.

        The Community Council see little benefit from this facility to our residents and in their submission to the Planners will ask why EE decided on this location in pristine countryside and not on Cruim Leancainn above Achindaul Farm where are a number of existing masts.


        Stronelairg Wind Farm Micro Grants

        An Application from Spean Bridge, Senior Citizen’s Association for £500, to assist with costs for the Christmas Lunch for Spean Bridge over 60s had been received, approved and forwarded to the Treasurer for payment.


        Any Other Business:

        Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO in conjunction with the Kirk Session of Kilmonivaig Church are trialling a warm space with free soup and a sandwich in the Church Hall on Friday 18th November between Noon and 2.00pm. All Welcome.

        Jenny Hastings was concerned that the local First Responders had ceased to operate, and will make enquiries and report back.

        Ian Langley, our representative on the Lochaber Health & Social Care Redesign Stakeholders Group reported that the date for building the replacement Belford Hospital appeared to be slipping once again.


        The Meeting closed at 20:45.

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

        Community Council Minutes - October 2022


        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 4th October 2022 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.

        Present:   John Fotheringham (Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Christine Clephan (Secretary), Jenny Hastings, Ian Matheson, Judith James-Davies, Ian Langley, Amy Exeter and 2 members of the public.


        The Chairman in opening the meeting expressed his dismay that in the five meetings since the election two Highland Councillors had attended once and one had not attended or apologized for non-attendance. If they did not understand the commitment maybe they should not have stood for election.

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO. John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

        Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 6th September 2022: With the addition that Ian Matheson drew the Community Council’s attention to an abandoned caravan in Bunroy Road, and the Chairman said he would alert Highland Council the minutes were approved as an accurate account.

        Proposer –   Ian Matheson                                         Seconder – Judith James-Davies

        Coire Glas – The Chairman updated the meeting on recent developments including his attendance at the Coire Glas Liaison Group on 28th September.

        The preparatory works started on 3rd October but the actual tunnelling not until February 2023. A Planning Application for the Worker’s Camp at Spean Bridge has been submitted but not yet appeared on the Planning Portal.

        Our concerns about the use of the B8004, B8005 and Clunes Forest Road had been noted and both the Preparatory Works Contractor and Sub Contractor had independently confirmed they had been instructed to use it only in an emergency.

        We have noted our disquiet about the use of this route in our contribution to Planning Application 22/03395/FUL, and we await the Planning Officer’s ruling.

        The Planning Application and Second Public Exhibition about Mucomir will now be at the start of 2023.

        It appears that the Developer has been discussing with Highland Council some variance in the agreed operational hours initially from 9/5 to 7/7 and 24 hour working when underground. Highland Council have authorised a trial period of 3 months for the revised working hours whilst monitoring noise and disruption.

        It is obvious that with a project of this magnitude that the Developer will be arguing that it is an operational necessity to have flexible arrangements, but we as a Community Council will have to be alert to any variance of conditions affecting our residents without full transparency.

        We have also been in contact with Paul Howlett of Strabag UK who has confirmed that the basics for the Worker’s Camp are as previously described. Once permission is granted, they will be installing a small package treatment plant for the waste water and they did have to move the position of the soakaway to a different part of the site as the ground was found to be unsuitable where originally planned.

        At the Community Council Meeting on 5th July there was discussion regarding the potential reuse of the accommodation they are installing as affordable housing for local residents. Having looked again at the designs they would not lend itself to permanent accommodation. Notwithstanding that, Strabag UK would be happy to continue the conversation, but it would need to include (and probably be led by) Ferguson’s as the landowner.  It was agreed that the Community Council would want to continue these discussions.

        Matters Arising:

        1. Bear Scotland – The Road Construction Consent permission for Tigh Aran had been received and the Pavement between Spean Bridge and Blarour Cemetery would be treated before the end of November. BEAR Scotland, on behalf of Transport Scotland, are planning to carry out essential carriageway maintenance works on the A86 at Creagdubh between Laggan and Newtonmore. The works will take place between 7am on Friday 14th October and 7am on Sunday 23rd October and involve a full road closure. Traffic will be diverted through the A889/A9. The diversion is 25 miles and is expected to add 16 minutes to journey time between Kingussie and Laggan.
        2. Highland Council – The Chairman has written to Highland Council to ask them if they would renew the road markings in Tirindrish which had faded. After discussion it was agreed that he should investigate whether Brown Bins for Garden Waste could be made available for our residents, as other rural areas such as Laggan were currently receiving them.
        3. Roy Bridge School – Despite our best efforts the Education Committee of Highland Council at their meeting on 29th September unanimously voted to close the school. The only option open to us would be to ask Scottish Government Ministers to call in the decision, and after a discussion it was unanimously agreed that the letter which had been circulated to Community Councillors would be sent to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills to request their intervention on the grounds that the community were not effectively consulted.
        4. Community Action Plan Consultation – Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO’s Trustees were heartened by the excellent response to the consultation with 377 people participating, and 88% being from residents. They and the Community Development Officer will now start analysing the data with the intention of publishing a Community Action Plan by the end of 2022. It is hoped that some provisional findings will be announced at the SCIO’s AGM on 17th November when the Speaker will be Ronnie Macrae, CEO of the Communities Housing Trust.
        5. Pharmacy Consultation – The Pharmacy Practices Committee of NHS Highland unanimously voted for the inclusion of the pharmacy in the pharmaceutical list to provide pharmaceutical services at Mhor Health Pharmacy, Invercauld House, Spean Bridge on 31st August 2022. BT and the Pharmacy Services Division fitted the network cables on the 30th September. Both Jen and Gillian are working hard to resolve any final hurdles and hope to have a fully functioning Pharmacy by the end of October. Both they and the Community council are most grateful to all that supported them through the application process.
        6. NHS Highland Chairman Invitation – The Chairman had written to the NHS Highland Chairman Professor Boyd Robertson requesting that he attend a future Community Council Meeting to discuss the deteriorating level of service being provided to our rural communities by his organisation. We had received an acknowledgement and await a more substantive answer. The Linnhe Community Alliance is following our lead and making a similar request.
        7. Tigh Aran – The Chairman duly spoke to Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government at the Communities Housing Trust AGM on the 23rd September at some length about the housing problems besetting our communities and she promised to investigate. The Contractor has been back on site for 10 days and is hoped to handover the site to Lochaber Housing by the end of the month. Roddy Campbell has invited the Community Council to visit the Site before handover and the Chairman will accept the offer.
        8. Network Rail – We now have had a reply from Network Rail that their Legal department can find no record of a Right of Way Crossing at this point. Highland Council’s Outdoor Access Officer has offered support and Rik Eppens has provided a copy of his deeds to allow the Chairman to dispute Network Rail’s findings. We also believe that there was a railway cottage, now demolished, adjacent to this site which may have been the reason historically for the crossing. We will continue to pursue it with Network Rail.
        9. Caravan on Bunroy Road – As reported last month an abandoned caravan had been parked in Bunroy Road for some time. The Chairman had informed Environmental Health and it now sported a Local Authority Aware Notice which is the forerunner to it being towed away and disposed of.

        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. Deer Management Group have circulated information about Feral Pigs. They are continuing to expand their range, and if anyone is interested please contact the Chairman and he will forward the links.
        2. The Highland Council are inviting organisations to apply for over £5 million community regeneration funding to finance projects that will respond to the needs of their local area and have a positive community impact. For further information and to download an expression of interest form visit About the fund | Community Regeneration Funding | The Highland Council, deadline for Expressions of Interest is 7th October 2022.
        3. We have been included in the circulation list from Loch Lomond National Park Planning Authority regarding land sales of plots in Balquhidder, and Gartocharn which are similar to those being sold in Spean Bridge. They are continuing to monitor developments, and advise potential buyers of planning restrictions applicable, and take action where necessary against the vendor if they breach planning rules.
        4. From Highland Council – an invitation for the Chairman to attend the Lochaber Area Reading of the Proclamation of Accession, being held at The Parade, Fort William on Sunday 11 September 2022 at 1330hrs.The Chairman duly attended.
        5. The Chairman has received an invitation to attend the Spean Bridge Primary School Open Day and Opening on the newly constructed Outdoor Classroom on Thursday 6th
        6. Rik Eppens of Killiechonate Woodlands has proposed to Spean Bridge Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO that they examine employing a Ranger or Village Officer to look after the villages and woodland walks. Mr Eppens was investigating how to deter Motorhomes from using parking sites on his land, and it was agreed that the Chairman will consult with other stakeholder organisations including Jahama Highland Estates, and report back.
        7. From Nevis Landscape Partnership who have organized a talk about National Parks from NatureScot and the Chief Executive of the Cairngorms National Park, on 12th October from 1700 -1900 in the Alexandra Hotel. The Chairman will attend.

        Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported that expenditure this month Registers of Scotland £7.20

        and a Micro Grant to Lochaber Music Festival Association of £500 leaving a balance of £2545.51.

        We will make arrangements to transfer the remaining monies of £5169.04 from the Stronelairg Micro Grants into our bank account this week.


        The Community Council considered Planning Applications:

        Planning Application 22/04116/FUL– alterations and extensions to form one additional bedroom, a hobby room and workshop at Loch Eil, 11 Glenspean Park, Roy Bridge PH31 4AS/

        Planning Application 22/03595/FUL – Erection of Chalet (Holiday Letting) – Land 40m South of Invergloy House, Spean Bridge.

        Planning Application 22/03853/FUL – Extension to House – 17 Aonachan Gardens, Spean Bridge PH34 4ET.

        Planning Application 22/03956/FUL – Alteration and Change of Use to Short Term Let- The Kennels, Corrour PH30 4AA.

        All were approved after consideration.


        Stronelairg Wind Farm Micro Grants

        Laggan Community Council have approved the application from Andy Llewellyn for £151.36 to create an Orienteering Course in the Creag Meagaidh National Nature Reserve.

        An Application from Lochaber Music Festival for £500, had been received, approved and forwarded to the Treasurer for payment. The applicant had been informed and thanked the Community Council both for the award and prompt reply.


        Any Other Business:

        It was noted that there are no Electric Charging Points in the village of Spean Bridge, and the Chairman was asked to contact Highland Council and other Stakeholders about how we might remedy this.

        It was agreed that we will continue to hold meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.00pm in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.


        The Meeting closed at 20:00.

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

        Community Council Minutes - September 2022

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 6th September 2022 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.

        Present:   John Fotheringham (Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Christine Clephan (Secretary), Jenny Hastings, Ian Matheson, Judith James-Davies, Ian Langley, Amy Exeter and 9 members of the public.

        Apologies:  Councillors Liz Saggers and John Grafton

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

        Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 2nd August 2022: These were approved

        Proposer –  Judith James-Davies                     Seconder – Ian Matheson

        Alan Greenwood of SSE Renewables Coire Glas -Alan explained that the preparatory works had been delayed till October. Similarly due to discussions with SEPA and Nature Scotland taking longer than anticipated the second Mucomir Exhibition and public engagement in Spean Bridge was also delayed to late October with the Planning Application to follow 4 weeks after that event.

        He apologised for not informing the Community Council of a Planning Application to change the location of a wild camp site, and install a composting toilet facility, shelter and associated drainage – Land 4100M SW Of 7 Kilfinnan Holiday Lodges, North Laggan which is within our Community Council Area. In reply to a question from the Chairman, Alan admitted that the route for ferrying equipment and supplies to this site would be the B8004 and B8005 which was contrary to previous undertakings, but he claimed that Highland Council had authorised that route, and that the Contractor would limit in to 12 journeys in total. The Chairman informed him as it was another departure from the approval the Community Council would register their disapproval with the proper authorities.

        It was hoped that the Planning Application for the Worker’s Camp on land to the south of Spean Bridge would be submitted shortly. The next meeting of the Coire Glas Liaison Group would take place on Wednesday the 28th of September.

        Cloiche Windfarm – SSE Renewables were proceeding with a Planning Application for Cloiche Windfarm which is an extension of Stronelairg. They are however reducing the number of turbines from 38 to 29 to minimise the visual impact. The Transport Route from Seaport to Site has not been finalised but if it was from Corpach along the A82 the contractor will work with the Community Council to reduce disruption and a further payment of Community Benefit might be paid.

        The Chairman thanked Alan for his contribution and wished him well in his new post.


        Matters Arising:

        1. Bear Scotland – The Chairman had written again to BEAR Scotland asking why there had been a delay in resolving the issue of the pavement between Spean Bridge and Blarour Cemetery and awarding the Road Construction Consent permission for Tigh Aran despite assurances that they were acutely aware of the pressures to get the flats occupied.

        2. Pharmacy Consultation – The Chairman thanked all who had contributed to his presentation at the Pharmacy Practices Committee Panel Meeting on 31st Despite an excellent presentation from the applicant, support from the Pharmaceutical Area Committee and ourselves, and no objections we still await a verdict on whether Mhor Health will be successful with their application. A decision will be made later this week.

        Whilst we will wait to hear the result of the PPC deliberations, this cannot be allowed to pass without further action by the Community Council. We will invite the Chief Executive of NHS Highland to address the Community Council about the poor level of service provided by NHS Highland to our residents.

        3. Roy Bridge School – The Education Committee of Highland Council meet on the 15th September to decide about the closure of Roy Bridge School. Despite our contention that the Council has not complied with the letter or spirit of the Education Consultations Scotland Act 2010 in relation to community engagement of a rural school the Education Department are pressing on regardless. A central theme in their submission is cost savings which were identified in 2008 as flawed and by us in 2022 similarly inaccurate. It is our belief that Education Officials have been complicit in engineering the closure by incorrect information. It would appear like Kilmonivaig school the Council may not have the right to dispose of the school buildings due to an agreement in the original gift of land.

        It was agreed that we should alert the two Lochaber Councillors on the Education Committee of our concerns, and await the decision before deciding on our next move.

        4. Tigh Aran – It appears that there has at last been movement with the RCC being completed this week, but now there may be a situation about the rationing of tar. We are pressing everyone to get this housing development completed and the flats occupied.

        The Chairman intends to ask Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government at the Communities Housing Trust AGM on the 23rd September to intervene if no occupancy date released by then.

        5. Coire Glas – The Chairman and the SCIO Community Development Officer met with Alan Greenwood, Jade O’Hara and Riddell Graham, Chairman of the Coire Glas Liaison Group, on 26th The constant hijacking of the liaison group meeting by residents of the Kilfinnan Road, and the failure of the Chair to adequately intervene was discussed. It was agreed a new strategy bringing in the positive aspects of the development was needed and Riddell asked if the SCIO might like to contribute the results of their community consultation in due course.

        6. Network Rail have not replied so the Chairman has politely reminded them we would appreciate an answer and the right of way reinstated.

        7. Achnabobane – Following our intervention Scottish Water have advised residents that they are conducting an urgent reassessment of water supply issues in their local network, and Achnabobane’s problems will be included. They are hoping the final report and recommendations will be published by the end of September.

        Although it has always been their policy for rural communities to construct septic tanks and soakaways to dispose of sewage and drainage, there is spare capacity at their Treatment Works at Spean Bridge, and a connection could be possible at the Landowner or Developer’s expense. If that is seen as too expensive and problems still occur an environmental impact statement to accompany any planning application might be required by Scottish Water and SEPA.

        The unsolicited correspondence from a disgruntled auction land buyer has continued.

        The Community Council is powerless to act but fearing reputational damage to a community whose income is tourist based have handed all correspondence to Highland Council.

        8. Achaderry Rifle Shooting Range – Police Scotland had reported that as long as the person holding the firearms licence is present at Achaderry rifle shooting at targets is permitted. We will continue to monitor activity with the assistance of local residents.

        Mr Cran-Crombie on behalf of Roy Bridge Shooting claimed he was unaware why their planning application had been refused, and who had appealed to the Scottish Government. They had made considerable improvements to reduce noise pollution, but had a number of legitimate shooting requirements on the estate and sites so the 28 day rule may be lawfully exceeded. His comments were noted by the Community Council.

        9. New Belford Hospital – John Hutchison, the Chair of Kilmallie Community Council has written to Humza Yousaf MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care in the Scottish Government on behalf of all Lochaber Community Councils requesting that the start day timetable for the construction of the replacement Belford Hospital be brought forward from April 2026.

        10. Spean Bridge Post Office – The Chairman has been in correspondence with Brian Straiton, the Operations Director of CJ Lang about continuing issues at Spean Bridge Spar. He was apologetic and blamed staffing shortages, but these had been rectified. They were urgently completing the very stringent vetting policy for any staff deploy on the post office counter and hopefully will get back to normal service soon.


        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. Highland Council – During August, the Highland Council launched a community engagement exercise to ask people’s views in an online survey on how they would like funding to be prioritised in their local area and which types of community projects they would like to see developed. You can access the survey here  engagehighland.co.uk.
        2. Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO are currently running a Community Consultation with the aim of drawing up a community action plan. You can complete online at their website srascio.scot or if you want a paper copy it can be obtained from Spean Bridge Woollen Mill or the Glen Roy Café or by calling Tony the Community Development Officer at 07555 637407.
        3. Speyside Distillers have intimated that they are at an early stage in the development of a plans for an exciting new, artisan distillery on their land at Spey Dam, Laggan and as a stakeholder the Community Council are being consulted.
        4. The next Linnhe Community Alliance Meeting will be held virtually by Microsoft Teams on Monday 12th September at 19:30. Copies of the Agenda are available for any Community councillor and the Chairman will attend.
        5. Highland Council have launched a public local housing strategy survey seeking local community feedback. It can be found on the Highland Council Website.
        6. SSEN Transmission Melgarve Cluster – SSEN Transmission has now reassessed the capacity of Melgarve Substation and has concluded that the substation will no longer require an extension to accommodate the connection of Dell and Cloiche Wind farms.
        7. SSE Renewables Community Investment Review 2021/22 – It can be found at www.sserenewables.com/poweringlocalchange and includes projects that have obtained support in our Community Council Area.

        Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported that expenditure this month has been Chairman’s Honorarium £300 and Rent of Church Hall £62.50 leaving a balance of £3052.71.


        The Community Council has submitted the agreed objection to:

        Planning Application 22/02939/FUL – Erection of House and Garage – Land 230m NW of Sealladh na Coille, Achnabobane, and await developments.

        We have been notified By Highland Council of Planning Application 22/03479/MSC relating to 122 residential units and ancillary equipment at a site 400m NE of Blar Mhor Industrial Estate, Fort William, and its content was noted.

        The Community council considered the following planning applications:

        Planning Application 22/03023/PNO – Erection of agricultural shed –  Casaelca, Upper Inverroy, Roy Bridge, PH31 4AQ.

        Planning Application 22/03032/PIP – Erection of house – Land 55M NW Of Casaelca, Upper Inverroy, Roy Bridge PH31 4AQ.

        Planning Application 22/03395/FUL – Change of use to form wild camp site, installation of composting toilet facility, shelter and associated drainage – Land 4100M SW Of 7 Kilfinnan Holiday Lodges, North Laggan.

        Planning Application 22/03677/FUL – Demolition of existing cottage and erection of replacement house; renovation of existing byre to form artist studio; replacement roof on existing byre and installation of associated treatment plant – Achnahannet, Spean Bridge PH34 4EX. – The Community Council has a policy of objecting to Housing in the Hinterland which does not meet any of the exceptions in the Supplementary Guidance on Rural Housing. On this occasion there is relief under the conversion, reuse, and replacement of traditional buildings of the guidance which allows the Community Council to approve the application.

        Planning Application 22/03570/FUL – Erection of House with detached garage, installation of sewage treatment system with outfall to water course. Erection of holiday pod. – Plot 1 Stronaba, Spean Bridge


        Stronelairg Wind Farm Micro Grants

        The Community Council is now able to determine any applications received. We are grateful for the support of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO who administered the Scheme during our period of abeyance.

        An application from Andy Llewellyn for £151.36 to create an Orienteering Course in the Creag  Meagaidh National Nature Reserve was considered. No doubt an admirable proposal, but outside our geographical area, but inside Laggan Community Council Area which runs a similar scheme. We will refer the application to Laggan CC, and notify Mr Llewellyn accordingly.

        The Chairman intimated that he expected an application from Lochaber Music Festival for £500, and it was agreed that as many of the participants come from our area that we should support the Festival with an award.


        Any Other Business:

        Winter Meetings of the Community Council from November to March could be moved to Spean Bridge Community Centre where the Chairman has secured a generous rent of £10 per meeting or moved online to Microsoft Teams or stay where we are. Any decision will be taken at the next meeting.

        Tim Sims of Achaderry Estate explained that it was his intention to set up a local fishery on the estate which would be available to local residents. He would also like assistance with two problems currently being experienced by the estate. Due to an error, vehicles were being directed on to estate roads by Google Maps Sat Nav, and he would appreciate our assistance to stop the practice. His request for a sign on the A86 should be addressed to the Scottish Tourist Board.

        Ian Langley reported that the Fort William 2040 Stakeholder’s Group of which he was the Community Council’s nominated representative was now operational and intended to meet quarterly.


        The Meeting closed at 20:30.

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

        Community Council Minutes - August 2022

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 2nd August 2022 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.

        Present:   John Fotheringham (Chairman), Alison Munro (Treasurer), Christine Clephan (Secretary), Jenny Hastings, Ian Matheson, Judith James-Davies, Ian Langley, & Highland Councillors Liz Saggers, and John Grafton and 3 members of the public.

        Apologies:  None

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

        Minutes of AGM and Monthly Meeting held on 5th July 2022: These were approved

        Proposer –    Ian Matheson                                                 Seconder – Jenny Hastings

        Matters Arising:

        1. Youth Membership – As we have received no response to our enquiries it was agreed that we close this issue.
        2. Bear Scotland – As a result of an enquiry BEAR have confirmed that new signage is being erected in Inverroy and Roy Bridge between 1st and 5th The malfunctioning speed warning light in Roy Bridge has been repaired, and the vegetation obscuring the 30mph sign removed. We still await a response about the state of the pavement between Spean Bridge and Blarour Cemetery. The Chairman has written to BEAR seeking a degree of urgency in awarding the Road Construction Consent permission for Tigh Aran and received assurances that both Transport Scotland and BEAR are acutely aware of the pressures to get the flats occupied and will cooperate.
        3. The Chairman has continued to correspond with both SSE Renewables and Strabag UK, and both he and Ian Langley attended the Coire Glas Liaison Group Meeting on 27th. The project is entering a new phase with four civil engineering contractors competing to be the preferred contractor for the main works and accordingly each has a different perspective. SSE Renewables are particularly keen to use as much of the material on site, and that might affect Mucomir. The second Public Exhibition and consultation and Mucomir Planning application is expected in September. The use of the Caledonian Canal to transport the heavy equipment from Corpach to Coire Glas, and the Worker’s Camp on land to the south of Spean Bridge is still planned. The designs for the accommodation unit have been completed and approved internally, and it is expected that the application will be formally made to Highland Council shortly.  A meeting has been proposed later in the month with Riddell Graham, Chairman of the Coire Glas Liaison Group. Alan Greenwood is taking on a new role so the Coire Glas Project is appointing a full time Stakeholder Engagement Manager Jade O’Hara.
        4. PC Scott Deas, our Community Police Officer was unable to attend, but had confirmed he is enquiring about the legality of novices using rifles following an advice from the Community Council.
        5.  As a result of the Chairman writing to Ian Rudd NHS Highland’s Director of Pharmacy the Oral Hearing for the Mhor Health Pharmacy Application has been brought forward to 31st NHS Highland have produced some 61 email attachments ahead of that meeting which may be considered, but one lists 62 unscheduled closure in the year to July including the weekend of 8th and 9th July when Boots was closed and both Lloyds Branches were operating on reduced hours. Boots seem to be the sole objector, but one of the biggest offenders for unscheduled closures. Jen Moncur who is one of the partners in Mhor Health explained in detail the application process, and answered a number of questions from those present. The Community Council who have supported the application throughout the consultation consider if successful the business will have a positive impact on our communities and the Chairman is attending the PPC Hearing to ensure our communities voice is heard.
        6. We have continued our drive to get the 20 flats at Tigh Aran occupied with minimum delay. All the Public Agencies now seem to recognize the urgency and are co-operating although belatedly. Our insistence that a detailed analysis of the project is required has been accepted and will commence once the flats are occupied. Both the Scottish Government and a reluctant Highland Council have agreed to ensure no repetition in any future project. The Chairman has seen a preliminary report, and shared the essential facts with those present. In his opinion few escaped criticism, but some are particularly culpable. We will continue to monitor and engage with all to ensure no further slippage.
        7. Laggan and Glengarry Community Councils – We have had a reply from Laggan who would be interested in meeting to discuss areas of mutual benefit. They too are in a larger CC Forum but like us with Linnhe Community Alliance most topics related to the larger area of Aviemore and Grantown, and they feel neglected. The issues that are currently concerning them is no public transport, a lack of affordable housing and sustainable employment, the state of the A86, and a falling primary school roll. Some sort of bus link between Fort William and Aviemore funded by SSE might be popular for tourists and locals alike giving us better links to Edinburgh and the South might prove fruitful. We await Glengarry’s response.
        8. Highland Council’s Environmental Health Team had visited Achaderry Estate in March 2022 and carried out noise testing on the shooting enclosure attenuation. They are of the opinion that they are complying with the guidance document by providing a well-insulated shooting enclosure. Additional Insulation has been added.  The enclosure is reducing noise by about 20 dB(A) and noise at any property will be well below the 55 dB(A) guidance level. Both the Chairman and Environmental Health have written to Planning about possible contravention of the 28 day dispensation rule, and suggesting monitoring. Ian Matheson reported they had heard shooting 5 times in the last month and the Community Council agreed that concerned local residents should keep a diary of the occasions when they hear shooting, to assist our monitoring of such activity.
        9. It appears that our fellow Lochaber Community Councils share our expressed view that there is no acceptable reason for further delay until at least April 2026, and have directed the two community representatives on the new Belford Hospital Project Team to write to the Health Secretary asking that it be brought forward. We support that action.
        10. The Chairman has written to Network Rail about the blocking off of a right of way over the railway line near the Coirechoille Road. We await their reply.

        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. Marianne Townsley of SSE Renewables has asked if the Community Council wants to vary the terms relating to Stronelairg Micro Grant awards. Since 2019 there has been 30 applications for funds varying from £150 to £500. 25 were successful and received funds, 3 were successful but declined acceptance and 2 were rejected. As the uptake has been reasonably successful and we cannot increase the amount beyond £500 the Community Council decided to retain the status quo but urge organisations and individuals to access the Stronelairg Wind Farm Community Fund Website and complete the application form if they need funding.
        2. The Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO’s website has now gone live at srascio.scot and has a page with the Community Council Minutes. It will give our communities the opportunity to read the minutes online, but we will still post copies on the village noticeboards at Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge, Achnacarry and Gairlochy.
        3. The Chairman has been in correspondence with Brian Straiton, operations director with CJ Lang about the continuing unscheduled Post Office closures in the Spar Shop. When CJ Lang took over the Sub Post Office in Spean Bridge we were promised that postal services would be available for all the hours the Spar Shop was opened, but in reality it works on reduced hours, and since the upgrade there have been a number of days when it has been closed. We concede that the lack of staff is an ongoing issue with many businesses in both Spean Bridge and Lochaber generally, but is there a solution or are we going to suffer unscheduled closures for the foreseeable future? We await a response.
        4. We have received a list of Contacts from Highland Council which should make it easier and quicker to resolve complaints.
        5. The Community Council have been contacted by residents who live in Achnabobane complaining about their unreliable water supply. They claim to have worked with Scottish Water to fix the issue and a pump and associated electrics have been replaced, but although there has been some improvement they still have problems. Unfortunately, nothing more can be done due to pressure constraints to the system as a whole. The Chairman has written to Scottish Water, Highland Council’s Planning Manager and the Development Planning Team seeking a meeting and solution.

        Treasurer’s Report: Our Account is now operational thanks to the Chairman depositing £1 in the account. We have also received a generous donation from Ferguson Transport of £2000 and our Annual Grant from Highland Council of £605.09 leaving a balance of £3415.21. The Treasurer has a brand new cheque book and funds to pay debts. Over the next month the Treasurer will make arrangements with Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO for the transfer of the remaining funds from the Stronelairg Wind Farm Community Micro Grants Fund so that we once again will take over the fund’s administration.


        The Community Council agreed to remove our Objection from Planning Application 22/01016/FUL after the Agent supplied two valid exceptions permitted for development within the Fort William Hinterland.

        Planning Application 22/02738/FUL– Change of Use from a Forestry Store to a Shed – Station Wood, Tulloch, Roy Bridge.

        Planning Application 22/02460/PNO – Prior notification for forestry related building works (Non-Residential) – Loch Arkaig Workshops, Glen Malie.

        Planning Application 22/03141/FUL – Alterations and Extensions – The Rowans, Bohuntin, Roy Bridge.

        Planning Application 22/03061/FUL – Erection of 3 Houses – Land 160m SE of Stalker’s Cottage, Killiechonate, Spean Bridge

        All were approved following discussion.

        Planning Application 22/02939/FUL – Erection of House and Garage – Land 230m NW of Sealladh na Coille, Achnabobane.

        The Planning Sub Committee have flagged this application due to the lack of information, and misleading location plan provided by the agent, and previous long and complicated planning history. Having read Policy 35 in the in the Highland Wide Local Development Plan and the Supplementary Guidance on Rural Housing (November 2021), and discussed its relevance to 22/02939/FUL the Community Council decided to OBJECT to this application on the grounds of insufficient information to allow us to adequately deliberate on it.

        It is hoped that both an accurate location map, and explanation why the applicant or agent feel that this is an exception to the Guidance will result from our intervention, and that will assist the consultation.

        Any Other Business:

        Both Councillors Liz Saggers and John Grafton introduced themselves and gave a short resume of their steep leaning curve since their election. They were particularly keen to work with the Community Council during their tenure in Office, and had listened intently to the issues debated this evening. The Chairman thanked them for their attendance, and contribution.

        Ian Matheson thanked the Chairman for his diligence in keeping his colleagues fully informed on the many issues that were currently taxing the Community Council, and for his efforts to resolve them satisfactorily.

        The Meeting closed at 21:00. 

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

        Community Council Minutes - July 2022

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 5th July 2022 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.

        Present:   Jenny Hastings, Ian Matheson, John Fotheringham, Ian Langley, and Christine Clephan, Amy Exeter, & and 6 members of the public.

        Apologies:  Judith James-Davies and Alison Munro.

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

        Coire Glas Pumped Storage Scheme: Alan Greenwood of SSE Renewables and Paul Howlett Head of Environment for Strabag UK briefed the Community Council on current developments.

        Alan explained that the preparatory works scheduled to start in July would be slightly delayed, but they were still intending to submit the Planning Application for Mucomir Quarry in the autumn and have another local exhibition in August. Currently they were pursuing the Kilfinnan Road and SSEN transmission upgrades. The next Coire Glas Liaison Group Meeting will be held on 27th July. Stantec were aware of their obligation to produce impressions of the spoil heaps taken from the B8004 at Mucomir, and Alan will follow it up.

        Paul gave us a brief summary of Strabag’s background and experience of tunnelling projects in the UK. He then explained that they had discounted using the Burger Van Lay-by at Letterfinlay on the A82 for shipments of heavy machinery across Loch Lochy to the Coire Glas in favour of either Mucomir Quarry or Corpach. As Corpach would not require planning permission, and the barges could use the Caledonian Canal it now looked that it was the preferred site. Transferring the 30 or 40 loads by barge will probably take at least a month hence the delay.

        To accommodate the work force it was their intention to build a modular worker’s camp on the Ferguson Transport Ground to the south of the village of Spean Bridge adjacent to the A82. There would be 72 self-contained units with en suite facilities. Transfer to Coire Glas would be Minibus, and the workers will be on 12hour shifts, and a drug and alcohol free policy will be enforced.

        Alasdair Ferguson produced preliminary drawings that will accompany the planning application for the Community Council to view. The Community Council will determine its response when the Planning Application is submitted, but it is likely that we will recommend that Transport Scotland temporarily move the 30mph speed limit on the A82 further south beyond the camp.

        The Chairman thanked Alan, Paul and Alasdair for their contributions.

        Minutes of AGM and Monthly Meeting held on 7th June 2022: These were approved

        Proposer –   Jenny Hastings                                          Seconder – Amy Exeter

        Matters Arising:

        1. Youth Membership – Amy Exeter agreed to raise the issue with the members of the Great Glen Explorers, but if that is unsuccessful we will abandon trying to get youth members for the time being.
        2. Bear Scotland – Their inspection team has assessed the footway between Roy Bridge and Inverroy, and some clearance works is currently being programmed. They will continue to monitor the area and attend any emerging issues during the safety inspection cycle.

        Transport Scotland has asked BEAR to review a report, prepared by the Roy Spean SCIO into Active Travel links between Roy Bridge and Spean Bridge, and this will be undertaken during the current financial year.

        Resurfacing of the A82 to the south of Aonachan Crossroads is currently taking place between 7am and 7pm under convoy with works due to be completed on Thursday 7th July.

        Concerns were expressed about the 30 mph warning signs in Roy Bridge malfunctioning and the condition of the pavement between Spean Bridge and Blarour Cemetery. The Chairman will pass on those concerns to BEAR.

        1. Our Community Police Officer PC Deas was unable to attend this evening.
        2. The Chairman responded to the Pharmacy Practices Committee of NHS Highland confirming our intention to continue our support for the Spean Bridge Pharmacy Application, and our intention to attend the Oral Hearing. We await a reply.
        1. The unoccupied 20 flats at Tigh Aran continue to cause us a certain degree of consternation. As previously reported the latest delay relates to the lack of a Roads Construction Consent permission. The Chairman was informed that it normally takes 8 weeks, but he has written to Bear Scotland who are handling the process to request they expedite soonest. We have contributed to an article to appear in this week’s Lochaber Times expressing our displeasure about the repeated delays in completing these much needed affordable homes for our community. Four years from initial planning application till now is wholly unacceptable and we want those responsible for the constant delays held to account particularly Scottish Water and Highland Council’s Transport Planning Team. If the Planning process enjoyed by the ill fated Alloy Wheels Factory had been practised here and all the public agencies had co-operated instead of procrastinating Highland Council, Lochaber Housing and Scottish Water would all have collected Council Tax, Rent and Water Charges which have all been lost. No doubt the taxpayer will be expected to pick up the bill.
        1. Laggan and Glengarry Community Councils – The Chairman had written to both expressing our desire for a closer relationship and Laggan had responded with their intention to discuss at their next meeting and then respond. We await replies in due course.
        2. Fort William 2040 Stakeholder’s Group – It was agreed that Ian Langley would represent the Community Council on this body.
        3. Lochaber Transport Access Health and Social Care Workshop – Ian Langley had circulated the Report of the workshop to his fellow Community councillors.

        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. Councillor Liz Saggers offered to raise any policing issues on our behalf at the Central Committee of the Scottish Police Federation Gathering on 21st June and the Chairman alerted her to the vexed question about the Inverroy Safety report and Police Scotland’s involvement in the decision to retain the 60mph speed limit against the advice of BEAR Scotland. We await a response.
        2. The Transport Forum – The Meeting on 8th June formally approved the winding up of the Forum. Local Bus Services tender for the next 5 years was awarded to Shiel Buses with no change to our local service.
        3. The Lochaber Redesign Stakeholder’s Group who have announced that the redesign of services in Lochaber has taken another significant step forward this week after the Scottish Government’s Capital Investment Group (CIG) approved the initial agreement. The approval sets out the earliest possible start date of April 2026 for construction on the new site in Fort William.Professor Boyd Robertson, NHS Highland Chair, said: “I am pleased that we have reached this major milestone for the redesign project. The news that construction of the new Belford Hospital has been approved is of huge significance. “We can now proceed to the next stage which will involve a more detailed development of the replacement Belford Hospital, workforce plan, and redesign of community services across Lochaber and I know the local communities will be delighted to hear that we are making progress.

        Professor Boyd Robertson has over estimated the joy felt by this local community about further delay and procrastination. We have just debated unacceptable delay in the provision of local affordable housing to be faced with another on our health care.

        1. Rik Eppens of Killiechonate Woodlands has sought our help with discouraging the building of unauthorised cycle tracks on his estate and securing the re-opening of a right of way across the railway line which has been fenced off by Network Rail’s Contractor. The Chairman has visited both sites, and acknowledges that in addition to the environmental damage there is a risk to health if any participant was to fall from their bike and Killiechonate Woodlands does not want to incur any public liability from such an accident. The Chair will write to Network Rail asking for reinstatement of the right of way.
        2. The Chairman attended the relaunch of the newly refurbished Spean Bridge Spar and Post Office at the kind invitation of CJ Lang on Monday 20th The Company is particularly keen to work with the local community, and we would encourage its use.

        Treasurer’s Report: All the documents for changing signatories have been submitted to Virgin Money and we await confirmation that our account is once again operational. This will allow us to arrange the transfer of £5069.04 from Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO who have been administering the Micro Grants from the Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund in our absence.

        The Annual accounts for year ending 31st March have been forwarded to Highland Council together with the AGM Minutes and we expect our annual grant of £605 shortly.

        Our current bank balance remains £809.12.


        Planning Application 22/02554/PNO– Erection of Agricultural Shed – Land 320 m NE of Ivy Cottage 4 Kilmonivaig, Spean Bridge.

        Planning Application 22/02579/FUL – Formation of Private way – Land 45m South of  Sonas, Kilmonivaig, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EX.

        Planning Application 22/02779/FUL – Erection of Pod for Holiday Letting Purposes – Silver Birches, West Tirindrish, Spean Bridge.

        Planning Application 22/02873/FUL – Erection of Replacement House – Tulloch Farm, Tulloch, Roy Bridge

        All were approved following discussion.

        Any Other Business:

        Jenny Hastings raised the matter of the restart of clay pigeon shooting at Achaderry Steading following their planning application refusal. The Chairman believed that some level of shooting was permitted but will consult the legislation and Highland Council about the noise levels permitted.

        Christine Clephan proposed that the Chairman be awarded annual Honorarium of £300, and that was agreed as was that we purchase a replacement printer.

        The Chairman expressed the Community Council’s disappointment about the absence of our Highland Councillors none of whom had attended any meeting since their election. 

        The Meeting closed at 20:30.

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

        Community Council AGM and Meeting - June 2022

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 7th June 2022 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.

        Present:   Judith James-Davies, Alison Munro, Ian Matheson, John Fotheringham, Ian Langley, and Christine Clephan.

        Apologies:  Jenny Hastings and Councillor Liz Saggers

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.


                                                                         Annual General Meeting


        Chairman’s Report: The Community Council had its inaugural meeting on 15th February 2022 after 27 months in temporary abeyance. We had a further meeting before the end of the financial year, and received the Inverroy Safety Report which had been commissioned by Transport Scotland in 2019 following a petition from residents requesting a reduction in the speed limit on the A86 as it passed through Inverroy. Although it upheld the residents request, Transport Scotland had decided  against implementing the recommendation in favour of speed management measures. The Community Council were seeking further clarification from the Agencies involved.

        We received updates about the progress of the Coire Glas Hydro Pumped Storage Scheme, and particularly about the proposal to deposit up to 2.6 million tonnes of rock and spoil extracted from the site at Mucomir Farm. We recognize that if the Hydro Scheme goes ahead it will have a massive impact on our communities during the construction phase and as we are one of the permanent members of the liaison group we will have to closely monitor developments.

        Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Accounts: As we have not had access to our bank account due to signatory issues with Virgin Money the balance of £809.12 remains.

        The Annual Accounts having been circulated, were approved.

        Election Of Office Bearers:

        Chairman:   John Fotheringham      Proposed: Christine Clephan   Seconded: Judith James-Davies

        Secretary:    Christine Clephan    Proposed:  John Fotheringham   Seconded: Judith James-Davies

        Treasurer:    Alison Munro            Proposed: John Fotheringham   Seconded: Christine Clephan


                                                                                   Monthly Meeting


        Minutes of Meeting held on 3rd May 2022: These were approved subject to an amendment to the date signifying the end of the pharmacy consultation which should have read the 21st April not the 21st May.

        Proposer – Christine Clephan                                         Seconder – Alison Munro

        Matters Arising:

        1. Youth Membership – it appears that all local Community Councils have experience similar problems when trying to recruit youth members. We still await a reply from Lochaber High School regarding Youth Membership, but will write to the Explorers Scout Group to see if they are interested.
        2. Bear Scotland – Jenny Hastings had asked about the condition of the pavement between Roy Bridge and Inverroy and the Chairman will write to BEAR Scotland requesting they consider improvement.
        3. The Edinburgh Woollen Mill’s Manager is aware of the problem about litter in their car park, and is actively seeking a solution. Both the Primary School and Explorer Scouts have offered to do litter picks.
        4. Our original Community Police Officer has been replaced by PC Scott Deas. In the meantime the Roads Policing Sergeant has confirmed that he was asked for his opinion on the Inverroy Safety Report’s recommendations, and gave it based on collision data and speed detection. PC Deas is unable to attend this evening but will assist with any issues identified.
        1. The Pharmacy Consultation ended on the 21st April and NHS Highland Pharmacy Practices Committee have prepared the Consultation Analysis Report. The Community Council have a copy and been asked for their comments before 1st July and whether we would like to attend the meeting which will decide whether a licence will be granted. This seems to a needlessly bureaucratic and time wasting process by NHS Highland. They have the evidence, and the application so why don’t they proceed. We will reply and attend the meeting.
        2. The Chairman congratulated Ian Langley and Tony Perriam of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO for the lighting of a beacon on Tom Biorach in celebration of HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Thursday 2nd June.
        3. The Builder R. E. Campbell are back on site at Tigh Aran and have done the additional drainage required and graded the road ready for tar coating but unfortunately that is as far as they can go for now as Lochaber Housing Association cannot certify any payment until the Roads Construction Consent is in place.  This is a bitter disappointment for those who have been allocated houses and it is a pity that none of our elected Highland Councillors are in attendance to take this matter up with the various officials in Highland Council who are responsible for the delays.
        4. The Chairman had attended the Linnhe Community Alliance Meeting on 9th May, and the Minutes had been circulated. Most of the topics discussed had little relevance to our Community Council, and although the purpose of the Alliance was to discuss and support each other in the major developments in Lochaber there appeared little interest in Coire Glas which was our major priority. It was agreed that the Chairman would explore with Laggan, and Glengarry Community Councils some informal arrangement on issues that affect us all.

        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. The Transport Forum – Given the lack of funding and indeed the relative ease with which meetings can be joined online in order to make representations, the executive have taken the decision to dissolve the Forum. In line with their constitution, they are calling a general meeting of the membership to formalise this decision. It is their intention at this meeting to offer suggestions for other ways in which Lochaber residents can make their voices heard in the public transport conversation. The meeting will be on Wednesday, 8th of June at 11am in the Duncansburgh Church Hall off the Parade in Fort William, and Ian Langley will attend on our behalf.
        2. The Secretary of the Linnhe Community Alliance – Circulated Members about the use of Bin Stickers advising of Speed Limits on Trunk Roads. The Community Council will not be seeking to implement the system locally.
        3. Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Strategic Report 2022 to 2025 – are seeking contributions from Community Organisations before 10th The link to the report will be circulated to Community Councillors.
        4. Knoydart Deer Management Group – Notice of Meeting on 14th June at Achnacarry with Agenda, Minutes, and associated papers available.
        5. SSEN Transmission Melgarve Cluster – a report on the stakeholder consultation is available for circulation, but as Glenshero Wind Farm has been rejected by the Scottish Government and Dell and Cloiche have not yet been submitted and may suffer the same fate it would seem that any expansion of Melgarve is at least premature.

        Coire Glas Pumped Storage Scheme: The Great Glen Diversion Path will be open to the public later this month. Ongoing discussions are taking place between Strabag UK and Transport Scotland about the use of the lay-by to the north of Letterfinlay for ferrying heavy equipment across Loch Lochy to the Coire Glas site. Similarly there are discussions with the new burger van proprietor about re-locating the provision of catering to the excavation site during the enforced closure of the lay-by.

        The Chairman has held preliminary talks with SSE Renewables about the principles of Community Benefit that will be available following the final decision to proceed with the project. Confirmation was given that the Community Council will be the sole organisation that will be consulted about the destination of the funds available for our area.


        Planning Application 22/01879/FUL – Erection of self-contained unit for letting purpose – Rivendell, Kilmonivaig, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EX.

        Planning Application 22/02084/LBC – Installation of handrail – Commando Memorial, Spean Bridge.

        Planning Application 22/02154/FUL – Erection of 2 no. pods for letting – Sonas, Kilmonivaig, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EX.

        Planning Application 22/02190/FUL – Erection of replacement house – Poplar Cottage, Bunarkaig, Achnacarry, Spean Bridge, PH34 4EJ.

        Planning Application 22/02195/FUL – Erection of house – East Park, Bunroy, Roy Bridge, PH31 4AG.

        Planning Application 22/02285/FUL – Erection of 4 houses – Land 130M West Of Glendale, Spean Bridge.

        All were approved following discussion.

        Any Other Business:

        Ian Langley will be attending the Transport Facilities Meeting in VAL on 14th June but voiced his frustration at the slow speed of the various committees attempting to build the case for the Belford Hospital replacement. The Chairman pointed out that NHS Highland’s Board and Executives have been aware since the 11th November 2004 of the wishes of the Lochaber residents regarding a new Belford Hospital, and they and successive Scottish Governments must hold the record for procrastination on the subject. Ian will persevere, but we really need some sort of action not more meetings.

        Ian Matheson reported that Mick Tighe was looking for a site locally to house his collection of artefacts.

        The Meeting closed at 20:00.   

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

        Community Council Minutes - May 2022

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 3rd May 2022 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.

        Present:   Jenny Hastings, Alison Munro, Ian Matheson, John Fotheringham, Ian Langley, Christine Clephan, Amy Exeter and Highland Councillors Allan Henderson & Denis Rixson, and 3 members of the public.

        Apologies:  Judith James-Davies.

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

        Coire Glas Pumped Storage Scheme: Alan Greenwood Stakeholder Engagement Manager on the Coire Glas Scheme gave the Community Council a summary of current events including feedback from the first community consultation held both online and at the Exhibition held at the Spean Bridge Community centre on Thursday 21st April. In response to questions from both the Community Councillors and the Public present he confirmed that it was not currently SSE Renewables intention to use Mucomir Farm other than as a final destination for the rock and spoil extracted from Coire Glas. The analysis of the geological rock structure following the preparatory tunnelling investigation will determine the quantity to be removed from the site. Their preparatory works contractor Strabag UK is researching the best method to get their tunnelling equipment to the site and using the Burger Van Layby on the A82 at Letterfinlay to construct a slipway appears the favoured option at present. He agreed to speak privately to a couple who were operating a take away Service from that Layby. Using the rock as the base for a Cruise Liner Terminal or for additional laybys on the A82 alongside Loch Lochy were suggested and noted by Alan.

        The Chairman thanked Alan for his update.

        Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 5th April 2022:

        Proposer – Jenny Hastings                                                              Seconder – Alison Munro

        Matters Arising:

        1. Associate and Youth Membership – Spean Bridge Primary School Parent Council have accepted associate Membership, and Amy Exeter was welcomed to the Community Council as their representative. We await a reply from Lochaber High School regarding Youth Membership.
        2. Bear Scotland had reported amended dates for essential resurfacing on the A86 Trunk road for 3 nights 9th to 12th May, and at Cille Choiril for 10 nights from 15th to 27th May, not including Friday and Saturday. For safety reasons the road will be closed with amnesties every hour.
        3. Ian Langley reported he was setting up a speed watch for Spean Bridge and Roy Bridge and would be looking for Volunteers to help.
        4. The Chairman had approached Edinburgh Woollen Mill’s Manager about litter in their car park. He had reported the problem to their HQ, and was awaiting confirmation that they would tackle the situation. Both the Primary School and Explorer Scouts would be happy to support a litter pick.
        5. The Pharmacy Consultation ended on the 21st May and NHS Highland Pharmacy Practices Committee are preparing a Consultation Analysis Report. They have until the 2nd June to convene a meeting to determine the outcome of the application.
        6. The Chairman wrote to Malcolm MacLeod, Executive Chief Officer for Infrastructure and Environment in Highland Council to request someone from the Planning and Development service attended the May Community Council Meeting. He received a reply from David Mudie the Area Planning Manager South saying that it would not be possible to accede to our request at this time but that the training for community councils programme has been finalised with a view to having that in place by the end of May/early June. It will be ‘virtual’ and a resource that would be available to community councils at any time.  If we still feel that a face to face meeting would be beneficial it may be possible at another time to meet to discuss issues. The Chairman will pursue that offer.
        7. Erecting a Beacon at the Commando Memorial to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee had not been possible, but Jahama Highland Estates have offered to host the event on their land. The local Scouts were planning to mark the occasion with a beacon and piper at the Trig Point on the Great Glen Cattle Ranch.
        8. Ian Langley in his role as Resilience Co-ordinator had assessed local needs and was in the process of making an application to the SSEN Resilient Communities Fund.
        9. It is hoped that some movement is likely on the vexed question about the Occupancy of the 20 Flats at Tigh Aran this month.

        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. From a Bunarkaig resident about the crushed rock deliveries for the Great Glen diversion using the B8004, B8005, and Clunes Forest Track. We were only informed on 16th March, and had immediately complained to the Coire Glas Project Team and Highland Council. We were assured it was only a temporary measure which has now ended and would not be repeated. The Chairman had replied to the complainant ensuring him that we would monitor the situation.
        2. The Agenda for the next meeting Linnhe Community Alliance on 9th May had been circulated. The Chairman will attend and report back.
        3. From Councillor Allan Henderson – the salient points from a Meeting with SSE Renewables about Community Benefit from Coire Glas. Suggestions put to them were—-Housing for young families who could be attracted to the Coire Glas work, or wanted to return to the Glens. Apprenticeships, road widening to be left to benefit the Kilfinnan residents, tracks all to be upgraded and for leisure use. An Outdoor tourist complex /visitor centre( not accommodation) at the foot of the dam which will be screened by the trees to attract longer visits with a via ferrata on the dam. Use of tailrace for kayaks etc. Investment in the project for community groups to give sustainable income and to finish £5K per Megawatt annually. They also mentioned grant schemes for students.
        4. A thank you from Allan Henderson which had been circulated. The Community Council unanimously thanked both Alan and Denis for their service, and commitment over the years.
        5. Liz Saggers, one of our new councillors, had made contact with the Chairman requesting copies of our Minutes, and links to pressing issues. He had forwarded the relevant information and a link to Corie Glas Hydro’s website and we hope to see her at future meetings.

        Treasurer’s Report:  Ian reported that he believed the current balance was more than the £784.12 reported, but had been unable to access the account. It was agreed that the Chairman as the only current signatory should visit Virgin Money and get a statement so that we could complete the annual accounts for the AGM in June. The process of changing the signatories was continuing.

        Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund – The Community Council will again be responsible for the Micro Grants when we have a fully functioning Bank Account. It has been agreed that SSE Renewables will cease to administer this Fund after the summer of 2023 when any remaining money will be transferred to Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO to administer in a similar way as presently undertaken by them.

        Both the Micro and Major Funds have cash available for deserving local causes so please consult the Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Website re eligibility.


        Planning Application 22/00540/FUL– Erection of House and Garage Land 50m NW of MacGregor Ranch, Spean Bridge. The Applicant is seeking the relocation of dwelling house to new position within site following contour survey, additional windows to first floor bedroom, and amended redline boundary.

        They cite a previous Planning Approval 18/02465/FUL as the precedent dated 19/09/18 and claim work commenced on 21/08/21. In the circumstances it is up to Highland Council’s Planning Officers to secure evidence supporting that claim, and the Community Council are happy to leave the approval to them.

        Planning Application 22/01016/FUL Proposed erection of House and Garage Land 45m South of Sonas, Kimonivaig, Spean Bridge.

        This Planning Application is within the Fort William Hinterland, so Policy 35 Housing in the Countryside (Hinterland areas) takes precedent. It states that: The Council will presume against housing in the open countryside of the hinterlands around towns as defined on the Proposals Map. As neither the Applicant or Agent have explained why this development should be built or what  exception to Policy 35 they are claiming we with regret will be Objecting on the grounds of insufficient information.

        Any Other Business:

        Concern was expressed about the abandoned Burger Van in the layby on the A82 north of Letterfinlay. It has been an eyesore for some time, and although planning permission was renewed in December 2021 it is not presently operational. Alan Henderson suggested to the complainant who the responsible person in Highland Council to action their concerns..

        Contacts:    The Community Council has an e-mail address: sbrbacc@yahoo.com for those wishing to raise an issue.

        The Meeting closed at 20:20.    

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

        Community Council Minutes - April 2022

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 5th April 2022 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.

        Present:   Jenny Hastings, Alison Munro, Ian Matheson, John Fotheringham, Ian Langley, Christine Clephan, and Highland Councillors Allan Henderson & Denis Rixson, and 3 members of the public.

        Apologies:  Judith James-Davies.

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

        Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 1st March 2022:

        Proposer – Ian Matheson                                            Seconder – Alison Munro

        Matters Arising:

        1. Associate and Youth Membership – The Chairman has made initial enquiries regarding the nominated persons and awaits a reply.
        2. Inverroy Safety Report – Replies from Kate Forbes MSP and Transport Scotland have been received and circulated. No reply yet from Police Scotland. Matter closed until we see if Speed Measurements work.
        3. Bear Scotland – Resurfacing of the A82 south of Aonachan Crossroads, and south of the Great Glen Cattle Ranch Building is the scheduled for 2022/23 financial year. No plans for creating a bellmouth on the Leanachan Road at the A82 junction.

        The Chairman has responded by asking that urgency be introduced into the last two requests.

        The works scheduled for Tullochroam have been successfully completed; however, due to the poor weather forecast anticipated in the area, the works at West of Lochaber Boundary on the A86 have been postponed until Sunday 1st May 2022. This work is anticipated to run for 3 nights.

        Allan Henderson provided an update on the drainage issues holding up occupancy at Tigh Aran. The Developer had provided the evidence required by the Flood Prevention Team and it was hoped the Development could now be signed off.

        1. The Chairman has written to NHS Highland in support of Mhor Health Pharmacy’s Application.  Local views are being canvassed by NHS Highland. Questionnaires can be found on the NHS Highland Website or paper copies obtained by phoning 01463 706886. The Consultation closes at 5.00pm on 21st April 2022.
        2. Regretfully no response from Police Scotland.
        3. Tulloch -Mallaig Commuter Shuttle Report – Ian Langley had circulated the Report to all. It was a most interesting read and we will monitor its progress with interest. Matter closed.
        4. CJ Lang – A very positive response about an upgrade for Spean Bridge Spar Shop, and an assurance about the future of the Post office facility had been received from Brian Straiton, Company Owned Stores Operations Director at CJ Lang.

        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

        1. Spean Roy SCIO – an enquiry about a press release championing their cause, but including our concerns about the speed limit in Inverroy and a pedestrian bridge over the River Spean. The Chairman has replied to the enquiry. Matter closed.
        2. Secretary of the Linnhe Community Alliance about Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council joining the group.
        3. Rik Eppens of Killiechonate Woodlands has suggested that in advance of new legislation on noise and air pollution we purchase and install adjacent to the A82 and A86 some measuring equipment to determine the current levels of emissions from traffic using our Trunk Roads. It would provide valuable information for future planning applications. Two sites adjacent to the Trunk Roads have been identified and we will purchase monitors when our bank account is operational.
        4. Highland Senior Citizens Network March 22 Newsheet has been circulated.
        5. Strategic Transport Project Review 2 – Formal consultation – Visit the website between 20 January and 15 April 2022 to give your views by completing the consultation online: transport.gov.scot/stpr2/
        6. SSEN is encouraging applications for its £1m Resilient Communities Fund. The aim of the fund is to help communities become more resilient in the face of severe weather events and prolonged power interruptions. Ian Langley in his role as Resilience Co-ordinator will assess local needs and if required make the necessary application.
        7. The Household Hardship Fund is a £250,000 fund provided by the Robertson Trust and administered by Corra Foundation. The Chairman had alerted those locally who might be able to make an application.
        8. From Councillor Sarah Fanet an invitation to attend a virtual meeting on 25th April at 7.00pm on Community Led Habitat Restoration applicable to coastal communities and those with sea lochs.

        Treasurer’s Report:  Ian reported that the current balance is £784.12. As our financial year ends on 31st March we will now prepare the final accounts and arrange examination prior to our AGM before 30th June.

        Coire Glas Pumped Storage Scheme: There has been two meetings with representatives of the Coire Glas Hydro Pumped Storage Project Team as well as a Coire Glas Liaison Group Meeting in the past month. Preparatory works to excavate a tunnel 4 metres by 5 metres 1000 metres into the mountain will commence in July, and take about 18 months to complete. Only then will we receive confirmation that the Project will proceed. They will continue to explore options and will need to submit a Rock and Spoil Disposal Planning Application for approval before starting the main construction phase. Our Communities will be affected during the Preparatory Works phase with the B8004, B8005, and Clunes Forest Track being used for shipments of crushed stone and gravel for use on the Great Glen Way diversion path, and a slipway being constructed adjacent to the A82 Burger Van Layby north of Letterfinlay. Mucomir Farm remains a possible destination for up to 2.6 million tonnes of rock and spoil resulting from the works in the main phase, and SSE Renewables are having a face to face consultation about using Mucomir Farm at Spean Bridge Community Centre on Thursday 21st April between 2pm and 7pm and a Community Councillor will be in attendance. They will also be hosting a virtual exhibition on the Coire Glas project website between 19 April 2022 and 13 May 2022.

        Councillor Rixson drew our attention to the South Planning Committee’s concern about Mucomir, relating to the lack of information, need for an archaeological survey of the site, concern about dredging and seeking assurances about a meaningful dialogue with the local community. Both he and the Committee Chairman had expressed some unease about the independence of a Chairman of the Liaison Committee who was paid by the Developer and had little local knowledge.

        Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund – Although this is the final year of the Fund SSE Renewables are mindful to hand any remaining monies at the end of the year to Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO to administer in a similar way as presently undertaken by them. However both the Micro and Major Funds have cash available for deserving local causes so please consult the Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Website re eligibility.

        The Chairman has been in protracted discussion with the Chairs of Laggan, and Stratherrick and Foyers Community Councils and SSE Renewables about the eligibility of Ali Energy a sustainable energy use charity based in Oban getting access to Stronelairg Funds to support those suffering from fuel poverty in our areas. Both of our Highland Councillors were aware that there had been a dialogue between this Charity and Lochaber Housing Association.


        Planning Application 22/00524/FUL Conversion of Shed to Holiday Letting Unit at garden ground of 15 Aonachan Gardens, Spean Bridge.

        Planning Application 22/00906/FUL Erection of extension to form function room and licenced bar at Spean Bridge Sports Club. Both were approved.

        The Chairman will write to Malcolm MacLeod, Executive Chief Officer for Infrastructure and Environment in Highland Council to request someone from the Planning and Development service attends the May Community Council Meeting to explain the procedure about responding to Planning Applications by both statutory bodies and the public.

        The Community Council as a Statutory Consultee has 14 days to respond to Planning Applications, but has noted that others often take many months to respond but still their submissions seem to be considered.


        Any Other Business:

        Tony Perriam raised the issue of having a Beacon near to the Commando Memorial to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee on 2nd June. The Community Council had no objection in principle, but he would need to liaise with a number of authorities.

        Councillor Rixson explained that Highland Council intended to plant 70 trees in every ward to mark the occasion, and Councillor Henderson suggested that Tony should contact Dot Ferguson as Highland Council were responsible for the Commando Memorial Site. Ian Langley said that the local British Legion Branch may have Gas Beacon Equipment.

        The Chairman thanked both Allan Henderson and Denis Rixson for their service as Highland Councillors and in particular for their tremendous support to the Community Council. Allan had been a regular attender at our meeting for 15 years and during that time led the fight against the closure of Roy Bridge School, championed our cause for affordable homes and has always been there with advice and help when we struggled with Highland Council’s policies.

        Denis too has offered sage advice and support and we should not forget Ben Thompson who resigned before we re-formed. All three supported us through good and bad times and will be missed.

        It has indeed been unfortunate that Caol and Mallaig is the only Highland Council Ward that is uncontested in the forthcoming elections, but we will expect those Councillors that have been elected to step up to the mark and support us unconditionally.

        Contacts:    The Community Council has an e-mail address: sbrbacc@yahoo.com for those wishing to raise an issue.

        The Meeting closed at 19:55.          

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

        Community Council Minutes - March 2022

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 1st March 2022 in Kilmonivaig Church Hall.

        Present:  Judith James-Davies, Jenny Hastings, Alison Munro, Ian Matheson, John Fotheringham, Ian Langley, and Highland Councillor Allan Henderson, and five members of the public.

        Apologies:  Christine Clephan, & Councillor Denis Rixson

        Conflict of Interest Declarations: John Fotheringham, Ian Langley and Christine Clephan are Trustees, and Ian Matheson is a member of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry SCIO, John is also a Director of the Community Housing Trust. Ian Langley is a Director of the Community Rail Partnership.

        Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 15th February 2022: Ian Matheson noted that he not Ian Langley proposed John Fotheringham for Chairman, and the Minutes were so amended. The Minutes having been circulated and there being no further amendments were approved.

        Proposer –   Ian Langley           Seconder – Ian Matheson

        Associate Membership: As outlined by Dot Ferguson we have the right under the Constitution to invite members of specified local organizations to be associate members. We also have the opportunity to co-opt a further two members and to appoint young people aged 16 to 18. After a discussion it was decided to invite the Parent Council of Spean Bridge Primary School to nominate someone as an Associate member and to write to the Head Teacher of Lochaber High School to determine whether any 16 to 18 year old from our Community might be interested in joining the Community Council.

        Correspondence:  The Chairman had been in correspondence with –

            1. Transport Scotland in relation to the Inverroy Road Safety Report. Richard Perry had forwarded a copy of the report which had been circulated. Although the report had recommended a 50mph speed limit in Inverroy Transport Scotland after consultation with Police Scotland had decided against implementing it. They considered that additional speed management measures would resolve concerns. The Chairman had written to Inspector Nick Hough of Police Scotland, Transport Scotland, and Kate Forbes MSP seeking clarification.
            2. SSE Renewables in relation to their plans for Coire Glas Hydro Pumped Storage Scheme. The Project team will send a speaker to the Community Council Meeting on 5th April 2022 to discuss the proposal to deposit and landscape up to 2.6 million tonnes of rock and spoil from the construction at Mucomir Farm. We will endeavour to alert those residents of Mucomir and Gairlochy. There will also be an opportunity for Community Councillors to meet Alan Greenwood, the Stakeholder Engagement Manager for the Project at Kilmonivaig Church Hall at 3.30pm on 14th
            3. BEAR Scotland have advised that Rachel Youngs is the point of contact for any issues relating to the A82 and A86 trunk roads and Colin Watson is their Network Manager. They also advised of roadworks on the A86 at:

        Tullochroam Phase 2 14/03/2022 to 28/03/2022 (11 nights) Road closure 8pm to 6am with no suitable diversion routes. Timed amnesties provided each night at 9pm, 10pm, 11pm, 12am, 2am and 4am.

        West of Lochaber Boundary 29/03/2022 to 31/03/2022 (3 nights) 15/03/22 to 16/03/2022 (2 days) 10mph mobile convoy with 2-way temporary traffic lights from 7am to 7pm.

        Two current issues were identified and will be referred to BEAR Scotland. They are potholes between Spean Bridge and Torlundy on the A82 and the need for a bellmouth on the entrance to the Leanachan Road at the Aonachan Crossroads on the A82.

            1. Mhor Health Pharmacy have applied to open a pharmacy at Invercauld House, Spean Bridge. Local views are being canvassed by NHS Highland. Questionnaires can be found on the NHS Highland Website or paper copies obtained by phoning 01463 706886. The Consultation closes at 5.00pm on 21st April 2022. It was agreed that the Community Council would support the application.
            2. Police Scotland requesting the attendance of the Community Police Officer at future Meetings.

        Treasurer’s Report:  Ian reported that the current balance is £784.12. He will be in contact with Virgin Money about changing the main signatory on the account after receiving the Community Council’s previous records. The Chairman had forwarded to Highland Council a copy of the Final Accounts for year ending 31st March 2020 which may release a partial grant for this year.

        Sub Committees and Appointments: Previously the Community Council had appointed a Resilience Co-ordinator to plan for such things as weather emergencies, floods etc. It was agreed that Ian Langley should be appointed to that role.

        Under Condition 23 of the Approval of Coire Glas representatives of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council have an open invitation to attend Meetings of the Coire Glas Liaison Group. Next meeting by ZOOM is 16th March and it was agreed that John Fotheringham and Ian Langley should attend.

        Each week our e-mail address receives the Planning Applications for our area and in the past we have had a small committee to scrutinize them. Although we are a statutory consultee we only have 14 working days to respond hence the need to look at them weekly. If the sub-committee feels they may be contentious they may ask for an extension so that the Community Council can examine them.

        A sub-committee of John Fotheringham, Jenny Hastings, & Ian Matheson was elected.                                                                                                   

        Scotrail Tulloch – Mallaig Commuter Shuttle Project : With the assistance of HITRANS  a specialist consultant had produced a report into the scope for developing rail services in and around Fort William with a view to widening travel options and helping ease congestion in the tourist hub. Opportunities around expansion of services include providing school travel to Lochaber High from Tulloch in, available for commuter, developing park and ride on the A82 north of the town, including Spean Bridge, servicing the Nevis Range ski development, encouraging trips to Glenfinnan, and creating a new station at Ben Nevis Distillery for pupils at Lochaber High School, and eventually those attending the new Hospital. The Fort William Opportunities around Rail Report was now with Transport Scotland.


        Planning Application 22/00813/FUL Erection of Outbuilding at Tall Pines Lodge, Gairlochy was approved.

        Planning Application 18/02761/FUL to build 20 residential flats in Spean Bridge was approved on the 19th June 2019. The Flats were duly built and allocated to families, but so far remain unoccupied. The Community Council a long time advocate of affordable housing provision for our Community believe that Scottish Water and Highland Council are responsible for the delay. Rachel Matthews claimed that in her opinion the delays were due to the developer not adhering to planning conditions in particular the unauthorised installation of an outlet pipe from the development into a culvert that runs past their property.

        The Chairman noted it was only her opinion and that she should take it up with the proper authorities, and her Highland Councillor. He will write to those responsible requesting that they expedite any issues speedily, so that the flats may be occupied.

        Any Other Business: The Chairman had attended a Meeting with Parents from Roy Bridge with children at Spean Bridge Primary School and Education Scotland relating to the closure of Roy Bridge School. Education Scotland will publish a report of their findings.

        One of the issues that was raised by parents was the lack of supervision on the school bus, and Councillor Henderson explained that Highland Council were aware and were looking at other ways to transport pupils.

        The Chairman agreed to write to CJ Lang in relation to various issues experienced by Customers using the Post Office Facility in the Spean Bridge Spar.

        Ian Langley requested that we determine what was happening about the Lochaber Committee of  Fort William 2040, and the Chairman will so enquire.

        He also offered to be our representative on the New Belford Hospital Committee.

        Contacts:    The Community Council has an e-mail address: sbrbacc@yahoo.com for those wishing to raise an issue.

        The Meeting closed at 20:15

        John Fotheringham, Chairman

        Inaugural 2022-23 Community Council Minutes - February 2022

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 15th February 2022 Via MS Teams.

        Present:  Dot Ferguson, Jenny Hastings, Alison Munro, Christine Clephan, Ian Matheson, John Fotheringham, Ian Langley, and Highland Councillor Denis Rixson.

        Apologies: Councillor Allan Henderson and Judith James-Davies.

        Opening Meeting: Dot Ferguson Senior Ward Manager for Highland Council welcomed the new Community Councillors and gave a short insight into how and why Community Councils were formed and their value to the Community.

        Appointment of Office Bearers: The following were elected:

        Chairman: John Fotheringham      Proposer – Ian Langley                  Seconder – Christine Clephan

        Secretary: Christine Clephan         Proposer – John Fotheringham    Seconder – Alison Munro

        Treasurer: Ian Langley                    Proposer – John Fotheringham    Seconder – Christine Clephan

        Adoption of the Constitution and Standing Orders:  Dot explained that each Community Councillor on their appointment had been alerted to the Scheme of Establishment for Community Council and in particular Appendices 3 and 4 which contained the Constitution and Standing Orders. It was important that they read and understood their responsibilities, and particularly avoided any conflicts of interest that might occur. After a short discussion it was agreed to adopt the Constitution and Standing Orders.

        Proposer:   Ian Langley                 Seconder: John Fotheringham

        Associate Membership: Dot then explained that the Community Council if they so desired could co-opt an additional 2 Community Councillors, offer associate Membership to key groups in the Community and invite youth members aged 16 to 18 to join. It was unanimously agreed to give this matter some thought, and discuss at a future meeting.

        Future Meeting Dates: It was agreed that the Community Council should meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm in Kilmonivaig Parish Church Hall.

        Any Other Business: Although the last Minutes of the Community Council Meeting of 1st October 2019 still had some relevance it was agreed that the Chairman should contact the various Agencies that contributed to previous meetings to get current contacts.

        It was also agreed to ask the Coire Glas Hydro Pumped Storage Scheme Project Team to attend our next Meeting to explain recent developments including the deposition and landscaping proposal for Mucomir Quarry and Farm.

        Other Priorities identified were obtaining from Transport Scotland the long awaited Inverroy Road Safety Report, creating a Sub-Committee to review Planning Applications, examining the proposal to site a pharmacy in Spean Bridge, and achieve an improvement in postal facilities at the Spar Shop.

        No doubt the Trunk Roads A82 and A86 will figure regularly in our deliberations.

        The Community Council will also engage with the process to close Roy Bridge Primary School.

        Contacts:    The Community Council has an e-mail address: sbrbacc@yahoo.com for those wishing to raise an issue.

        The Chairman thanked Dot Ferguson for convening the meeting and explain the procedures so succinctly and to Councillor Denis Rixson for attending and offering support and advice.

        The Meeting closed at 20:00

        Christine Clephan, Secretary

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